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Make 2nd Generation Legendary tradable on TP


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> @Curunen.8729 said:

> Hell no.


> I like that at least the four original HoT legendaries show that you have to put some effort in to acquiring them instead of just a credit card...


insert thank you gif here, like one of my friends has a 30% max map exploration on his main hes lv 80 and has 5 legendaries that he bought because its too hard to get for him and now hes complaining that he has nothing to do in the end game..... like y

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Hell no.

Crafting them demands both materials you can buy on TP and account bound, so this is not that you need to farm every single thing.

Yet still, they are LEGENDARIES. Didn't we forgot the powerfull meaning of this word? They should be proof that you put some real effort into this game.


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> @Skobel.6920 said:

> Yet still, they are LEGENDARIES. Didn't we forgot the powerfull meaning of this word? They should be proof that you put some real effort into this game.

By effort, you mean one forced path of grinding out collections and crap like that? Fine, make the legendaries auto-bind but let me buy the precursor and everything else to make it. Everything involved in Gen 2 is absolutely tedious and they only show effort of being able to force yourself through a lot of "content" you probably don't like.

Just because something has a forced path doesn't mean it has prestige.



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Just because I have three Gen 1 legendaries DOES NOT mean that I didn't work my ass off for all three of them. I'm not independently wealthy so I didn't just "whip out the credit card". Fucking ludicrous suggestion.


As to the original topic, I don't own/haven't crafted a Gen 2 legendary. It's not out of not wanting one, because I do want either Astralaria or HOPE.. and Eureka. It's the additional work over and above Gen 1 legendary crafting that's more than a bit daunting.

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> @PopeUrban.2578 said:

> > @BunjiKugashira.9754 said:

> > :-1: No. I think one of ANet's biggest mistakes was to make legendaries tradeable. It should not be possible to get a legendary without having invested a certain amount of time and effort. 100% world completion and the Karma-barrier ensure just that.


> Arenanet agrees with you, and has said the only reason that they didn't make them untradable is because of how long the legendary market had been around before HoT. I wouldn't expect any new legendaries to be tradable. This is one of the few rare instances of arenanet actually awarding people specifically for playing the game rather than whipping out a credit card. Treasure it.


Agree or not, the community's feedback was a major factor in ANet deciding to make Gen 2.0 and 2.1 legendaries account bound. That alone makes it unlikely that ANet would change the status quo. Add the fact that Gen2.x legendaries require a significant amount of HoT-bound activities/mats and it seems all-but-impossible that ANet would change the rules at this point.


And if that's not enough, what are the benefits to the game if the policy was changed? People can already buy the gen 1 legendaries if all they want is the stat-changing ability. So it's a substantive status quo change for... a couple of skins? If I really want Astralaria as a skin instead of Frostfang, it's really not all that much more work.

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> @Wolfheart.7483 said:

> > @PopeUrban.2578 said:

> > > @BunjiKugashira.9754 said:

> > > :-1: No. I think one of ANet's biggest mistakes was to make legendaries tradeable. It should not be possible to get a legendary without having invested a certain amount of time and effort. 100% world completion and the Karma-barrier ensure just that.

> >

> > Arenanet agrees with you, and has said the only reason that they didn't make them untradable is because of how long the legendary market had been around before HoT. I wouldn't expect any new legendaries to be tradable. This is one of the few rare instances of arenanet actually awarding people specifically for playing the game rather than whipping out a credit card. Treasure it.


> There are plenty of rewards for playing the game. You just seem hell bent on crying out "greedy company" at every opportunity as evidenced by several of your other posts. There is *absolutely nothing wrong* with Anet doing things that make money. See, they are a business and need money to keep going. Why do some people not understand this concept? Additionally, since anyone can convert gold to gems, that provides a way to reward yourself with any gem store items you want simply by playing the game. That single fact makes the accusations of greed and money-grab completely empty.



There is absolutely nothing wrong with a company making money. There is also absolutely nothing wrong with a customer expressing disdain with the amount of value given for a purchase price. Your post, specifically, is evidence that this model fits a customer base that feels that buying four skins is worth the same price as en entire expansion.


