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What to do at 80?

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There are so many activities... Hard to say. I would suggest you to try a bit everything and see what you prefer.


The list would be too long, however, I do one showing main stuff, knowing that each of this "top" category includes own list of related achievements:

- Living stories & related areas (Lake Doric, Bloodstone Fen, Siren's Landing, Draconis Mons, .....).

- Living stories Heart of Thorn and Path of Fire.

- Fractals

- Dungeons

- WvW

- PvP

- World completion

- Generally all possible achievements (big quantity of different things, never ending).

- Levelling up crafting disciplines to grandmaster.

- Collections.

- Legendary.

- Meta Events.

- And soooooooooooo on....

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> @Arkondus.4902 said:

> > @tstske.3864 said:

> > Most people make gold running fractals or grinding the Silverwastes from what I've seen. You could also craft to work on your endgame gear, if you haven't started that up already. the LW3 maps practically throw ascended trinkets at you as well.


> lw3?


living world 3.

zones related to living story 3 ( each chapter add a new zone ), which is part of HoT.

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Question: Do you want to start doing raids because it's a type of content you've enjoyed doing in other games/think you would enjoy, or is it just because you've learned from other MMOs that's what the whole game is building towards and/or the way to get the best possible equipment and so you think you should do it?


If it's the first one then go for it, and yes doing Fractals would be a good way to start because it will introduce you to playing in a coordinated group, learning the mechanics of different encounters and you'll get ascended equipment which you'll probably need for raids.


If it's the second one then you should know that raids in this game are completely optional. And I don't mean "you can get by without doing that, if you don't mind missing out on the end game" I mean you can do absolutely everything else in the game without ever entering a raid and you won't miss out on anything except some cosmetic items (skins and mini pets) and playing through the raid instances themselves. Even the story is largely stand-alone. It does tie into the Living World story in Season 3, but you can get the full story without ever going into the raids.


And as for equipment it's completely backwards in this game - not only is there no raid exclusive gear with better stats than you can get elsewhere, most raid groups will actually expect you to already have the top tier (ascended) equipment, fully upgraded with runes and sigils, before you start. You can get legendary armour in raids, but that's purely cosmetic - the stats are identical to ascended gear.


So unless you're interested in doing coordinated, challenging group content I recommend just focusing on exploring the areas of the game you enjoy. If you like playing the story then do that (if you want to do the full thing the order is Personal Story > Season 1 recap video > Living World Season 2 > Heart of Thorns > Season 3 > Path of Fire). If you like exploring the open-world then keep going. If you just want to do PvP or WvW you can just do that.


Basically at level 80 the game becomes completely open - there is almost nothing you have to do in order to progress, you can focus on whatever you _want_ to do. Or do a bit of everything.

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Reroll because imo there is nothing fun about grinding the same shit over and over again.


If Guild Wars 2 has no end game, it is because it struggles to try to define what kind of game it wants to be. It's attempt to be both PvP and PvE ruins its ability to do either well.


I'm also fed up with raids and instances that consist of nothing more than fighting the same mob with unrealistic cheating stats over and over again. That isn't fun to me. That is the antithesis of fun. Fun is a one on one fight between equals. That is why movies always come down to a one on one fight between the hero and the big bad. Because a fight between equals is epic and fun, while a fight between a cheater and 20 people is stupid.

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For me the game didn't change much at level 80. I'm mainly a PvE player so I just carried on doing my personal story and exploring the maps, doing living world stuff when it was released...


The big change was the freedom it gave me. I didn't have to worry about being the right level for what I wanted to do, or trying to work out the "right" order to do things in so I'd get enough XP and be able to move on to the next thing. I could just do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted to do it.


The first thing I did was actually go to Southsun Cove, just because I'd been there when it was first released and low level characters were upscaled but hadn't been able to go back since. I did the jumping puzzles, killed some karka, got killed by more karka... I also went and got a full set of exotic armour from the temples in Orr and some exotic weapons and realised I could finally choose what I wanted them to look like - not just putting HoM skins over the ugliest pieces or sticking with a previous item because I liked the skin - it was actually worthwhile to go out and collect items for the skin and transmute what I was wearing to get a cohesive look I liked.


The stuff I was doing was the same as before, although I did start doing dungeons too (my first was the Fire & Frost dungeon) but it was much more exciting to me knowing I had the whole game to choose from.

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  • 1 year later...

Don't want to start another thread, so hope nobody minds me re-using this one.


I have a similar worries as OP. This game makes you level extremely fast, I often hardly had opportunity to use my new gear before I was already 10-15 lvs above its intended level and had to buy new whole set. I'm 70 lv now, and I guess it will take me at best 2 weeks to reach 80.


I really don't want to, actually :) I'm enjoying playing my character in openworld, and haven't tried even 50% of it's potential yet - and elite specializations are still ahead! I haven't also visited half of the central, core map - so much of lost content! And I'm pretty sure that if I'll switch to so-called "end-game content", I won't have such freedom of choosing of what build and combat stile I'll be using, but rather I'll be pressured by a group into some niche, and few will take me in if my build isn't "meta enough".


But I also like good challenge. The best moments in the game I've had so far were those where I went to maps ~5 lvs above my level at that time, and battles with veterans and champions when there were not too much of other players participating (otherwise it just turns into mindless massive abilities spam fest). Mobs on maps of my level and below rarely make for an intersting combat. So if I'll go back to those 30-60lv maps as 80lv elite spec, I'm afraid default level downscaling just won't be enough.


