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LFG and Forum issues

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1. New players do a google search for the forums and are sent to the old one. Very confusing and disappointing. It just looks like a dead community.

2. New players can't figure out how to play with other people. They run around for hours being killed by Legendaries and Vets in the Halloween Labyrinth, and also Silverwastes. This is a real problem. New players have been messaging me a lot lately confused and overwhelmed and they don't understand how it works. They say the game is dead. There needs to be a better method to get new players into populated maps. The current system is flawed. These new players are unnecessarily struggling to play your game. We cannot assume/expect new players to understand how to use the LFG tool, especially when no tutorial was provided.


If you want this game to be more active, start by fixing these problems ASAP.

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Something to keep in mind is adding tutorials doesn't do much other than annoy people. Most are not interested in sitting through tutorials and often skip or ignore the explanation entirely. If anyone simply looked at the buttons they would see "LFG" there and each category has an explanation in the form of a tool-tip. However, consider the fact in many games players do not even know what their abilities fully do, despite the fact most games now a days explain every single thing they do, even ranges, etc.


The issue here is a player/community issue, many prefer to remain ignorant and blame others for being ignorant.

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> @ListenToMe.5130 said:

> Very helpful to the discussion.


Thank you. I thought so myself.


Now, to add to the discussion in a more meaningful way I suppose -- first, the old forums are indexed by Googles engine and the content that people are finding is pointing to a valid and relevant source. It'll be taken down soon enough and Google will drop it from their crawl once they start getting 404 errors. Personally, I'd be pissed if I went to Google to search for an answer, which is in the old forums, but couldn't find it because YOU said that content should disappear sooner for... reasons about a dead community? What?


As far as new players in populated maps -- the entire 1-80 experience prepares people for content at max level. That's called events. The mega-server system helps ensure people are getting put into populated maps. If they're in an unpopulated map then they're in 1) an overflow or 2) a map that has few players in it already. How do you propose we fix that? How do you propose a solution to the second "problem" you listed? You say, "the current system is flawed" but fail to mention the flaws. From where I stand I see a healthy, populated game with a helpful community that can provide answers when questions are asked. What more do we need? Please, I want to know your answers because all I saw was a demand for someone to fix a problem (that you think is a problem) without a suggestion on how to fix it. Don't be lazy. Propose a solution.



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As for the forums, when directed to the old forums, there's a great big announcement (and link) directing them to this forum. (It may, or may not be an issue after Oct. 31st.)

As for the LFG, the information is in the Level-up tutorial at L29. If players don't pay attention to the tutorial (tips), there's not much else to be done.


Good luck.

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I feel like jumping in as devils advocate.


If you're on a toon you boosted you'll miss the level 29 levelup tip. Especially in Silverwastes.


It's extremely common in this game for me to see groups of players running from event to event without talking. In dungeons people only tend to comment if things go wrong. It can feel like aside from npcs that the world is silent at times.


That lfg button can be small depending on your screen resolution.


But the community is a million times better than other mmos where there isn't individual drops and you have to roll for items. Elitism and trolling happens but it's rarer. I meet more trolls playing chess online. I do wish more people were willing to explain mechanics though.


I hate that asura fractal with the slime boss because even at tier 3 people don't know the mechanics and dps during the shield phase, forget to cc, we wipe and the group collapses after someone rages instead of explaining mechanics.


Or though don't kill the slime vets etc.


This game is fun, but mmos can be very confusing for new players. They have to learn a whole new kanguage:


Dps, cc, tank, breakbar, boons, conditions, vets, champs, wp etc etc


People with experience somitimes forget to be patient with people who aren't.



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> @Chickenooble.5014 said:

> > @ListenToMe.5130 said:

> > Very helpful to the discussion.


> Thank you. I thought so myself.


> Now, to add to the discussion in a more meaningful way I suppose -- first, the old forums are indexed by Googles engine and the content that people are finding is pointing to a valid and relevant source. It'll be taken down soon enough and Google will drop it from their crawl once they start getting 404 errors. Personally, I'd be pissed if I went to Google to search for an answer, which is in the old forums, but couldn't find it because YOU said that content should disappear sooner for... reasons about a dead community? What?