Most of my posts on this subject are made to illustrate a basic concept:

When you vote with your wallet by supporting a bad value proposition, you are sending a message that you accept a bad value proposition. You are sending a message that its okay to give you less value for your dollar. This is not arenanet's fault for tapping a market determined to pay progressively more and get progressively less. These aren't posts lambasting a greedy company. They're posts lambasting users who actively work against their own interests by overpaying for digital items and supporting this business model. They're posts directed at users who simultaneously say "There is too much grind" or "There are not enough armor skins" while shelling out hugs sums of money to buy outfits and skins and black lion keys.


I don't now nor have I ever blamed arenanet for giving people what they want. I blame people for begging to be taken advantage of.

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> @Titan.3472 said:

> Because it would impact 1st generation of legendary weapons market price down in the first place and boost all required materials prices up to craft the now tradable 2nd generation of legendary weapons now newly available for a new legendary weapons market. Impact would be on wealth redistribution across players will be based on the basic mats provided & sold by players and controlled and bought by market flippers.


I don't know how everybody isn't for this. I've spent thousands of gold taking a half dozen crafting skills to GM. And I've never seen one dime of return on my investment. If Anet wasn't so shameless about turning a buck, they'd let us sell to each other on the trading post. I would MUCH rather just buy an ascended weapon from player A or B than level some skill to 500, and make it myself. But then there would be less gem purchases. And we can't have players benefiting from their own work/investment, now can we?

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I own Astralaria and Eureka from 2nd gen legendaries, I own Bolt, Flameseeker, Howler, Juggernaut, Kudzu and Twilight from gen 1 as well as a full legendary heavy armor raid set and wvw & pvp legend backpacks, working on legend trinket atm : I crafted all of them. But i would want to make some gold selling next legend gen2 weapon i could craft next if any market open at some point or see basic mat value price increase hence my suggestion.

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> @Kronos.3695 said:


> NO.


> And please, just be honest with yourself and us and simply say that you don't want to spent time playing the game but buying things directly from the trading post and show them off :)




I did HOPE, and honestly was really a pita.

I do want to play the game, i currently do.

I don't want to do specific task, and prefer instead to play the game the way i want and maybe buy with the gold i make the items i need.


I thank god that fortunately there are no other leggies that i want ( maybe the minstrell when they are will give, if they will ever going to, the minstrell class to thief ).


Btw, just to be clear, if a leggie is worth 2k golds in terms of materials, be sure that it would be sell for 3k ( if you can create infinite of em ) and way much more if 1x account limited. So on one hand, who craft it spend time doing events, on the other hand who is going to buy it spend time farming/making golds.


Everybody plays.

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> @DebraKadabra.5278 said:

> Just because I have three Gen 1 legendaries DOES NOT mean that I didn't work my kitten off for all three of them. I'm not independently wealthy so I didn't just "whip out the credit card". kitten ludicrous suggestion.


> As to the original topic, I don't own/haven't crafted a Gen 2 legendary. It's not out of not wanting one, because I do want either Astralaria or HOPE.. and Eureka. It's the additional work over and above Gen 1 legendary crafting that's more than a bit daunting.


Oh don't worry - I'm not labelling everyone. For example I also put a hell of a lot of effort into making Bifrost in the past.


However the fact remains that there is the possibility for gen 1 legendaries to be entirely bought, whereas gen 2 legendaries demand significant time investment.


So out of the two legendaries I have, with one it implies I have had to do a hell of a lot of kitten to get it, with the other it is unclear as to how the player has obtained it.


Why does this matter? Well I've seen people be trash talked in pvp and whispers in wvw for having legendary gen 1 skins and being beaten, as if "no skill, all credit card" (edit - rather "you can't buy skill"). I have never personally witnessed trash talking for anyone using the gen2 legendaries.


When I'm going into pvp I'll transmute my staff to something else to avoid this kind of trash talking.

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> @Curunen.8729 said:


> However the fact remains that there is the possibility for gen 1 legendaries to be entirely bought, whereas gen 2 legendaries demand significant time investment.


> So out of the two legendaries I have, with one it implies I have had to do a hell of a lot of kitten to get it, with the other it is unclear as to how the player has obtained it.


> Why does this matter? Well I've seen people be trash talked in pvp and whispers in wvw for having legendary gen 1 skins and being beaten, as if "no skill, all credit card". I have never personally witnessed trash talking for anyone using the gen2 legendaries.

Guy A loves building cars. He spends a lot of time building one particular sweet ride. Once completed, he decides he wants to start another project, so he sells the car. Guy B purchases it. Guy B didn't build it and didn't put any effort into it's creation, so he doesn't deserve it, because clearly the most important thing is not if someone is enjoying themselves, but whether or not his peers can clearly see and approve of how he obtained it.

