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Suggestions we could make to help the devs making WvW greater place!


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Wanted to share my views on how to make WvW great for everyone so why not opening thread for everyone to pitch in and have their views on it.

-make random high value escorts(which couple of dollies arrive for much larger supply boost)


-Scale reward with the amount of ppl doing it. (like events in pve) for example: if a 5 man party gets a keep they will recive larger xp boost then a blob(thus eliminating the dependency for karma trains to rank up) another example is dolly escorting and destroying, give larger boosts for solo roamers and defenders which leads to the next suggestion.


-Reward defending as much as attacking(find a way to make it)


-Add a bit more stuff that gives you pip. for instance give more pip the more time you have tier 6 full participation(with a limit ofc) and the instant you get demoted to tier 5, lose all the pips addons. You can also make tier 7 which is very quick to diminish. thus encouraging active playing.



Lets hear ya stuff!

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @Barak.2709 said:

> > Make some changes to DBL. Like adding NPc's that give brief huge swiftness to anyone who passes. I feel this is important topic and I hope some devs would see it.


> Like the shrines which give a 40% buff?


> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @Barak.2709 said:

> > Make some changes to DBL. Like adding NPc's that give brief huge swiftness to anyone who passes. I feel this is important topic and I hope some devs would see it.


> Like the shrines which give a 40% buff?


yes but in the whole map

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> @Barak.2709 said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @Barak.2709 said:

> > > Make some changes to DBL. Like adding NPc's that give brief huge swiftness to anyone who passes. I feel this is important topic and I hope some devs would see it.

> >

> > Like the shrines which give a 40% buff?


> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @Barak.2709 said:

> > > Make some changes to DBL. Like adding NPc's that give brief huge swiftness to anyone who passes. I feel this is important topic and I hope some devs would see it.

> >

> > Like the shrines which give a 40% buff?


> yes but in the whole map


There are 9 shrines throughout the map. Each one gives you that buff.

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Maybe they should clean up the ground in desert bl before bothering with speed boost, also as mentioned you get speed from the shrine buffs, and also from the sentry checkpoints you can pickup the bag that gives you speed, just put the number 5 skill on auto.


As for the pips, could probably work it as get an extra pip for the extra levels of participation, so an extra pip for levels 4, 5, 6.

I personally don't have a problem with them handing out pips faster as it gets you to the end of your chests faster, the repeat chests don't offer extra tickets anyways. So what's the harm in letting someone earn all their chests in 2 days rather than 3? Because they get you to play 3 days! Maybe they should do something about wvw feeling like work these days dragging yourself through the condition swamp to get your chests.


Not sure about rewarding defending more, in what way do you want this to happen? If you're gonna ask for it then at least make a suggestion.


If you reward defending too much people won't have a reason to leave structures much. People attacking probably won't want to reward you for sitting on your ac firing down on them either. There needs to be some extra motivation for players to attack something.

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I honestly doubt making WvW great again is anywhere near the devs. mind. They are more then likely bothered by trying to figure out what the next gem store item is going to be. Or which class deserve it's time being OP or nerfed to nothingness for the next 3 months. Or how they are going to get more PvEers and RPers spending more money on gems.


I'm pretty certain PvP and WvW modes are the last things on their minds.

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> @XenesisII.1540 said:

> Maybe they should clean up the ground in desert bl before bothering with speed boost, also as mentioned you get speed from the shrine buffs, and also from the sentry checkpoints you can pickup the bag that gives you speed, just put the number 5 skill on auto.


> As for the pips, could probably work it as get an extra pip for the extra levels of participation, so an extra pip for levels 4, 5, 6.

> I personally don't have a problem with them handing out pips faster as it gets you to the end of your chests faster, the repeat chests don't offer extra tickets anyways. So what's the harm in letting someone earn all their chests in 2 days rather than 3? Because they get you to play 3 days! Maybe they should do something about wvw feeling like work these days dragging yourself through the condition swamp to get your chests.


> Not sure about rewarding defending more, in what way do you want this to happen? If you're gonna ask for it then at least make a suggestion.


> If you reward defending too much people won't have a reason to leave structures much. People attacking probably won't want to reward you for sitting on your ac firing down on them either. There needs to be some extra motivation for players to attack something.

I said rewarding the same as attacking. not more.


Extra xp would do, or an achievement with rewards..


