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[STUPID IDEA] Nec-NO-mancers for a day


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Let's demonstrate our right to peacefully protest by creating a single day where no one in the world plays their necromancer, to show that we are unified and deserve to be heard! Spread the word! Oct. 31 ... play your alts. There will not be a single Necromancer in all of GW2!


p.s. Great thread title, right? I get paid to write.

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> @Dragoth.7153 said:

> I already switched my equipment, trying mirage and weaver. Tried renegade and holo too (got a lot of ascended sets). Sadly nothing is even half as fun as playing my 1800h necro. I guess it's time to drop gw2.


that's the healthy answer to this problem. A problem devs refuses to address.

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I did think of something like this as well then i realized that, even if we get enough people on board it would go down a little something like this.

Dev 1: "Hey guys, good new. No one is playing necro anymore, looks like they finally re rolled"

Dev 2: "Thank goodness. I was running out of ideas to nerf the darn thing."

Dev 1: "I know right? Guess we can all go back to work on that 100k DPS elementalist spec, for the next xpac, now."

Dev 2: "Sounds great."

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I already moved on Firebrand. Doesn't have the feeling Scourge had, but at least its one of "favored classes" so i'm safe. Maybe i will come back on Scourge, when devs are playing this class and understand what is wrong with it. I'm a patience person, but after so many fails from Anet, i have a sour feeling in my mouth. And with their last comment, saying we are "heavy support" i knew, its time to move on, another class.

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I've long since moved to Dragonhunter in pvp.


During the season, the meta Scourges basically did the same thing as Dragonhunters: they had less defense but their trap equivalents had range. I thought they were pretty balanced but F keys needed a better tell and a delay to allow for counter play


Now they are such junk that it is sad. I'm playing Stronghold this offseason, and Scourges there kill their teams with their terrible ranged defenses, lack of Cc to interrupt channels, slow land speed, lack of cover blocks to secure channels, and requirement that enemies stand in circles to do damage.



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