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what is the point of...


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rhetorical question. this is a thread for things you find pointless/unnecessary in gw2

what is the point of:

- toilet paper rolls, at least other junk u can sell for 1copper, but u can't even sell toilet paper rolls...

- first aid kits in wvw, does anyone actually use this feature?

- minis...

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Minis are cute. And as cosmetics are a large part of this game's appeal, I'm all for mini pets. The toilet paper and first aid kits though? I'd say pretty much pointless.


Throwing toilet paper at people is not stylistic or really something anyone ever asked for. But I guess a cheeky prank reference here and there isn't too out of the ordinary for this game. But I consider it more of a waste of inventory space. And I NEVER see anyone using it,


I don't do WvW enough to say much more on the first aid kits other than I've never seen them used either (the few times I was in WvW).

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Sometime my guild will tell everyone in ts to pick a medkit. but well drop it when theres anything going on. just a fancy thing while you'Re just running.


Toilet paper, I sometimes use them when waiting in dungeons dialogues. no use to them either.


most minis are useless and ugly.

Get the mini rock, or the princess lama, or dont bother with any

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Toilet Paper was made to clog up inventory. Feel bad for the one that had to code this one in knowing most people would just throw it away.

No clue on anything WvW as I just find it boring in general.

Some minis are good when they look aesthetically correct. Certain babies, certain creatures (spiders, elementals, choyas, etc). Most of them are just stupid like mini people as it just looks off or wrong.


What is the point of putting in ANY ITEM that say "it's value is only part of a collection" to even add it as a inventory item when you can't even sell it?

There's things in the game you collect that just goes into "you collected it" or stores somewhere else like within the achievement area or whatever. Why certain items that does the same thing as those have to go in the inventory? It doesn't help anything or does anything. The memory of Vlast and other things make sense as you can at least use them... but even then... you could sell them if you don't want them.

So yeah.. why? At least the damn toilet paper can be used by throwing it at a wall.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> Toilet Paper was made to clog up inventory. Feel bad for the one that had to code this one in knowing most people would just throw it away.

> No clue on anything WvW as I just find it boring in general.

> Some minis are good when they look aesthetically correct. Certain babies, certain creatures (spiders, elementals, choyas, etc). Most of them are just stupid like mini people as it just looks off or wrong.


**> What is the point of putting in ANY ITEM that say "it's value is only part of a collection" to even add it as a inventory item when you can't even sell it?**

> There's things in the game you collect that just goes into "you collected it" or stores somewhere else like within the achievement area or whatever. Why certain items that does the same thing as those have to go in the inventory? It doesn't help anything or does anything. The memory of Vlast and other things make sense as you can at least use them... but even then... you could sell them if you don't want them.

> So yeah.. why? At least the kitten toilet paper can be used by throwing it at a wall.


This is actually a good point...

Also why do we have to type it out to destroy that item that is only part of a collection? XD

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> @Samnang.1879 said:

> rhetorical question. this is a thread for things you find pointless/unnecessary in gw2

> what is the point of:

> - toilet paper rolls, at least other junk u can sell for 1copper, but u can't even sell toilet paper rolls...


What about the other tonics then?

Time sink given by trashing them ( and gold sink, since they don't provide any return ).


> - first aid kits in wvw, does anyone actually use this feature?


Good point ( i guess they were there for the initial core version, in order to allow classes tu support somehow ).


> - minis...



I happened to see on wow infinite players who spent hours and/or irl cash for em.

That market is huge mate.

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The point of toilet paper and rotten eggs is that they're two of the most common halloween pranks. I like keeping a stack of each around in case the urge strikes me to egg or TP random things to express my displeasure. Minis exist for the same reason other "toys" exist. They're fun an people like having fun things sometimes even if they're not worth gold or combat buffs.


(Also why isn't there a title for egging all the joko statues or toilet papering the bone palalce now that Joko's back in the playable world? Missed opportunity arenanet!)

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> @Samnang.1879 said:

> rhetorical question. this is a thread for things you find pointless/unnecessary in gw2

> what is the point of:

> - toilet paper rolls, at least other junk u can sell for 1copper, but u can't even sell toilet paper rolls...

> - first aid kits in wvw, does anyone actually use this feature?

> - minis...


Selling toilet paper is wasteful, make good use of it. That's why you can't sell it .

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> @Samnang.1879 said:

> what is the point of:

> - first aid kits in wvw, does anyone actually use this feature?


First aid kits give like 50% swiftness uptime, which means you don't need to invest as much of your build on keeping up with the zerg. Then when you reach a fight, you grab a few seconds of fury and drop the kit.



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> @akenoyuki.8210 said:

> What is the point of:

> - making some of gem store item to be time-limited (such as mystlock sanctuary, some unbreakable gathering tools, not the event-related item such as haloween)

> - making the Living World Season 1 unplayable


This might have been rhetorical, but the first is a pretty well established marketing technique. Wikipedia has an interesting bit about it under the subject of "hunger marketing."


The second has been explained by devs as game improvements and changes making the first season unplayable. Rather than focus resources on updating season one, they prefer to create new content.

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If we could see a snapshot of the OP's inventory, main and guild banks, I'll bet we could find a fair few items we could ask, "what's the point of keeping that?" I think keeping eventually useless, unsellable items is for those that get pangs of nostalgia. I have lots of items in storage that are now no longer available in the game, and probably never will be again. I'm old enough to have lost plenty of memories, so some of this junk helps remind me of certain bygone, one-shot events and the "good old days" in general.


Toilet paper and rotten eggs is/are for throwing at the Mad King during Mad King Says, of course.


Oh and as a rebuttal to Mr. Only The Minis I Like Are Worth Having--the pet rock is one I haven't bothered with apart from hundreds of others I've wasted gold on. Go figure, eh?

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> @PopeUrban.2578 said:

> (Also why isn't there a title for egging all the joko statues or toilet papering the bone palalce now that Joko's back in the playable world? Missed opportunity arenanet!)


While this would be another Halloween achievement that would require the expansion, I _really_ think they need to do this for next year.

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> @Samnang.1879 said:

> rhetorical question. this is a thread for things you find pointless/unnecessary in gw2

> what is the point of:

> - toilet paper rolls, at least other junk u can sell for 1copper, but u can't even sell toilet paper rolls...

> - first aid kits in wvw, does anyone actually use this feature?

> - minis...


Toilet paper is for throwing at the Baruch Bay blob

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> @Kruhljak.2705 said:

> If we could see a snapshot of the OP's inventory, main and guild banks, I'll bet we could find a fair few items we could ask, "what's the point of keeping that?" I think keeping eventually useless, unsellable items is for those that get pangs of nostalgia. I have lots of items in storage that are now no longer available in the game, and probably never will be again. I'm old enough to have lost plenty of memories, so some of this junk helps remind me of certain bygone, one-shot events and the "good old days" in general.


> Toilet paper and rotten eggs is/are for throwing at the Mad King during Mad King Says, of course.


> Oh and as a rebuttal to Mr. Only The Minis I Like Are Worth Having--the pet rock is one I haven't bothered with apart from hundreds of others I've wasted gold on. Go figure, eh?


Nah, I'm super ocd about inv spaces... my inv is super clean, I delete all potions and toys and pointless stuff. This is cluttered to me, but soon i'll get rid of all of these junk. I'm going to delete the 200 mystic forge stone soon-ish. The halloween stuff i will delete after halloween.


![pic](https://i.imgur.com/7JkcZ57.jpg "")


![](https://i.imgur.com/w13jsOp.jpg "")






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