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Your MOST favorite Raid boss?


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Was a hard choice between xera and sabetha. Both of these fights require so much team coordination and personal responsibility. I love the added layers of environmental mechanics like cannons and the real fight in xera, gliding lol. These fights really keep you on your toes and really do the best job at keeping everyone in the raid team worried about all mechanics at all times.everyones got a role to fill or a job to do, but these to fights do the best at keeping the whole party engaged in what everyone else is doing, great design!


Edit: my rankings go

Sabetha>xera>sloth>deimos>Matthias>samarog>KC>cairn>Vale gaurdian>gorse>MO


I did my best to rank them but I love them all =) they are all fun


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> @Daniel.5428 said:

> I picked Deimos because, for me, was a challenging and a cool fight. I like W4 because it remembers me of the Dark Souls series and, for me, Deimos had a really cool design. And he had the last item I needed for the legendary armor, of course, so first time I defeated it I was very happy.


I'm in the "wing four was alittle too easy" crowd, but deimos is pretty awesome, and I absolutely agree. Wing 4s design is amazing. The art in that wing is just nuts. The design of the prison, the boss models, it all looks sooooo good lol.

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I picked Matthias because it doesn't follow the very simple fight format petty much every boss follows, that of which being:


Dps > phase > dps with same exact mechanics +1 > phase > dps wth same exact mechanics + 1


I realise this is a vey easy way to make a boss but considering all of the forsaken thicket bosses EXCEPT Matthias are like this, it annoys me greatly.


Im going to be very upset if this fight format doesn't change wth Pof.


I want more bosses whose mechanics completely change between phases so that i actually have to change how i fight as the boss progresses.

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Sammorog is my favorite design wise, such a good job there!


Xera is my favorite because OP mesmers are ym soft spot (Looking at you Anise)


Gorseval due to good memories of the first raid


Matthias due to the mechanics being very engaging and interesting!


Overall: Sammorog, couse he is just so good looking, dem demon nipples :D


and ofcourse MO... he is so scary because he's easy to animate oO

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I loved the Deimos fight it was very thematic for me, and I especially liked it when he was talking smack to Saul. > @Daniel.5428 said:

> I picked Deimos because, for me, was a challenging and a cool fight. I like W4 because it remembers me of the Dark Souls series .


I agree W4 had an Undead Asylum feel to it.



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After careful consideration, I decided to go with Matthias. The fight is just a tiny bit more special. Perhaps it's the fact you can beat him in more than just one way. Perhaps it's the fact it's the one featuring most mechanics to deal with. Or perhaps it's just that he's one badass OP ele.

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As mostly a cps main, I was debating which to choose as I have a few faves. Sab is the most consistent fight for my role where I can get as close to benchmark dps imo - is a realistic version of a dps golem albeit with many moving parts. Sam or MO probably secondary as a dps sponge, but I enjoy Sam more bc he's the one that tries to *actively hurt* you.


I decide on Matt finally though.. and was a bit surprised to see I was in a majority. But I suppose it does make sense: this fight is in a circus by itself, and you are a performer balanced on a tightrope above a precarious height. Not only that, you also play the role of a juggler tossing and catching balls while trying not to pitch over, in short dancing on a sword's edge. Well this might be exaggerated a bit, but I find this is the only real fight where _carrying your own weight_ has any deep significance. Though the mechanics from a beginner's eye seem to be overkill and too much to take in, once you grasp it it's rather entertaining. Its also one of few fights where your sense of individuality really shines through. I always like that, using the old Arah dungeon as a template that embodies it the best.

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