Give me a break. People need to get over themselves and this idea of prestige and effort in a game. You want to treat it like a job, all the power to you. But just because someone else wants to get something flashy via another means does not make it any less flashy. Gen 2 doesn't scream skill either and still means different things to different people. All it means to me that someone managed to force themselves through drawn out and tedious chores for a skin. But why should you, or anyone else, care what I think? If someone has less time, but more money from an actual real job and wants to buy nice things, they're not allowed to enjoy themselves?

I didn't buy my Gen 1 from Gems, but I didn't do the tediousness either. I played other content I actually enjoyed and bought a lot of the mats via the TP. Gen 2 is tedious and a waste of my game time because I don't enjoy it. I play games to have fun, not do chores I don't like.

Why does this matter? It doesn't, at all.


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> @MrRuin.9740 said:

> > @Curunen.8729 said:


> > However the fact remains that there is the possibility for gen 1 legendaries to be entirely bought, whereas gen 2 legendaries demand significant time investment.

> >

> > So out of the two legendaries I have, with one it implies I have had to do a hell of a lot of kitten to get it, with the other it is unclear as to how the player has obtained it.

> >

> > Why does this matter? Well I've seen people be trash talked in pvp and whispers in wvw for having legendary gen 1 skins and being beaten, as if "no skill, all credit card". I have never personally witnessed trash talking for anyone using the gen2 legendaries.

> Guy A loves building cars. He spends a lot of time building one particular sweet ride. Once completed, he decides he wants to start another project, so he sells the car. Guy B purchases it. Guy B didn't build it and didn't put any effort into it's creation, so he doesn't deserve it, because clearly the most important thing is not if someone is enjoying themselves, but whether or not his peers can clearly see and approve of how he obtained it.

> Give me a break. People need to get over themselves and this idea of prestige and effort in a game. You want to treat it like a job, all the power to you. But just because someone else wants to get something flashy via another means does not make it any less flashy. Gen 2 doesn't scream skill either and still means different things to different people. All it means to me that someone managed to force themselves through drawn out and tedious chores for a skin. But why should you, or anyone else, care what I think? If someone has less time, but more money from an actual real job and wants to buy nice things, they're not allowed to enjoy themselves?

> I didn't buy my Gen 1 from Gems, but I didn't do the tediousness either. I played other content I actually enjoyed and bought a lot of the mats via the TP. Gen 2 is tedious and a waste of my game time because I don't enjoy it. I play games to have fun, not do chores I don't like.

> Why does this matter? It doesn't, at all.



The fact remains I have been trash talked while using Bifrost in pvp such that I'm not comfortable using it, and I have seen others get trash talked in chat for similar reasons. I have not yet been trash talked in any game mode for using Astralaria.


It matters because using a legendary skin in pvp tends to form judgements of the player's skill. I have also judged others like this, not consciously but I am aware of it - ie I subconsciously take more satisfaction stomping someone of high rank in wvw or pvp who is decked up in all the expensive gear, than someone who is geared in nondescript gear.


When I equip expensive skins I feel pressure to play well and not make any mistakes, which tbh I'd rather not have. I don't feel that pressure when using gen2 legendary for some reason, maybe because the visual effects are also less noticable.

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> @Curunen.8729 said:

> > @MrRuin.9740 said:

> > > @Curunen.8729 said:

> >

> > > However the fact remains that there is the possibility for gen 1 legendaries to be entirely bought, whereas gen 2 legendaries demand significant time investment.

> > >

> > > So out of the two legendaries I have, with one it implies I have had to do a hell of a lot of kitten to get it, with the other it is unclear as to how the player has obtained it.

> > >

> > > Why does this matter? Well I've seen people be trash talked in pvp and whispers in wvw for having legendary gen 1 skins and being beaten, as if "no skill, all credit card". I have never personally witnessed trash talking for anyone using the gen2 legendaries.

> > Guy A loves building cars. He spends a lot of time building one particular sweet ride. Once completed, he decides he wants to start another project, so he sells the car. Guy B purchases it. Guy B didn't build it and didn't put any effort into it's creation, so he doesn't deserve it, because clearly the most important thing is not if someone is enjoying themselves, but whether or not his peers can clearly see and approve of how he obtained it.