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Ok the issues that need fixing are no PVD , I mean what is that ?? 50 people beating on a fortified door with their bronze swords and such give me a break , AOE I mean the walls get painted with rings hence the KDR its near impossible to peek over your fortified walls without dyingon said walls , decrease the range back to what it was let them keep their toxicity just decrease the range ,make them use siege to gain entry , Stealth is beyond the ridiculous ,I'm all for a bit of stealth but perma stealth , Closed WPs just because an enemy runs by it closes WP kitten is that ,you want to close WP you have to actually drop siege to contact target then it closes , I don't give a toss which tier I'm in I still give it my best shot to compete even against BG so many times been run over but hey it's not like I really died and to take down a few before hand feels good , everyone wants to win in life and to a lot of people GW2 is life albiet leisure you want to enjoy. My 2 cents worth which is just my opinion food for the trolls and ANET will not even read it but what the hey, they made a broken game which they manage to break with every Expac and after 5 years for WvW there has never been a glimmer of hope. Back to fray to get rolled yet again.

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> @"Reaper Alim.4176" said:

> I honestly doubt making WvW great again is anywhere near the devs. mind. They are more then likely bothered by trying to figure out what the next gem store item is going to be. Or which class deserve it's time being OP or nerfed to nothingness for the next 3 months. Or how they are going to get more PvEers and RPers spending more money on gems.


> I'm pretty certain PvP and WvW modes are the last things on their minds.


That's awfully disingenuous of you. You know full well that the gem store, class balance and wvw are handled by different devs.

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> @Sandrox.9524 said:

> -Scale reward with the amount of ppl doing it. (like events in pve) for example: if a 5 man party gets a keep they will recive larger xp boost then a blob(thus eliminating the dependency for karma trains to rank up) another example is dolly escorting and destroying, give larger boosts for solo roamers and defenders which leads to the next suggestion.


This has been suggested many times. They won't. They feel it will cause a lot of strife with people yelling at them to gtfo of the cap, don't follow, go away type of stuff.


> -Reward defending as much as attacking(find a way to make it)


Pretty sure you're rewarded for defending more than attacking as defending gives you a reward at the end of every event cycle whereas attacking only rewards you if you're successful at completing the capture.


> -Add a bit more stuff that gives you pip. for instance give more pip the more time you have tier 6 full participation(with a limit ofc) and the instant you get demoted to tier 5, lose all the pips addons. You can also make tier 7 which is very quick to diminish. thus encouraging active playing.


They've already went through a few balances on the participation system to balance out roaming and large zerg fighting. Adding another tier would just cause more griping form the people who roam not on EBG.


Honestly, most of us are completely jaded. We've gone through 5 years of making suggestions, had developer feedback threads, etc. It's like pulling teeth to get stuff done in WvW. It took, what, 4 years for them to add more colors to tags? 4 years to add a good reward system which lagged a year behind PvP. They do mostly band-aid fixes or add stuff no one asked for and weren't necessary (like the UI change at the top of the screen with little castles showing what place your in). I could go on and on and on. They move super slow. But by all means, make another thread with your thoughts. Can't hurt.



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> @Sandrox.9524 said:

> > @XenesisII.1540 said:

> > Not sure about rewarding defending more, in what way do you want this to happen? If you're gonna ask for it then at least make a suggestion.

> I said rewarding the same as attacking. not more.


> Extra xp would do, or an achievement with rewards..



Well we're not mind readers here, that's why I asked in what way.

Extra wxp (I assume you mean wxp because we don't earn exp in wvw) not really a big deal, so suggest away.

Achievement for what? There's already defense achievements for objectives, camps, towers, keeps, smc.

For what rewards? You get titles for those wvw achievements above.



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> @Deli.1302 said:

> > @"Reaper Alim.4176" said:

> > I honestly doubt making WvW great again is anywhere near the devs. mind. They are more then likely bothered by trying to figure out what the next gem store item is going to be. Or which class deserve it's time being OP or nerfed to nothingness for the next 3 months. Or how they are going to get more PvEers and RPers spending more money on gems.

> >

> > I'm pretty certain PvP and WvW modes are the last things on their minds.


> That's awfully disingenuous of you. You know full well that the gem store, class balance and wvw are handled by different devs.


Is it really tho? From what I see and experience here lately compared to other MMOs and PvP titles. I'll entertain you by breaking it down for you.


