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Unable to Edit Posts

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> @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> > @"StinVec.3621" said:

> > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > I wonder if it has to do with forum ranking. I noticed it started right after I got a forum rank up notice. I checked on another account and that account can post and edit the new post.

> >

> > Related to my previous post, your other account is likely able to edit due to not having a signature added to it (if this is the case). As it is not displaying a signature under its post that is overlaying the entire post that prevents clicking in to edit, you are able to edit just fine with it.

> >


> > In the meantime, anyone with this issue, simply remove your signature for the time being and it should allow you to edit your posts due to no longer displaying on your posts and preventing editing.


> This actually works... You can also activate the "Always hide signatures" on your settings if you don't want to simply delete yours.


> Such a shame we cannot use the signature feature because of this bug tho.


I was about to post Jeknar's solution since I tested it earlier and forgot to tell everyone. lol. Anyway, I hope this forum glitch gets resolved soon.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

StinVec -- Thanks a bunch for your detective work! It's tremendously helpful for us to be able to point to the exact cause of the problem, then ask Vanilla to fix it.


I noted the inability to edit late last week, and we've been following up because it's a pretty significant bug! I anticipate that with our being able to show exactly where the issue arises, this should be addressed pretty quickly. In the meantime, the work-around of removing your signature to allow editing is functional...even if less than desirable.


Thanks again!

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> StinVec -- Thanks a bunch for your detective work! It's tremendously helpful for us to be able to point to the exact cause of the problem, then ask Vanilla to fix it.


> I noted the inability to edit late last week, and we've been following up because it's a pretty significant bug! I anticipate that with our being able to show exactly where the issue arises, this should be addressed pretty quickly. In the meantime, the work-around of removing your signature to allow editing is functional...even if less than desirable.


> Thanks again!


Yay! I hope you get the glitch nailed soon. :)

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A fix for this issue is quite simple actually. Found this within minutes, so I'm surprised this hasn't been fixed yet. By going to the _**_listings.scss**_ file and editing line 191 from saying _**display: block;**_ to _**display: table;**_ it should resolve the issue. Alternatively, you could go edit the _**signature.css**_ file and add _**display: table !important;**_ to the _**.UserSignature**_ class. For the savvy, you can test the latter suggestion through your browser's console by running the following JavaScript snippet while editing:


`var x=document.getElementsByClassName("UserSignature"),i;for(i=0;i

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  • ArenaNet Staff

To be clear -- although I was sure I was in my earlier post -- this is not a change that we can make on our end. **We are reliant on Vanilla to fix this bug.** We've sent it to them at a Priority 1, and now... we wait. But believe me, we are aware of this situation, and I assure you that if you are irritated, I'm seriously hindered by this bug in doing my job!

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> To be clear -- although I was sure I was in my earlier post -- this is not a change that we can make on our end. **We are reliant on Vanilla to fix this bug.** We've sent it to them at a Priority 1, and now... we wait. But believe me, we are aware of this situation, and I assure you that if you are irritated, I'm seriously hindered by this bug in doing my job!


Well, then we can blame them for their slothfulness. :p

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Yes, I just tested to be sure, and "Hide Signatures Always" **does** work, as a temporary workaround.


> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> > I haven't been able to edit posts for well over a week, glad (not really) to hear it's a general problem, and not clientside


> In your forum preferences, under `Signature Settings`, toggle on `Hide Signatures Always`. This alleviates the symptoms (but not the cause).



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> @Jeknar.6184 said:

> Sorry for the necro but I wanted to say that the bug have been fixed in case of some of you are still using the Hide Signatures setting.


Thanks for letting us know. I hadn't seen anyone else comment on it. (I don't think it counts as "necro" when the new post actually includes new information that is of interest to those who have posted already.)

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