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Charr Run

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When Charr players are running, they run on all fours unless in battle, but Charr NPC's are able to run on two feet without weapons in hand, which I sometimes find to be preferable to look at. I know from a non visual standpoint this doesn't matter, but I know Charr players can walk on two feet, is there any way for us to run on two feet?

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> That's not walking but running. They **run** on all fours, but **walk** on their hind legs.


> However, I hate their hunchback while standing and walking. It makes no sense. Charr posture looked a lot better in GW1 (and _those_ were savages compared to GW2's Charr).


100% this. Hate the hunch back look.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> However, I hate their hunchback while standing and walking. It makes no sense. Charr posture looked a lot better in GW1 (and _those_ were savages compared to GW2's Charr).


The posture makes total sense in order for them to transition seemlessly from bipedal to quadruped. It's been said before numerous times but try getting on all fours than look straight ahead, your neck would hurt and it would be an uncomfortable and unnatural posture to be in because we're built only to be bipedal. The Charr "hunch" is exactly what's required in order to have a player character start galloping on all fours, which in my opinion is the most badas and unique things I've ever seen for a MMO PC. I'd take the "hunch" anyday over the Charr just looking like reskinned humans like boring khajiit.


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No! I like my Charr the way he is. :smile: Both running and walking are cool, and i actually like the hunched look because they're basically cat people with horns. I'm tired of all the beast races with human breasts in other games, Charr actually look like another species, not just a furry human. So they are perfect the way they are. Both male and female charr.


I don't see the need to change anything. Especially not the run animation except that it looks a bit slow motion at times, but that's tied to game mechanics so it's understandable. Every race has that.

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> @"ChampionMasquerade.5283" said:

> but Charr NPC's are able to run on two feet without weapons in hand


Because charr run style is dependent on mostly run speed. If you're in combat but have Superspeed = on all fours. If you give charr NPCs swiftness or superspeed = on all fours. I've even been in combat with Swiftness and still do the on all fours animation, but it's random, not normal.

If a charr player is NOT in combat (doesn't take damage), but still is affected some control debuff = walk upright. Non-damage speed debuff sources are pretty rare.


> @"scorekeeper.6524" said:

> Hate the hunch back look.

Must have not seen a lot of tiger necks.



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> @"ChampionMasquerade.5283" said:

> I wanna make clear that I don’t wanna change the way they run permanently, I just wasn’t sure of it was an option or not


Well it's automatic, there's no way to change it, just like any other race can't change their animatios so charr can't either.


> @"scorekeeper.6524" said:

> Go look at Gw1 charr, walking upright without hunchbacks. All your arguments for the current look go out the window.


Nobody cares about GW1 charr, that was either a technical limitation and they slapped every skin on a bipedal body to avoid rigging special bones just for Charr or they added the run animation later just because. The same goes for hunced posture. It was either a limitation or a time saver to just slap everything on an existing bipedal skeleton rig for animation.


It's normal for creators to "update" the lore, and the last update always counts as canon unless otherwise stated or shown that the previous iteration works along the update. And since no GW1 charr that walk upright exist in GW2, then the hunched look is canon.

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> @"XenoSpyro.1780" said:

> If a charr player is NOT in combat (doesn't take damage), but still is affected some control debuff = walk upright. Non-damage speed debuff sources are pretty rare.


There's cripple. Makes charr limp, but i've never seen it without holding weapons since whenever you have a condition on you then you're "in combat" so it switches to the bipedal stance.


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> @"Veprovina.4876" said:

> > @"XenoSpyro.1780" said:

> > If a charr player is NOT in combat (doesn't take damage), but still is affected some control debuff = walk upright. Non-damage speed debuff sources are pretty rare.


> There's cripple. Makes charr limp, but i've never seen it without holding weapons since whenever you have a condition on you then you're "in combat" so it switches to the bipedal stance.



I’ve done so when not holding weapons, normally after falling a small distance.

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> @"ChampionMasquerade.5283" said:

> > @"Veprovina.4876" said:

> > > @"XenoSpyro.1780" said:

> > > If a charr player is NOT in combat (doesn't take damage), but still is affected some control debuff = walk upright. Non-damage speed debuff sources are pretty rare.

> >

> > There's cripple. Makes charr limp, but i've never seen it without holding weapons since whenever you have a condition on you then you're "in combat" so it switches to the bipedal stance.

> >


> I’ve done so when not holding weapons, normally after falling a small distance.


Heh, cool. :smile:

But it might be a bug, i don't think it's intended.

But whatever it is, charr run like they do, you can't change that so whatever...

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> @"Veprovina.4876" said:

> > @"ChampionMasquerade.5283" said:

> > > @"Veprovina.4876" said:

> > > > @"XenoSpyro.1780" said:

> > > > If a charr player is NOT in combat (doesn't take damage), but still is affected some control debuff = walk upright. Non-damage speed debuff sources are pretty rare.

> > >

> > > There's cripple. Makes charr limp, but i've never seen it without holding weapons since whenever you have a condition on you then you're "in combat" so it switches to the bipedal stance.

> > >

> >

> > I’ve done so when not holding weapons, normally after falling a small distance.


> Heh, cool. :smile:

> But it might be a bug, i don't think it's intended.

> But whatever it is, charr run like they do, you can't change that so whatever...


Gotcha, thanks for telling me (though if it was a big I think it’s be fixed by now, it’s been a thing for at least seven months)

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> @"Svennis.3852" said:

> I’ve seen this requested before, but it’s unlikely ANet would ever give players a run toggle option.


> If you wanna play non-hunched over cat people, there’s always ESO and FF14 lol.


You _do_ have a run toggle option, your "insert" key. Your charr will walk upright, but he/she will only _walk_.


I was not a fan of the charr running animation at first, then someone on this forum pointed out that they look like an excited cat running after a toy.

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