> > Give me a break. People need to get over themselves and this idea of prestige and effort in a game. You want to treat it like a job, all the power to you. But just because someone else wants to get something flashy via another means does not make it any less flashy. Gen 2 doesn't scream skill either and still means different things to different people. All it means to me that someone managed to force themselves through drawn out and tedious chores for a skin. But why should you, or anyone else, care what I think? If someone has less time, but more money from an actual real job and wants to buy nice things, they're not allowed to enjoy themselves?

> > I didn't buy my Gen 1 from Gems, but I didn't do the tediousness either. I played other content I actually enjoyed and bought a lot of the mats via the TP. Gen 2 is tedious and a waste of my game time because I don't enjoy it. I play games to have fun, not do chores I don't like.

> > Why does this matter? It doesn't, at all.

> >


> The fact remains I have been trash talked while using Bifrost in pvp such that I'm not comfortable using it, and I have seen others get trash talked in chat for similar reasons. I have not yet been trash talked in any game mode for using Astralaria.


> It matters because using a legendary skin in pvp tends to form judgements of the player's skill. I have also judged others like this, not consciously but I am aware of it - ie I subconsciously take more satisfaction stomping someone of high rank in wvw or pvp who is decked up in all the expensive gear, than someone who is geared in nondescript gear.


> When I equip expensive skins I feel pressure to play well and not make any mistakes, which tbh I'd rather not have. I don't feel that pressure when using gen2 legendary for some reason, maybe because the visual effects are also less noticable.


I actually find the better the player the bigger the odds they are using all starter skins.

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> @MrRuin.9740 said:

> > @Curunen.8729 said:


> > However the fact remains that there is the possibility for gen 1 legendaries to be entirely bought, whereas gen 2 legendaries demand significant time investment.

> >

> > So out of the two legendaries I have, with one it implies I have had to do a hell of a lot of kitten to get it, with the other it is unclear as to how the player has obtained it.

> >

> > Why does this matter? Well I've seen people be trash talked in pvp and whispers in wvw for having legendary gen 1 skins and being beaten, as if "no skill, all credit card". I have never personally witnessed trash talking for anyone using the gen2 legendaries.

> Guy A loves building cars. He spends a lot of time building one particular sweet ride. Once completed, he decides he wants to start another project, so he sells the car. Guy B purchases it. Guy B didn't build it and didn't put any effort into it's creation, so he doesn't deserve it, because clearly the most important thing is not if someone is enjoying themselves, but whether or not his peers can clearly see and approve of how he obtained it.

> Give me a break. People need to get over themselves and this idea of prestige and effort in a game. You want to treat it like a job, all the power to you. But just because someone else wants to get something flashy via another means does not make it any less flashy. Gen 2 doesn't scream skill either and still means different things to different people. All it means to me that someone managed to force themselves through drawn out and tedious chores for a skin. But why should you, or anyone else, care what I think? If someone has less time, but more money from an actual real job and wants to buy nice things, they're not allowed to enjoy themselves?

> I didn't buy my Gen 1 from Gems, but I didn't do the tediousness either. I played other content I actually enjoyed and bought a lot of the mats via the TP. Gen 2 is tedious and a waste of my game time because I don't enjoy it. I play games to have fun, not do chores I don't like.

> Why does this matter? It doesn't, at all.



We are not talking about whether or not somebody deserves to have a legendary item, we are talking about whether not legendary items should be tradeable at all.


At this point, while I do not approve of being able to purchase any legendary items whatsoever, I will not speak against those who purchased the generation one legendary weapons (seeing as I credit card farmed to buy the precursor for my legendary dagger long before collections were a thing). However, the generation two legendary weapons should stay as they are. They serve as proof that you have invested time and effort into clearing specific account based milestones and masteries that generation one weapons did not require.


They can even be called prestige items because the players who own them put the effort into crafting them. Anybody can invest the time and effort required to make a legendary weapon. You only need 10 minutes a day if you were OK with making slow progress. As for me I spent hour after hour grinding out the materials and experience required to level my masteries and make my gifts.


I spent the better part of the year making two legendary weapons at the same time. Let me tell you, it felt like my soul was being drained out of my body the entire while. I considered it worth it in order to make such prestige items. I wanted to be able to display my weapons proudly.


