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Do you guys think/hope LW S1 will ever be replayable?


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I think the best thing they can do at this point is make a better summary. The cutscene and the NPC they added doesn't help lol. Anyone going from the personal story to the current summary of season 1 to season 2 is probably just as confused as the people who went from the personal story straight to season 2.

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All I read in these answers for al lthe time now is nothing but just searching for excuses for why they simply don't want to fix that cheesehole work they have left there to rot...

Same why Dungeon Content doesn't get what it deserves.


ANet works on content and when they see, that the content needs some heavy reworks, bug fixes and so on, to keep that content actualized, and smoothly working, then they always suddenly change to argue with us, if that workload is "even worth it and that naturally this will mean a slowdown for new content"


But what anet doesn't grasp here is the fact, that people not always want only permanently new content, people want also, that older content keeps on working smoothly and is also replayable. People don't want one time content that is then thrown away like garbage that you don't need anymore.. and thats actually how, Anet treats their own game's content, when they see, somethign hasn't worked out, like they wanted, or wasn't so successfull after release how they hoped it would end up, when it sonded so awesome maybe on paper, but the community destroys it into 1000 pieces.

So the immedietely lose completly the interest to make things better, as logn that content isn't somehow relevent to key elements of the game, which is why for exampel Anet was interested to revamp like 3-4 times the Trait System, because THAT is a key element content of the game, so they are naturally interested in it, that we like that system and the content ...


Dungeons? who cares, no key element, just side content that can be ditched and forgottzen forever and replaced with fractals ...sigh

Living World Season 1, just side content that not worth it to be fixed, cause it affects in no way any real important key elements of the game, that need to be constantly fixed and have to run smoothly.

WvW? No key element, just unimportant side content, because we were on our personal crusadfe on makign the game THE Esports Game ...*cough*, you see, where this brought us ... to a game, where PvE content rules over the income of this game 100%, and where everythign else is unimportant, underveleoped content, that gets the moment where it turns unprofitable for Anet ignored or directly replaced by somethign new, in the hope the community bites on that new cotnent and also just forgets the old stuff, cause it has been replaced by somethign new shiny (gets overrun by a horde of brainless skritt)


The sad fact is, I can understand why anet treats their own game like this, like a company usually will do always, because they have to bitterly look after every penny of their ressources they have, just to ensure, that they can pay all their bills, ther personal, servers ect. pp and have at the end also enough ressources to make new content, which has potentially bigger chances always to generate more money income, than fixing something old, which has worser chances to generate any money income at all, so the chances are bigger, that ANet just loses money... and who in the world even wants to work basicalyl for free, or even worser, works for free and loses meanwhile even money, when they could have made instead new content, with that they can earn money ...

Thats just the sad truth of life, that will always be so.

Money doesn't grow on trees ... but this is an issue, that Anet could eventually solve, if they just would allow this game to have an optional subscription fee, that could help in making the money income more stabile, than it is now, because the gemstore alone is too weak and no guarantee to create enough income always, that ANet would need to have to make sure to fulfull all our wishes for fixing old content, while having also enough ressources to work at the same time on adding new content.

Anet just hasn't enough ressources for working in a hybrid way, they always have to decide for one thing only, which is the reason why the keep on telling us everytime, that new content will slow down, if they would work on reimplementing LS1 completely, or on fixing dungeons, and so on and so forth.

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Rather than bring this back I would rather see the ugly detritus littering multiple zones cleaned up. It is all meaningless eyesore, and doubly so for those who can't do the story. Apparently the Whole of LA can be rebuilt but Krytans can't figure out how to salvage wood or at the least set some bonfires. Gosh, Commander, should we maybe chop these vines covering our Fort down? Why is half of Ft Salma still closed and why haven't we seen the return of Chicken Lady? Follow up on the "living story" concept instead of leaving junk as a permanent, unchanging fixture in a zone practically in the shadow of Divinities Reach. You changed the zone to reflect dynamic change.. and now it is frozen in time.


Even worse is the meaningless stuff left active so people can collect a few obsolete crafting mats. Make a legacy vendor for that outdated junk.

Turn Cragstead into a Guild Hall.. or something.


LS1 is done, gone, over and hopefully that Nitwit who had the star role is gone forever. Let this forgettable past go.

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> @Orpheal.8263 said:

>People don't want one time content that is then thrown away like garbage that you don't need anymore..

LS1 was intentionally temporary content. That was its whole _thing._ It didn't work out as well as Anet hoped it would, which is why LS2 was designed from the ground up to be permanent content, but this isn't "Anet doesn't want to support thing anymore" the way that dungeons were.

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Yes, I would love for them to figure out a way for us to replay the season 1 content. I had a lot of fun doing those events, and would have loved to have more time with each of them before they went away. Unfortunately, I don't think it's ever going to happen, and I think that little cutscene recap they gave is is all we'll ever get.

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Even if they never bring LW1 back they should still have some way of acquiring the achievement points from these historical events. I left the game for a couple months and came back and was still top 10 on the AP leader board because there is just no possible way to get the historical points to catch up to me for those who have missed the events.

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