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[Living World] S05E05 - Primordius Rising: initial scenery

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**Instance:** Eye of the North

First cinematic and scripted dialogues in chapter 1, at the scrying pool (first scene).


**Description:** purely visual? Aurene doesn't show, her portrait isn't displayed in dialogues, and there is no cell to hold the Mouth of Jormag. I'm very affirmative about the later and the missing dragon head in dialogues. And if I recall correctly, the scenery wasn't as it will be later: only icy protrusions everywhere, and preventing to go beyond the pool. I only realized the bug when I came here a second time (for the second stage of chapter 1, when Aurene and Jormag keep on jousting just before Taimi calls for help in Metrica Province) , and this time, flowers everywhere, Aurene showing, the Mouth in cage, and a dragon head in the dialogue boxes. All happens as if Braham, Rytlock, and the Mouth had been introduced in a predated environment, first time I saw them.


**Context:** I've not unlocked any of the former S05 episodes. I came a first time using my portal stone (to find no one but the ghosts), then returned a second time using the waypoint to find players, merchants, and a empty, frozen scrying pool. Only then, I switched to the saga, but I don't remember where I was when I did it (from inside EoN or from outside), sorry. Also, I've no screenshot because things appeared quasi-normal.


Perhaps, the "bug" comes when you switch to the saga for the first time ever, while already being at EoN?

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