> As far as new players in populated maps -- the entire 1-80 experience prepares people for content at max level. That's called events. The mega-server system helps ensure people are getting put into populated maps. If they're in an unpopulated map then they're in 1) an overflow or 2) a map that has few players in it already. How do you propose we fix that? How do you propose a solution to the second "problem" you listed? You say, "the current system is flawed" but fail to mention the flaws. From where I stand I see a healthy, populated game with a helpful community that can provide answers when questions are asked. What more do we need? Please, I want to know your answers because all I saw was a demand for someone to fix a problem (that you think is a problem) without a suggestion on how to fix it. Don't be lazy. Propose a solution.




They could easily resolve this problem by redirecting to the new forums. Don't send people to a dead website. What a stupid comment.


As far as fixing LFG and pop issues--that's up to the dev to fix. If you seriously think this is not a big problem you are not playing the same game.

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> @ListenToMe.5130 said:

> Well, if someone is not in an "active" instance, perhaps a notification shows up telling the person they can join a more populated instance? (or attempt to join one)


That already happens.


It could be a case of doing what Lotro does and having a small icon appear on the UI to indicate multiple layers are active. I don;t know if that would work so well here when the game always has multiple layers, but it is a possible idea. Whilst I quite like the taxi system, I don;t necs think it is entirely intuitive for new players. The tutorial is all well and good, but it usually pops up when you aren't in a position to use lfg (like casual levelling) or when you are trying to click away all the pop ups after instant levelling.


I don't think it is a huge issue mind you. Players have to go through LA to get to the labyrinth and that is always hugely populated, so common sense should be dictating the game isn't dead.

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> @ListenToMe.5130 said:

> > @Chickenooble.5014 said:

> > > @ListenToMe.5130 said:

> > > Very helpful to the discussion.

> >

> > Thank you. I thought so myself.

> >

> > Now, to add to the discussion in a more meaningful way I suppose -- first, the old forums are indexed by Googles engine and the content that people are finding is pointing to a valid and relevant source. It'll be taken down soon enough and Google will drop it from their crawl once they start getting 404 errors. Personally, I'd be pissed if I went to Google to search for an answer, which is in the old forums, but couldn't find it because YOU said that content should disappear sooner for... reasons about a dead community? What?

> >

> > As far as new players in populated maps -- the entire 1-80 experience prepares people for content at max level. That's called events. The mega-server system helps ensure people are getting put into populated maps. If they're in an unpopulated map then they're in 1) an overflow or 2) a map that has few players in it already. How do you propose we fix that? How do you propose a solution to the second "problem" you listed? You say, "the current system is flawed" but fail to mention the flaws. From where I stand I see a healthy, populated game with a helpful community that can provide answers when questions are asked. What more do we need? Please, I want to know your answers because all I saw was a demand for someone to fix a problem (that you think is a problem) without a suggestion on how to fix it. Don't be lazy. Propose a solution.

> >

> >


> They could easily resolve this problem by redirecting to the new forums. Don't send people to a dead website. What a stupid comment.


> As far as fixing LFG and pop issues--that's up to the dev to fix. If you seriously think this is not a big problem you are not playing the same game.

People use Google to find information. Why would ArenaNet or Google automatically redirect people away from the relevant information they're trying to find? "Hi, I'm a search engine that let's you see there's something relevant but LOL NOPE YOU CAN'T HAVE IT." Think about this stuff, man.


Maybe the population issues you have are because of You and not the game. I never have trouble finding people to play with or populated maps. Maybe people just don't like being around you? Maybe?


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> @ListenToMe.5130 said:

> 1. New players do a google search for the forums and are sent to the old one. Very confusing and disappointing. It just looks like a dead community.

> 2. New players can't figure out how to play with other people. They run around for hours being killed by Legendaries and Vets in the Halloween Labyrinth, and also Silverwastes. This is a real problem. New players have been messaging me a lot lately confused and overwhelmed and they don't understand how it works. They say the game is dead. There needs to be a better method to get new players into populated maps. The current system is flawed. These new players are unnecessarily struggling to play your game. We cannot assume/expect new players to understand how to use the LFG tool, especially when no tutorial was provided.


> If you want this game to be more active, start by fixing these problems ASAP.


F2p can't post on old forums anyways? anyone paying should be willing to look for the reddit/new forums.


but uh... "can't figure out how to play with other people" what do you mean? it's very simple to request party?