- Gem store items very very frequently.

- Huge meaningful PvE releases when they drop. You can tell loads of thought and effort gets put here.

- Knowingly brokenly overpowered elite specs. That players have pointed out in the BETA that are harmful to PvP and WvW modes. Yet not only did the devs go ahead and released and such a state. But they are still refuse to do a hotfix balance patch. Other games would've hotfix things as such within the first week of release.

- We still have classes that are completely useless and not even viable. Looking at you Renegade for PvP and Scourge for high end PvE content.

- We still have classes that are just grossly overpowered. Looking at you Spellbreaker and Daredevil for PvP.

- I personally don't even count WvW as a supported gamemode anymore. It doesn't even get's it's own balance splits, like PvP does. That mode is basically grossly ignored. We have servers in this game who'd rather mass lose on purpose then to receive the reward of being completely curbed stomped for a whole week. By servers who can just throw way more bodies at you, then you can image amassing on your server. We still have a balance issue between Trailblazer and Dire tank builds in WvW. When was the last actual WvW update?

- For PvP mode LEL, all I have to say about that one is. "How about that PoF release of broken specs. mid Ranked season!" again LEL. I won't even go into the balance decisions every 3 or 5 months. Because by gaming standards they are irrelevant at best.


I in light of everything, I still firmly stand by and support. What I've previously said on this matter.

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> @"Reaper Alim.4176" said:

> > @Deli.1302 said:

> > > @"Reaper Alim.4176" said:

> > > I honestly doubt making WvW great again is anywhere near the devs. mind. They are more then likely bothered by trying to figure out what the next gem store item is going to be. Or which class deserve it's time being OP or nerfed to nothingness for the next 3 months. Or how they are going to get more PvEers and RPers spending more money on gems.

> > >

> > > I'm pretty certain PvP and WvW modes are the last things on their minds.

> >

> > That's awfully disingenuous of you. You know full well that the gem store, class balance and wvw are handled by different devs.


> Is it really tho? From what I see and experience here lately compared to other MMOs and PvP titles. I'll entertain you by breaking it down for you.


> - Gem store items very very frequently.

> - Huge meaningful PvE releases when they drop. You can tell loads of thought and effort gets put here.

> - Knowingly brokenly overpowered elite specs. That players have pointed out in the BETA that are harmful to PvP and WvW modes. Yet not only did the devs go ahead and released and such a state. But they are still refuse to do a hotfix balance patch. Other games would've hotfix things as such within the first week of release.

> - We still have classes that are completely useless and not even viable. Looking at you Renegade for PvP and Scourge for high end PvE content.

> - We still have classes that are just grossly overpowered. Looking at you Spellbreaker and Daredevil for PvP.

> - I personally don't even count WvW as a supported gamemode anymore. It doesn't even get's it's own balance splits, like PvP does. That mode is basically grossly ignored. We have servers in this game who'd rather mass lose on purpose then to receive the reward of being completely curbed stomped for a whole week. By servers who can just throw way more bodies at you, then you can image amassing on your server. We still have a balance issue between Trailblazer and Dire tank builds in WvW. When was the last actual WvW update?

> - For PvP mode LEL, all I have to say about that one is. "How about that PoF release of broken specs. mid Ranked season!" again LEL. I won't even go into the balance decisions every 3 or 5 months. Because by gaming standards they are irrelevant at best.


> I in light of everything, I still firmly stand by and support. What I've previously said on this matter.


Just add on to my last. Don't get me wrong I still think GW2 is a decent PvE title. But outside of that, you can do much much better almost anywhere else. GW2 exceed at it's art style, it's PvE, it's casual nature, and it's combat system. Other than that, using my 15 plus years of experience MMO gaming. I'll honestly say that's all it's got going for it. Again don't get me wrong, while I might not put in nearly the amount of time I used to. I still somewhat like GW2, in very very small spells. But I will not sit here and try to recommend this game for what, it's obviously not.

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Ok lets see...

Nerf condis.

Add a vendor that can convert tomes of knowledge into something useful (wvw ranks to those below rank 2k? reward track progress to those above 2k?)

Add gold to pip chests like pvp.

Add a least one grandmaster mark per week into pip chests (pvp gives up to 3 marks per season).

Normalize the rewards from reward track, half the tracks give siege, other half still gives tomes. 0 consistency.