TLDR: if you are not willing to spend the time and effort to make the weapon (half of the materials can be purchased with in game gold) then you should not have the right to buy it from somebody who did spend the time and effort to make it

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No. They do not need to be changed to something that a 11yr old with a credit card can just buy. Not without implementing proper titles that can be displayed by those who took the time and effort to craft theirs. And not just some "I made this" kitten title. A title indicating total number of 2nd generation legendary weapons crafted, along with a similar title for 1st generation (Anet knows who built and who bought).

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> @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

> > @Curunen.8729 said:

> > > @MrRuin.9740 said:

> > > > @Curunen.8729 said:

> > >

> > > > However the fact remains that there is the possibility for gen 1 legendaries to be entirely bought, whereas gen 2 legendaries demand significant time investment.

> > > >

> > > > So out of the two legendaries I have, with one it implies I have had to do a hell of a lot of kitten to get it, with the other it is unclear as to how the player has obtained it.

> > > >

> > > > Why does this matter? Well I've seen people be trash talked in pvp and whispers in wvw for having legendary gen 1 skins and being beaten, as if "no skill, all credit card". I have never personally witnessed trash talking for anyone using the gen2 legendaries.

> > > Guy A loves building cars. He spends a lot of time building one particular sweet ride. Once completed, he decides he wants to start another project, so he sells the car. Guy B purchases it. Guy B didn't build it and didn't put any effort into it's creation, so he doesn't deserve it, because clearly the most important thing is not if someone is enjoying themselves, but whether or not his peers can clearly see and approve of how he obtained it.

> > > Give me a break. People need to get over themselves and this idea of prestige and effort in a game. You want to treat it like a job, all the power to you. But just because someone else wants to get something flashy via another means does not make it any less flashy. Gen 2 doesn't scream skill either and still means different things to different people. All it means to me that someone managed to force themselves through drawn out and tedious chores for a skin. But why should you, or anyone else, care what I think? If someone has less time, but more money from an actual real job and wants to buy nice things, they're not allowed to enjoy themselves?

> > > I didn't buy my Gen 1 from Gems, but I didn't do the tediousness either. I played other content I actually enjoyed and bought a lot of the mats via the TP. Gen 2 is tedious and a waste of my game time because I don't enjoy it. I play games to have fun, not do chores I don't like.

> > > Why does this matter? It doesn't, at all.

> > >

> >

> > The fact remains I have been trash talked while using Bifrost in pvp such that I'm not comfortable using it, and I have seen others get trash talked in chat for similar reasons. I have not yet been trash talked in any game mode for using Astralaria.

> >

> > It matters because using a legendary skin in pvp tends to form judgements of the player's skill. I have also judged others like this, not consciously but I am aware of it - ie I subconsciously take more satisfaction stomping someone of high rank in wvw or pvp who is decked up in all the expensive gear, than someone who is geared in nondescript gear.

> >

> > When I equip expensive skins I feel pressure to play well and not make any mistakes, which tbh I'd rather not have. I don't feel that pressure when using gen2 legendary for some reason, maybe because the visual effects are also less noticable.


> I actually find the better the player the bigger the odds they are using all starter skins.


Exactly, this is the kind of judgement I'm getting at.

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> @Curunen.8729 said:

> > @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

> > > @Curunen.8729 said:

> > > > @MrRuin.9740 said:

> > > > > @Curunen.8729 said:

> > > >

> > > > > However the fact remains that there is the possibility for gen 1 legendaries to be entirely bought, whereas gen 2 legendaries demand significant time investment.

> > > > >

> > > > > So out of the two legendaries I have, with one it implies I have had to do a hell of a lot of kitten to get it, with the other it is unclear as to how the player has obtained it.

> > > > >

> > > > > Why does this matter? Well I've seen people be trash talked in pvp and whispers in wvw for having legendary gen 1 skins and being beaten, as if "no skill, all credit card". I have never personally witnessed trash talking for anyone using the gen2 legendaries.

> > > > Guy A loves building cars. He spends a lot of time building one particular sweet ride. Once completed, he decides he wants to start another project, so he sells the car. Guy B purchases it. Guy B didn't build it and didn't put any effort into it's creation, so he doesn't deserve it, because clearly the most important thing is not if someone is enjoying themselves, but whether or not his peers can clearly see and approve of how he obtained it.