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OP, your last post doesn't lend you any credibility, neither does the title for this thread.


Because a person doesn't agree with you does not mean they have a bone to pick. It simply means that someone does not share your assessment.


The title for this thread invites disagreement. Again, not everyone will agree that what you believe are "major flaws" are in fact just that.


I don't see either as problematic. When you Google the forums with the search parameters "guild wars 2 forums" the top three are a link to PoF and the next is Guild Wars 2 Forums and the third is "Welcome to the New Guild Wars Two Forums". A little confusing? Yes. Major flaw? No.


As for the looking for group, there a problem there either. Guild Wars 2 is very cooperative and any question posed in chat is usually answered by several friendly people. I know I take the time to answer when I see that people have posed questions. I always see others helping when questions are posed. So I don't see that learning how to play with others is a major flaw.


As far as new players messaging you a lot... why would they message you in particular? I've played this game since head start and I very rarely get new players messaging me out of the blue. Do you have an apple tag on? If so, then that is your advertisement to help. It's what that tag is for.


As far as them saying "the game is dead", I never see that in chat. The only place I see that kind of talk is here in the forums by grumpy veterans.


tl/dr: I don't agree with almost everything you said, but that doesn't mean I have a bone to pick. I don't think your "major flaws" are that at all.

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> @ListenToMe.5130 said:

> 1. New players do a google search for the forums and are sent to the old one. Very confusing and disappointing. It just looks like a dead community.

> 2. New players can't figure out how to play with other people. They run around for hours being killed by Legendaries and Vets in the Halloween Labyrinth, and also Silverwastes. This is a real problem. New players have been messaging me a lot lately confused and overwhelmed and they don't understand how it works. They say the game is dead. There needs to be a better method to get new players into populated maps. The current system is flawed. These new players are unnecessarily struggling to play your game. We cannot assume/expect new players to understand how to use the LFG tool, especially when no tutorial was provided.


> If you want this game to be more active, start by fixing these problems ASAP.


To me, the real issue is the game there were used to play before GW2.


Once again let's match **GW2** with one of the bigger MMOs, **WoW**.


Let's assume that between WoW and GW2 the one which matches the **MMO's standards** is WoW


1. Character **Progression lvl**.

2. Character **Progression Equipment**.

3. **Soulbound** on Endgame gears ( which obviously need to be changed every X months ).

4. **Reputations** and related dailies.

5. **Weekly Currency**.


And also **defined mechanics**


5. **Tab System**.

6. **NON weapon related skills**.

8. Condition/Healing/Physical/etc... part of the **Build** itself.


That said, to me **the question i heard the most ** was:


> **what should i do once my character is capped?**


These players ( new players ) are used to **Games that tell them what to do**.

follow a progression forever and ever.

and talking about farmer/grinder nerds, there's no real challenge to farm for a skin which does not give stats


> **Why should i farm for that item if the stats are the same?**


Which is indeed good, but also they have to deal with the progression thing themselves.


**This is the main reason they are lost**.

Though the different combat system which is hybrid could bring some difficulties ( no tab needed to deal dps, combo fields, projectiles physics, etc... ).

Many try gw2, and only some have the patience to slow down and learn it.


I am up to fix the google search btw.

It should be easy to do and could be useful.

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That's the problems with games today, everyone expects them to holdtheir hand.


How did you people even survive or play the older mmos. Hand-holding, tutorials? No wonder mmos have fallen from their former glory, because it's toddler time and we gotta hold everyone's hands compared to the mostly grown adults that need to explore their UI a bit and stop aski g for everyone to hand things out to them.


And yes, I'm fairly new so I can't wait to see this response.

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The lfg system clearly need a rework. you are no longer a new player and cannot comprehend. i don't know what game you've been playing, but i meet people everyday who don't understand how to play with other players, especially in The Silverwastes. The event is often unwinnable in these situations. at no time will a window pop up showing the player how to join a more active instance. as a semi-exp player, this bothers me. i want players to team up with others to build a stronger community, and at a faster rate. the lfg system only makes sense to players who are "aware".


IMO, it's nonsensical for new players to search for the forum and get the old one, even if there is a box with an announcement. mind you, that announcement could easily be missed depending on your monitor resolution. it doesn't exactly stand out or pop. this has nothing to do with a search engine.

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