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Just feedback from new player, and why this game never becomes AAA mmo.


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If Guild Wars is not a AAA MMO than only WoW is and no other game is, since it's been in the top five MMOs since it's launch. I could list problems with every MMO that I've ever played that I find more annoying than your list. I had problems in WoW as well, but no one will say it's not a triple A game. In fact my issues with WoW were more annoying than most of what you listed about this game.


In my opinion, the OP lost credibility the moment he said this isn't a triple A MMO he lost a lot of credibility.

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They do need to address the terrible communication of fight mechanics. The aoes are often barely visible due to visual clutter and bad/wrong colouring. Full red circles for conditions and a less transparent orange one for blast zones would indeed make things better and feel less arbitrary. Failing because the telegraph is baddoes feel awful.

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> @Rennie.6750 said:

> They do need to address the terrible communication of fight mechanics. The aoes are often barely visible due to visual clutter and bad/wrong colouring. Full red circles for conditions and a less transparent orange one for blast zones would indeed make things better and feel less arbitrary. Failing because the telegraph is baddoes feel awful.


A good 75 percent of my deaths right there. I think by industry standards, GW2 is a AAA MMO, but its lack of visual features common in PC games is startling - dead MMOs that are over a decade old had these.

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While I agree with a lot of the criticism the OP listed, I would like to clarify one thing:


> @Noise.1824 said:

> In my opinion all problems in game because developers don’t like their game and don’t play it actually, for them its just another coding job.


**That** is **not true**, the devs are known to play this game just like the rest of us do. Which makes it seem even sadder that all the flaws and bugs reported and/or discussed multiple times over the years have still not been taken care of.

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> @Ashantara.8731 said:

> While I agree with a lot of the criticism the OP listed, I would like to clarify one thing:


> > @Noise.1824 said:

> > In my opinion all problems in game because developers don’t like their game and don’t play it actually, for them its just another coding job.


> **That** is **not true**, the devs are known to play this game just like the rest of us do. Which makes it seem even sadder that all the flaws and bugs reported and/or discussed multiple times over the years have still not been taken care of.


This is incorrect. Thousands of bugs have been fixed. Perhaps tens of thousands. Not every bug, and not bugs you consider to be bad, but bugs are fixed every single patch.

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I guess something like FFXIV would just be an indie game for you then.


Most of those points are nitpicking to the point where they are not actual issues but things you'd prefer being different and then there's the absolutely mindboggling suggestions such as " + all damage from monsters should be converted from flat numbers to % of target hp, it would be more fair i think." which show you have no idea what you're talking about. This would imply that class HP and armor do not matter anymore and as such would throw off a large aspect of PvE balance. Only a few of those points you listed are actually worth mentioning (such as the party chat being deleted)


Whether you like it or not, this game already is an AAA MMO, despite you claiming its not.

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In all honesty I feel like your just trying to find a needle in a haystack.

In the living story on my char. I also died ... often and said same thing, but then I realized that I had to change build and I made my own (inspired on others)

Now I don't die at all or very few times. Same goes for the mobs in HoT and PoF, es they are stronger but you are also entering ''enemy territory'' at launch people said the same about Orr :) it is all about getting used to it.


Don't take my wrong, what you are saying is not bad far from even but at the moment they are things that people can live with, balancing at the moment is a bigger issue

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> @Makai.3429 said:

> > @Rennie.6750 said:

> > They do need to address the terrible communication of fight mechanics. The aoes are often barely visible due to visual clutter and bad/wrong colouring. Full red circles for conditions and a less transparent orange one for blast zones would indeed make things better and feel less arbitrary. Failing because the telegraph is baddoes feel awful.


> A good 75 percent of my deaths right there. I think by industry standards, GW2 is a AAA MMO, but its lack of visual features common in PC games is startling - dead MMOs that are over a decade old had these.


I know, right? We're talking about a minor QoL change that's only about tuning a couple of existing animations, but no, it's not happening. It would make all existing content so much more enjoyable for everyone that I really don't understand why it's been that way for so long.

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> @zombyturtle.5980 said:

> I agree that alot of things you posted are a problem and should have been fixed long ago. I dont think they are stopping gw2 from being a AAA mmo though, the reason it struggles with that is

> - too much experimentation when the game launched led to some really bad decisions massively slowing down content release

> - PVP in an abysmal state

> - balance patches FAR to rare and too small

> - struggle to release good **repeatable** content after disbanding most of the dungeon teams


This pretty much nails all the major problems with the game, though I would add two more:

- Poorly configured fight mechanics. Way too many fights are just dodge-or-die when you can't see anything, and in-game explanations are always poor

- Poor development on existing frameworks like guild missions, weapon types, fotm, wvw, etc. The only thing we're getting at a good pace now is new general PvE content, which is all pretty high quality, but it's time for a rebalance in what's getting worked on.



Arenanet still has hundreds of employees. None of this stuff should be that difficult. It's a systemic game management problem. Mo did make the right call for a little while in focusing on expanding the world, because that was the biggest problem the game had for three years, but we're at a place now where he should be restructuring the teams to focus more on things like more frequent and bigger-in-scale balance updates, dungeons, development of new systems, new weapon types, and guild content expansion.

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