> > > > Give me a break. People need to get over themselves and this idea of prestige and effort in a game. You want to treat it like a job, all the power to you. But just because someone else wants to get something flashy via another means does not make it any less flashy. Gen 2 doesn't scream skill either and still means different things to different people. All it means to me that someone managed to force themselves through drawn out and tedious chores for a skin. But why should you, or anyone else, care what I think? If someone has less time, but more money from an actual real job and wants to buy nice things, they're not allowed to enjoy themselves?

> > > > I didn't buy my Gen 1 from Gems, but I didn't do the tediousness either. I played other content I actually enjoyed and bought a lot of the mats via the TP. Gen 2 is tedious and a waste of my game time because I don't enjoy it. I play games to have fun, not do chores I don't like.

> > > > Why does this matter? It doesn't, at all.

> > > >

> > >

> > > The fact remains I have been trash talked while using Bifrost in pvp such that I'm not comfortable using it, and I have seen others get trash talked in chat for similar reasons. I have not yet been trash talked in any game mode for using Astralaria.

> > >

> > > It matters because using a legendary skin in pvp tends to form judgements of the player's skill. I have also judged others like this, not consciously but I am aware of it - ie I subconsciously take more satisfaction stomping someone of high rank in wvw or pvp who is decked up in all the expensive gear, than someone who is geared in nondescript gear.

> > >

> > > When I equip expensive skins I feel pressure to play well and not make any mistakes, which tbh I'd rather not have. I don't feel that pressure when using gen2 legendary for some reason, maybe because the visual effects are also less noticable.

> >

> > I actually find the better the player the bigger the odds they are using all starter skins.


> Exactly, this is the kind of judgement I'm getting at.


Maybe you can use that to your advantage? They will think you are a pve wingfarmer and let their guards down.


Either way, just do what you want man don't care about that stuff.

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> @MrRuin.9740 said:

> > @Curunen.8729 said:


> > However the fact remains that there is the possibility for gen 1 legendaries to be entirely bought, whereas gen 2 legendaries demand significant time investment.

> >

> > So out of the two legendaries I have, with one it implies I have had to do a hell of a lot of kitten to get it, with the other it is unclear as to how the player has obtained it.

> >

> > Why does this matter? Well I've seen people be trash talked in pvp and whispers in wvw for having legendary gen 1 skins and being beaten, as if "no skill, all credit card". I have never personally witnessed trash talking for anyone using the gen2 legendaries.

> Guy A loves building cars. He spends a lot of time building one particular sweet ride. Once completed, he decides he wants to start another project, so he sells the car. Guy B purchases it. Guy B didn't build it and didn't put any effort into it's creation, so he doesn't deserve it, because clearly the most important thing is not if someone is enjoying themselves, but whether or not his peers can clearly see and approve of how he obtained it.

> Give me a break. People need to get over themselves and this idea of prestige and effort in a game.


Sure, then again in a game called fashion wars by many (with good reason) having unique skins has a way higher attraction doesn't it?


> @MrRuin.9740 said:

> You want to treat it like a job, all the power to you. But just because someone else wants to get something flashy via another means does not make it any less flashy.


Actually it does. Gen 1 legendarys are so common now, people have started reskinning them for ages. Rarity has value. Keeping Gen 2 legendarys rare makes them more valuable skin wise. It's a very basic economic principle actually: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scarcity_value


> @MrRuin.9740 said:

> Gen 2 doesn't scream skill either and still means different things to different people. All it means to me that someone managed to force themselves through drawn out and tedious chores for a skin. But why should you, or anyone else, care what I think? If someone has less time, but more money from an actual real job and wants to buy nice things, they're not allowed to enjoy themselves?


No one said that gen 2 legendarys are skill based. They are effort based and time spent. Some of the latest gen2 are even mostly gold based, so if you want to credit card warrior up, go ahead. Getting the reast of the materials is not that tedious. If you can't even invest that much time, well tough cookie.


> @MrRuin.9740 said:

> I didn't buy my Gen 1 from Gems, but I didn't do the tediousness either.


Good for you, others did the same and again others took the credit card approach. To bad there is no way to distinguish any of them ingame.


> @MrRuin.9740 said:

> I played other content I actually enjoyed and bought a lot of the mats via the TP. Gen 2 is tedious and a waste of my game time because I don't enjoy it. I play games to have fun, not do chores I don't like.


Fine, no gen2 legendarys for you then. You'll survive.


> @MrRuin.9740 said:

> Why does this matter? It doesn't, at all.



If it didn't matter, you wouldn't be here complaining would you?

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