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Spike in Wooden Chest


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> @"Jura.2170" said:

> Wooden Chests are suppose to have yellow rares in them


> But when I opened one today, it only had a spike in it


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/qUlbY3i.png "")


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Wooden_Chest



Your inventory is full. The rare item that was in the chest likely went into your inventory first causing it to be full.

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No I will agree the inventory full thing caused this. I bet the wooden chest had a good item and the spike on the right side of unclaimed loot. You then deposited an item to grab the good loot right clicked took some loot most likely from the chest but because the unclaimed loot widow was still opened the chest stays there for you to ss and pretend you got a spike in the chest.

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> @"Jilora.9524" said:

> I bet the wooden chest had a good item and the spike on the right side of unclaimed loot.


Spikes are only suppose to be in Bags of Loot



If there had been 2 things on floor, a Wooden Chest and Bag of Loot underneath it, I would have seen both


The text for the item on the floor was only Wooden Chest, there wasnt Bag of Loot written under it or to a side


And if there had been a Bag of Loot in the same space as the Wooden Chest, it would be in the picture, because the Wooden Chest is open


> You then deposited an item to grab the good loot right clicked took some loot most likely from the chest but because the unclaimed loot widow was still opened the chest stays there for you to ss and pretend you got a spike in the chest.


Im not pretending anything. Im not getting anything from making this bug report and I dont want anything


This is a bug that needs to be fixed


And btw, there's 2 red Your inventory is full messages because I opened the Chest once, ran a bit away and came back to the Chest and tried to open it again, because I couldnt believe there was only a Spike in it


A Chest disappears as soon as you take the rare in it, and the rare taken is shown on the right side of the screen. Do you see a rare item picture on the right, above my mini map?



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No, You are at a tower. Maybe you killed guards. The bag of loot could be out of your ss because of aoe loot. Your say inventory was full. You picked up 2 items at least. Auto loot picked up the wooden chest from a player or mob w/e and the spike from the guards or maybe each guard dropped something idk. You did what I said. You can't run away and loot again as the chest would be gone. The only way is you there were multiple items on the right you grabbed one and let the spike sit there and tried to grab the spike to proc the 2nd inv full msg. Then you took your ss

No you took the rare item but the chest will sit there if other items are also in that loot window allowing you to take the rare and leave the spike which I now have no doubt you did and are misleading intentionally.

I can only guess scenarios but I know for sure a wooden chest didn't have only a spike in it.

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