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Scourge play-style feels...not fun...


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After more time on Scourge, I'm coming to the conclusion that I like Reaper a lot more.

Thematically and style-wise, Reaper is miles ahead in coolness and fun compared to Scourge.


Reaper Shroud gives you the monstrous unstoppable look (look only) that allows us to go charging into our foes in any game mode.

Not to mention the ability to wield the Greatsword is a major plus.


Scourge is just mindless spamming of F1-5 skills that isn't as fun or cool as Reaper's playstyle.

Yes, I can time my skills properly in accordance to what is needed instead of mindlessly spamming but taking this over Reaper shroud? Just...no...

The whole class feels sluggish.

The only thing going for it imo is the large AOE pulsing nature of shades that allows us a lot more AOE tagging of mobs in addition to our Staff and Wells.

I've tried Scourge more for its Support nature with a heavily geared support build in WvW for small group fights and it is lacklustre in part due to cast time on F1, making the whole play-style clunky and unreliable when combat is moving around so fast and everyone is flashing here and blinking there.


I tried Scourge in open world earlier and had that intense "I wish I was on my Reaper" feeling...

I think I'm taking a break from GW2 though, till the higher powers decide that Reapers can have nice things like a viable Power build and the 7 seconds Shroud CD back...


Heading back to Diablo for a while to experience the traditional Necromancer that I grew up playing.

Stay strong guys and hopefully the next balance patch gives us a light in this terribly long darkness.

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Can just agree. I even would like to be able to spec a coremancer again. But it is worth in every aspect, dmg, aoe pressure, condi apply, boons (stability), boon strip,.... and this holds for all game modes.

And yes the biggest nerf to power reaper (from a pvp and wvw perspecitve was to take away the 7 sec into reaper cd..... what happens now is in those 10 secs your already low vit low toughness necro (compared to trailblazer and dire) gets blown up cuz we have 0 defense utility skills outside of some protection (what gets stripped anyways a lot of the time).

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> @EremiteAngel.9765 said:

> After more time on Scourge, I'm coming to the conclusion that I like Reaper a lot more.

> Thematically and style-wise, Reaper is miles ahead in coolness and fun compared to Scourge.


> Reaper Shroud gives you the monstrous unstoppable look (look only) that allows us to go charging into our foes in any game mode.

> Not to mention the ability to wield the Greatsword is a major plus.


The reason why I've always played necro in the first place it's because **reaper is so beautiful**! The shroud is just amazing looking and cool, dynamic, with various effects depending on each shroud skill which _OMG_ changed you character's form! Do you have any idea how cool is that?

Scourge is... just... ugly. What's that glowing yellow in the first place? Wasn't it the class from the darkness? Green used to be perfect on core necro and reaper, you know? No changing form, just some confusingly ugly f5... what pissed me off the most is that I was kinda willing to play ugly necro with a spe mechanics I totally disliked solely bcz it was strong and now I don't have any reason whatsoever to play a char ive spent several hundreds of gold on to make it pretty.


TL; DR scourge is ugly

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Staff is boring and scourge is just augmented staff play, not complicated why it feels like garbage to play. People really took a month to realize this? Took me 5 min to figure out that I HAD to play staff with scourge and I despise it. Took me 10min to figure out build and gear for my scourge using exotics. Took me a 1 hour to realize it was the most brainless thing I have ever played. Took me 5hrs to quit. Checked metabattle and saw the build I made was identical.


And sadly when I try to play reaper in wvw I cannot even play because I have a wall of marks and sand shades I cannot get through. Gg anet.

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Staff is boring and scourge is just augmented staff play, not complicated why it feels like garbage to play. People really took a month to realize this? Took me 5 min to figure out that I HAD to play staff with scourge and I despise it. Took me 10min to figure out build and gear for my scourge using exotics. Took me a 1 hour to realize it was the most brainless thing I have ever played. Took me 5hrs to quit. Checked metabattle and saw the build I made was identical.


And sadly when I try to play reaper in wvw I cannot even play because I have a wall of marks and sand shades I cannot get through. Gg anet.

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I find reaper boring and Scourge fun, I like the playstyle of having shades to deny areas and control where everyone is going. It is only spamming F skills if you want dmg, the F3 fear is really useful, when you are trying to run away, and sometimes that barrier can help you rarely...like really rarely. The F5 is kinda meh atm, but its extra dmg I guess.

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> @reukies.6418 said:

> I find reaper boring and Scourge fun, I like the playstyle of having shades to deny areas and control where everyone is going. It is only spamming F skills if you want dmg, the F3 fear is really useful, when you are trying to run away, and sometimes that barrier can help you rarely...like really rarely. The F5 is kinda meh atm, but its extra dmg I guess.


I agree, Scourge feels more like a control mage with added support and I like that. Reaper is cool visually but too one dimensional in play style. With Scourge it feels like you can do more for you and your team in PvP scenarios.

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Feel the same and I LOVE zone control type characters, as well as brawler/bruiser types. So necro should make me feel right at home even more with scourge and reaper (had been for 2 years).


But scourge is lackluster in damage and support now and Reaper...I still find it fun to play but in comparison to other classes there isn’t much reason to take one for PvE, and PvP/WvW it’s so easy to kite.

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Was roaming with my wife (WvW), me as scrouge, my wife as guardian, and she had a dps meter running. My damage was always below hers (once 3 points above), but I was throwing all I had (elite skill, all shade functions, all other) on the enemies and she was doing just some attacks here and there.

So I am really looking forward this next balance patch (7. november?).

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I was expecting to trait into reaper and scourge.. why? I don't know. :)


Anyway i do feel that scourge has the same problems necro has since launch. (WvW)

No reflect But absorb.


With the growing amount of ranged *high damage* skills and professions Necro simply under preforms in any fight, either in pirate ship meta or small scale. (WvW)

It doesn't matter if a necro has 5 skills on staff to damage or transfer this one dw weapon skill needs a trait to be unblockable, yet is easily jumped over/ dodged trough etc ..

compare this with any skill that does around 10k damage (or more) on reasonable CD with 1200 to 1500 range that any necro has to eat. combine this with excellent movability knock backs and other counters to any sluggish class.


just compare it..


My 2 cents.

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> @"Merlin Dyfed Avalon.5046" said:

> I was expecting to trait into reaper and scourge.. why? I don't know. :)


> Anyway i do feel that scourge has the same problems necro has since launch. (WvW)

> No reflect But absorb.


> With the growing amount of ranged *high damage* skills and professions Necro simply under preforms in any fight, either in pirate ship meta or small scale. (WvW)

> It doesn't matter if a necro has 5 skills on staff to damage or transfer this one dw weapon skill needs a trait to be unblockable, yet is easily jumped over/ dodged trough etc ..

> compare this with any skill that does around 10k damage (or more) on reasonable CD with 1200 to 1500 range that any necro has to eat. combine this with excellent movability knock backs and other counters to any sluggish class.


> just compare it..


> My 2 cents.


I Compare it..... every single day when i go into WvW and try to get to a commander and i get jumped by someone..... i compare it......


and it hurts....

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