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Riding Broom Glider Combo: why full price for owners of broom?

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Dear ANet devs,


Why o why do I have to pay the full price when I already own a Riding Broom? Shouldn't that be subtracted from the full price? :/


**Note:** The Gem Store, as usual, is buggy and I cannot preview the broom, only the other two items. But according to the preview image, it is the default broom.


Edit: Just saw that the items are available separately as well. Still, 900 Gems vs. 1000 Gems, that is hardly a discount for those who already bought the broom.

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The riding broom toy isn't a limited-per-account purchase. You can purchase as many for yourself as you want (that is if you don't want to bother putting in the bank or shared inventory slots to switch it between characters).


What's the big deal anyway? It sounds like the combo with the glider and toy together isn't much of a discount than purchasing them separately. As for me, I'll buy the glider by itself. I have the costume brawl toy broom that comes with the witche's outfit anyway, and 1 of the brawl skills is to ride it, so it's sort of a combination of a travel toy and costume brawl item.


I'm still hoping for a Mad Mirror glider. I bought the travel toy last year because it was cool looking.


Edit: On second thought, I went ahead and bought the combo. It was only an extra 150 gems compared to buying the mini, glider, and travel toy separately.

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> @Ashantara.8731 said:

> People seem to be forgetting that, in the past, there have been several Gem Store bundles where you would get the item(s) you already own subtracted from the price.


This is true. However, when they changed the magic carpet travel toy into a glider, they didn't let those of us with the magic carpet travel toy get a discount. So, it seems as though they intend for any gliders based on the travel toys to not give a discount.

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @Ashantara.8731 said:

> > People seem to be forgetting that, in the past, there have been several Gem Store bundles where you would get the item(s) you already own subtracted from the price.

> Also when HoT launched people who owned the white and black wings could talk to an NPC to get glider versions for free.


Yep. Still hoping to get my Magic Carpet glider like I did my wing gliders.

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @Ashantara.8731 said:

> > People seem to be forgetting that, in the past, there have been several Gem Store bundles where you would get the item(s) you already own subtracted from the price.

> Also when HoT launched people who owned the white and black wings could talk to an NPC to get glider versions for free.


The skins for the wings back piece and glider are the same. The skin for the broom travel toy and broom glider are not.

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