Anybody with a similar issues around? I wonder whether I worry too much. As of now I'm thinking about buying a full new set of low-level equipment to use in such areas specifically. It's really a pity the game doesn't offer an optional difficulty increase for cases like this.

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> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> I guess it will take me at best 2 weeks to reach 80.


> I really don't want to, actually :)

As somebody said above, nothing much really changes when you reach level 80. You can go on exploring the open world, follow event chains to learn about the maps and the people that live in it, find hidden chests and jumping puzzles, and different ways to get from a to b. Maps and enemies do get more interesting the further you get, with Orr being a start on some not-so-easy enemies. events, and areas, that will increase once you get into the expansion and living world zones.


Then you have the whole mastery system ahead of you, that unlocks once the first character on your account reaches level 80 and plays through the first instance of either of the two expansion stories. Masteries are a lot like leveling in that the experience you earn goes towards the mastery of choice, but you will also need mastery points that are earned by a variety of achievements (from simple channeling points similar to some hero points, to fulfilling complex meta achievements). Masteries are also account-wide, so once you have more than one character at level 80, they can all contribute to advancing your mastery levels.


Character level 80, similar to but more so than the levels before, simply opens up more parts of the game to you. You'll be able to access pretty much every aspect of the game, but none of it will be invalidated. You still have a lot of progression ahead of you, between masteries for your account and elite specialization unlocks for your characters, and can take full advantage of all game modes there are (open world, dungeons, fractals, raids, pvp, wvw, achievement hunting, crafting, fashion wars, whatever). But if you don't feel ready for any of them yet, just keep to what you enjoy now. The other parts of the game won't go away, they'll still be there to explore and enjoy when you start getting tired of exploring the vast open world of Tyria.



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> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> But I also like good challenge. The best moments in the game I've had so far were those where I went to maps ~5 lvs above my level at that time, and battles with veterans and champions when there were not too much of other players participating (otherwise it just turns into mindless massive abilities spam fest). Mobs on maps of my level and below rarely make for an intersting combat. So if I'll go back to those 30-60lv maps as 80lv elite spec, I'm afraid default level downscaling just won't be enough.


GW2's Achilles heel is their event scaling algorithms. On paper, they are an awesome idea; in practice, the events never manage to scale properly for a large zerg of players. Best example is perhaps the Istan meta. I've tried it at crazy late hours in the night with barely six players, it's totally a hardcore challenge. Yet, that's the exception, what normally happens is you have a full squad of 50 facetanking enemies, and even when the vortex attack of doom downs 15 afks players, nearby ones get them back up in seconds, ready to rise for the next attack. The more champions they face, the more loot there is, and there isn't even a risk of failure.


So, basically, against large enough groups of people, difficulty just collapses. Except when you tie strict defiance bar breaking mechanics to group success, in which cases the event becomes impossible for such large zergs (hello, serpent's ire).


Also, event scaling seems to be done on a per event basis, so that in core Tyria, the events are pathetically easy during daily events and the player zergs that result. If anything, the challenge becomes managing to tag something to get event credit!


Thirdly, core Tyria is intentionally easier, because it has to account for players like a "level 60 guardian wearing level 40 gears, no trinkets, and one less trait line", whereas fully geared characters have all their exotic setup, at least.


So, what to do in the face of this dire situation? Suggestions:

1. forget core Tyria, experience it once, but don't expect a challenge beyond trying to solo group events (orr is a good choice). All expansion maps assume fully geared in exotics, level 80 characters, so they are appropriately designed.

2. play at horrible times so that you'll have less help wherever you go (otherwise megaservers ensure you will always have help). If you are in the US, play in the Europeans servers (or the other way around) to make it easier to achieve this

3. Forget defense, play with as few defensive stats / traits as possible, leave your stunbreak at home and die a glorious death if you mess up (expansion area enemies do have much higher difficulty).

4. If you are that good and end up annihilating everything in your path from being a good glass cannon, you could intentionally gimp your damage output somewhat (eg: leave ferocity out and use something like concentration or expertise in your gears) to rise the challenge.

5. or, alternatively, just try doing group events alone and challenge yourself (pick less popular maps for this). Some people have fun trying to solo all hero challenges in hot (they are group content).

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> @"Arkondus.4902" said:

> Hello everyone! I'm fairly new to end game GW2 now that I am 80 what are some good ways to spend my time either becoming raid ready or making gold? I've been doing the daily fractals, and just unranked pvp. Is there something else that I am missing? Thank you!


Test the water in WvW, it's the most fun thing to do at endgame that isn't just memorizing a pre-scripted dance routine with mechanics.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> >This game makes you level extremely fast,...

> What? How does it MAKE you level extremely fast?

The way the game makes me level extremely fast is that I find leveling so boring that I save up enough tomes so a new character can be level 80 in no time ;)

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> >This game makes you level extremely fast,...

> What? How does it MAKE you level extremely fast?


Like, literally. Few days ago, I just went there, exploring all far corners of Lion's Arch and got stuck in a couple of low-level events in adjacent locations (was completing dailies) - and I've got a freaking level, just for poking around, doing almost nothing of challenge or importance. Then I decided to advance my crafting a bit, to burn all those materials I've gathered (I'm 240 lv Artisan by now) - and I've got 2 freaking levels while bumping it from 180lv to the current one! Without even stepping my feet into maps of appropriate levels this day!

I literally gaining levels for just traveling around (I like running through the maps, just for the sake of a traveling, jumping into action I see on my way, and then running to the next map, until it gets just impossible/no reason to continue due to mobs one-shoting me)

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