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On one side:"PvP is dead"..on another side:"We need more nerfs"


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The funny thing is most players are so short sighted or close minded they fail to realize powercreep can happen and even be worse after such a bad patch as the feb patch. For example there were builds right after the patch that ended up in a crazy power crept spot in relation to the rest of the roster ie necro with shroud, hp on the ranger vines, holo and so on and so on and compared to a class like warrior they are badly power crept in comparison as when compared to pre patch. The feb patch basically put a nail in the coffin.

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We live in a world where traiting Unholy feast into Devouring darkness corrupts... 1 boon


Where firebrand gives out 1 second of protection in PvP and heals for less than 1% of their hp with their heal skill


Where 10 (non-overloading) engineer turrets on a node manage to be less useful than a ranger pet


Where mirage can't even afford to take advantage of most ambushes not named sword.


Where guaranteed crits crit for 17 damage.


Where executes execute for 5 damage.


Where 5 minute cooldowns on mediocre traits are abundant


But sure, more nerfs will fix it.



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> @"Kuma.1503" said:

> We live in a world where traiting Unholy feast into Devouring darkness corrupts... 1 boon


> Where firebrand gives out 1 second of protection in PvP and heals for less than 1% of their hp with their heal skill


> Where 10 (non-overloading) engineer turrets on a node manage to be less useful than a ranger pet


> Where mirage can't even afford to take advantage of most ambushes not named sword.


> Where guaranteed crits crit for 17 damage.


> Where executes execute for 5 damage.


> Where 5 minute cooldowns on mediocre traits are abundant


> But sure, more nerfs will fix it.




This^. I'm sry but one sec of anything but a well timed interrupt is completely useless and may as well not exists in this games state, seriously what dev thinks 1 sec of any boon or effect is usefull or fun.

Seriously just give everyone a stick with 4 basic skills that do the same thing to every class, people will still complain that certain classes are op in some way lol.

Game gets 0 support, lame and lazy changes on the infrequent patches it gets and has been nerfed and dumbed down to the point most classes are 0 fun to play = why the population is so low and getting lower and u guys want to ruin it more haha. See the players are doing a great job helping anet destroy the games pvp, trust me they dont need ur help.

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