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[PSA] Build Templates by ArcDps green-lighted by ArenaNet.


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> ChrisCleary 770 points 13 hours ago*


> About 2-3 months ago I asked /u/deltaconnected to take down his previously created Build Templates addon to ArcDPS. At the time it was in violation of our rules to distribute it and it had key issues with it when it came to functionality and interaction with the game client.


>This release is the result of a multi-month coordination to get his Build Templates addon into a place where I can green-light it for release. Unlike DPS meters, Build Templates is a much more passive user interface addon and thus it could be individually allowed to release outside of the DPS meter Terms of Service rules restriction. If future developers are interested in working with me to create addons, please reach out to me and we can chat.


> I'm green-lighting this due to the developer's trustworthiness after months of interaction and willingness to add key restrictions and functionality changes to accommodate my push to keep addons away from becoming a "must have to win" situation (WvW restrictions were not outlined in his post, but they are there along with others).


> In their current state, /u/DeltaConnected 's Build templates are green-lit and safe to use by users (in terms of violating the Terms of Service). I've asked him to run any functionality changes by me before releasing, so hopefully we don't need to worry about things changing in the future in terms of "safe to use".


> This is officially unsupported, and ArenaNet will not be able to offer any support for this addon or issues that occur due to use of this addon.


Key points:

`No support given for any issues created by this.`

`It took months for them to come to an agreement.`

`This only happened because DeltaConnected (ArcDps creator) has been so cooperative with ArenaNet.`

`This is just a filler until the first-party edition of Build Templates come.`

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> @sacredninja.5236 said:

> > @DakotaCoty.5721 said:

> > > @Trise.2865 said:

> > > > @Carighan.6758 said:

> > > > Woooooot!

> > > >

> > > > Plus, he hints at a forthcoming first-party solution!

> > >

> > > Where, exactly?

> >

> > In the response Delta said that it's just a filler until a first-party solution is made.


> So Delta hinted at this, not "ChrisCleary" or Anet?


Yes, but they have been talking back and forth about the tool, so it could be a direct relation. Hence the word _hinted_ rather than expressly stated :P

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this will and is not going to end well at all. i see that coming a mile away . and with ChrisCleary saying what he said in that post. well that makes my choices even more clear now . and i glad i made the call i made at least i can still play the game with out these unneeded things . that anet should have done in the first place

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> @dchsknight.3042 said:

> I would not trust ANY 3rd party addon after the treatment of the BDGM user. Seems like they will say one thing but then go back on it at a moments notice.


I'm certain said BDGM dev did everything right in their case. /s


On the topic it's good to see some community content devs and Arenanet actually working together on some much needed QoL with full disclosure and integrity.

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> @DakotaCoty.5721 said:

> > @Trise.2865 said:

> > > @Carighan.6758 said:

> > > Woooooot!

> > >

> > > Plus, he hints at a forthcoming first-party solution!

> >

> > Where, exactly?


> In the response Delta said that it's just a filler until a first-party solution is made.


That doesn't necessarily mean an actual system is in the plans any time soon.


"Just a filler" is also another way to say "this was the best we could agree to without Anet completely undermining their stance on macros."


Anet seems more than happy to let people give them free labor. We still don't have an official dps meter system in place. They've waited long enough that any requests for one are met with "just use Arc".


The same will be for templates after a time. Even more so now that it's "officially endorsed".

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> @dchsknight.3042 said:

> I would not trust ANY 3rd party addon after the treatment of the BDGM user. Seems like they will say one thing but then go back on it at a moments notice.


DeltaConnected worked for months with Chris (An ArenaNet employee) to make sure that the tool was safe, and ToS-compliant.


If a game's company developer is spending one on one time with an addon developer to make sure it is safe, I'd say that's more than trustworthy because they've both taken measures and precautions to make sure that the players are in safe hands.


I am someone that actively uses ArcDps and there's no network data being transmitted, or data being stored other than records of your dps logs.

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