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Option to Toggle PvP Off/On In WvW

Jumpin Lumpix.6108

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I fully understand where the OP is coming from, WvW can be a very attractive PvE grind, and during seiges/battles, PvP is welcomed, and often enjoyed, but getting ganked trying to get back to the tag pretty much sucks the all the fun out of the game mode.


Trust me.. I get that.


And as much as many people hate them, gankers are a part of the WvW game mode. part of the risks you take.


But I get where you are coming from, and I understand that frustration, but also understand that PvP is the inherent aspect of that area, if you decided to play there, you take the good with the bad, so that's going to need to be a choice you will have to make, if the risks are worth the reward.

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> @Fatherbliss.4701 said:

> I will accept this under one condition: we can flag up as PVP on the PVE maps. Specifically during world bosses.


WvW should never have an option to flag off, it should always remain a war zone, however, PVE maps should have an option to flag up, it would make this game 10 times better imo.

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I would quit WvW if I had to wait in queues to get into a map just to do the work for people who didn't want to fight. Do you know what would happen if even 20% of the map population turned combat off? Your server and link would lose EVERYTHING and you would get nothing for reward track progression.


You will dance in the fire with the rest of us, no exceptions.

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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> This is an option that has been available in other mmo's, and I think it would be a cool option for wvw.


> There are many players who don't really want to pvp all that much in wvw. specifically people who want to karma train, resource gather or do dailies, would love the option to toggle pvp Off/On so that they don't get picked off by roamers or enemy zergs. I know quite a few players who get extremely frustrated when they are just trying to do the daily or are trying to get wvw rewards in k-train for the gift of battle for legendaries, and they have to engage in pvp that they don't necessarily want to engage in.


> Additionally, those who play only for reward and want to rank up their wvw rank would love this option as well, as not having to fight enemy players results in less deaths, which means less running back to the train, and more efficient rank gain (having this option for EoTM would be cool too).


> It's also great for making fights more fair, as players who don't want to fight don't have to, and only those who are flagged up and are willing, will engage in pvp on equal terms with others whom are flagged up as well.


Can I have the option to toggle troll posts off in the GW2 forums?

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> @Solaris.2489 said:

> At the very least you should get a small present/reward if defeated for the effort


They need to find a way to incentivize fights, even a little.

Add 2-5 minutes to participation timer for being defeated if you were in combat for x amount of time, or actively activating skills, maybe tie it to outnumbered.

Let people learning how to play, and willing to actually fight still get a trivial amount of participation for the effort and a modest reward for taking close fights even if you lose.


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