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Is your spirit Skritt or Asuran?


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> @Ardid.7203 said:

> Every single time I take the skritt route all the rest of the pack steal the shinnies and let me behind with the problem unsolved. Asura way works better.


The good thing is that you will have absolutely no idea what has happened if your fellow skritt leave you alone somewhere. Or you have long forgotten about it while you are marveling about a shiny glass pebble or something like that.^^

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> > @Rauderi.8706 said:

> > > @Curunen.8729 said:

> > > Why not both? :)

> >

> > If you're both, you can experiment and commit atrocities on yourself~

> > (Not that I'm wishing you atrocities, but Asura aren't exactly very nice. :( )


> Are there any 'nice' races?


Norn? They're nice and boring, at least. :P

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> @Rauderi.8706 said:

> > @Curunen.8729 said:

> > Why not both? :)


> If you're both, you can experiment and commit atrocities on yourself~

> (Not that I'm wishing you atrocities, but Asura aren't exactly very nice. :( )


xD Sounds like fun.


I'll be a conscientious asura then - not using other creatures as test subjects, and being unified with my krewe. ;)


For the record there's a lot of nice asura in the game, even if there's also a lot of nasty ones.

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> @Rauderi.8706 said:

> > @Curunen.8729 said:

> > Why not both? :)


> If you're both, you can experiment and commit atrocities on yourself~

> (Not that I'm wishing you atrocities, but _**S O M E**_ Asura aren't exactly very nice. :( )


I mean, my smol army are actually very nice individuals, except for Feyyt. He's a Grade A jerk.


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> @Boysenberry.1869 said:

> > @AegisRunestone.8672 said:

> > I agree with this. I feel like a asurkritt. :p


> Crossbreeds are an abomination! One cannot defile the purity of the greatest race there ever was and ever will be. Asura!


I SERIOUSLY doubt Asura geniuses are even ABLE to be racists. They despise every single other person around in a strongly consistent base: because they are dumber, or because they are a nuisance (A proper rival). This means they don't give a "f" if someone is Skritt, Human, Asura or a Glob of Ecto: they will despise them equally and based solely on their intelligence, not other factors.

Also, IMO, if any inquest Genius discover that fusing themselves with skritt somehow makes them more intelligent, they WILL DO IT. If they have doubts about this possibility, they WILL INVESTIGATE ABOUT IT.

Science can be very egotistical, but racism is not scientific at all.


Defile purity? What are we? Six Gods worshippers?

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I know there are only two choices. This poll could have been..what pet are you, and I could have given only two options...cat or dog, and some people would have said they are a python, a parrot, or a Peeve.


You don't have to choose, it's not collecting any data, it is just for fun. But if you had to choose?

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