Add a "repeat" checkmark or a queue system for reward tracks. Sick of doing useless dungeon tracks by accident.

Nerf condis.

Fix DBL a bit. Make it a bit smaller and make the northern towers faster to reach and be more useful, like on Alpine.

Fix the numerous bugs in wvw (such as yaks not walking/getting stuck/teleporting, or getting stuck in walls or other terrain).

Fix server lag in bigger fights.

Nerf Condis.

Remove the heavy time gates on wvw ascended gear, let wvw tickets be used only for legendary, add new non time-gate currency for ascended.

Remove Dire/Trailblazer sets from wvw or make them as useless as soldiers (hint: soldiers is useless).

Nerf condis.

Balance classes more often than just once every 3 months. More frequent changes will make the gameplay more interesting.

And lastly, nerf condis.


This is just a short list I can come up with at 1am.


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> @Przemyslaw.5891 said:

> Suggestions? Really? Are you still fooling yourself that they read forum or even care?


just what I was about to write. from the looks of it they don't give the slightest of Fs. look around the forum - no responses from them.


it's a waste of time.

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> @Spurnshadow.3678 said:


> > @Sandrox.9524 said:

> > -Scale reward with the amount of ppl doing it. (like events in pve) for example: if a 5 man party gets a keep they will recive larger xp boost then a blob(thus eliminating the dependency for karma trains to rank up) another example is dolly escorting and destroying, give larger boosts for solo roamers and defenders which leads to the next suggestion.


> This has been suggested many times. They won't. They feel it will cause a lot of strife with people yelling at them to gtfo of the cap, don't follow, go away type of stuff.


> > -Reward defending as much as attacking(find a way to make it)


> Pretty sure you're rewarded for defending more than attacking as defending gives you a reward at the end of every event cycle whereas attacking only rewards you if you're successful at completing the capture.


> > -Add a bit more stuff that gives you pip. for instance give more pip the more time you have tier 6 full participation(with a limit ofc) and the instant you get demoted to tier 5, lose all the pips addons. You can also make tier 7 which is very quick to diminish. thus encouraging active playing.


> They've already went through a few balances on the participation system to balance out roaming and large zerg fighting. Adding another tier would just cause more griping form the people who roam not on EBG.


> Honestly, most of us are completely jaded. We've gone through 5 years of making suggestions, had developer feedback threads, etc. It's like pulling teeth to get stuff done in WvW. It took, what, 4 years for them to add more colors to tags? 4 years to add a good reward system which lagged a year behind PvP. They do mostly band-aid fixes or add stuff no one asked for and weren't necessary (like the UI change at the top of the screen with little castles showing what place your in). I could go on and on and on. They move super slow. But by all means, make another thread with your thoughts. Can't hurt.



You are never getting rewarded more than attacking. Defending requires attacking. and what happens is that you are defending attacking force, meanwhile they going taking camps taking sentries, dollys etc, and after that your event cycle end and you get little to nothing reward. As home bl scout/defender I get little to nothing wxp. while if I join the blob that attacks I get plenty.


There would be no griping, since tier 7 is just adding pips to what you already have, you can still be at tier 6 and getting the normal pip amount. Tier 7 is just for more active ppl.



Why everyone so bitter, I am too playing 5 years the game and only in wvw. I for one not gonna raise the white flag, and will continue trying. You cant really tell if devs watching and just not responding. I want to hope, seriously hope. this thread took me 5 min of my life and I bet your comments will took you 2-5 min of your lives aswell. its not much time.


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> @Inoki.6048 said:

> > @Przemyslaw.5891 said:

> > Suggestions? Really? Are you still fooling yourself that they read forum or even care?


> just what I was about to write. from the looks of it they don't give the slightest of Fs. look around the forum - no responses from them.


> it's a waste of time.


Three threads on the main page with responses, fractals/raids/dungeons have 3 on their main page as well

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @Inoki.6048 said:

> > > @Przemyslaw.5891 said:

> > > Suggestions? Really? Are you still fooling yourself that they read forum or even care?

> >

> > just what I was about to write. from the looks of it they don't give the slightest of Fs. look around the forum - no responses from them.

> >

> > it's a waste of time.


> Three threads on the main page with responses, fractals/raids/dungeons have 3 on their main page as well


Maybe they are in Stealth reading this and looking at what Conditions they can apply or maybe as you say they don't give a kitten

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