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Why is DB in T1?


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Didn't even have a tag on ebg opening night.

Having tagged myself a few times, I think it's a fair statement to say that 'so far' a single BG is worth about 3 Db.

Every single Bg is running exotic+ gear, at least 1 invulnerability, and they have condition resistance, and they know how to dodge. Its the exact opposite with DB.


I mean paired against SOS? Sure....that's fine. Even fighting them we don't hold much better off.....but they have cracks in their armour at least.


These are all statement based on server performance as a whole. So you steamrolling in ur fight guild hour doesn't change the facts.


Against mag and a few others we'd fair no better than against BG. I mean anyone who truly plays this mode could probably arrange the pairings in a fair way just from their experience on each world.


I don't care what your formulae tell you is optimal. This ain't optimal by any stretch. You need to actually play ur own mode to see the kind of coverage servers have, the kind of skill they have, and the kind of community they have. From there you can make formula that actually work.


Servers that win consistently should be given matchups that are unfair by your formulae's standards. Why? Cause if they win, they will show how bad the formulae are. And it will show the kind of personal adjustment needed for each server's individual overall wvsw ranking whether they win or lose. With these updated personal rankings, we can make real matchups in future weeks. Kitten forbid a server that always wins is given an unfair matchup they are likely to lose 1 week out of the year.



It feels like you reuse the old glicko formulae every single time you do these pairings, and everyone who is stacked stays stacked. Have you learned nothing all these years?

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> @Cerby.1069 said:

> Didn't even have a tag on ebg opening night.

> Having tagged myself a few times, I think it's a fair statement to say that 'so far' a single BG is worth about 3 Db.

> Every single Bg is running exotic+ gear, at least 1 invulnerability, and they have condition resistance, and they know how to dodge. Its the exact opposite with DB.


> I mean paired against SOS? Sure....that's fine. Even fighting them we don't hold much better off.....but they have cracks in their armour at least.


> Against mag and a few others we'd fair no better than against BG. I mean anyone who truly plays this mode could probably arrange the pairings in a fair way just from their experience on each world.


> I don't care what your formulae tell you is optimal. This ain't optimal by any stretch. You need to actually play ur own mode to see the kind of coverage servers have, the kind of skill they have, and the kind of community they have. From there you can make formula that actually work.


> Servers that win consistently should be given matchups that are unfair by your formulae's standards. Why? Cause if they win, they will show how bad the formulae are. And it will show the kind of personal adjustment needed for each server's individual overall wvsw ranking whether they win or lose. With these updated personal rankings, we can make real matchups in future weeks. Kitten forbid a server that always wins is given an unfair matchup they are likely to lose 1 week out of the year.



> It feels like you reuse the old glicko formulae every single time you do these pairings, and everyone who is stacked stays stacked. Have you learned nothing all these years?


As an aside, the move up to tier one was dependent on the previous link. If they can't stay (or like two other servers) choose not to stay, it will work its way out.

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How on earth does it make sense to use previous links to determine the new links' tiers!?!??!


And even if that's true and they did that.....how does DB 'by common sense' fit into a t1 scenario this week OR last week!?!!?? You are telling me MAG wouldn't steamroll DB?


BG vs Mag vs YB+2linking..... there, I made a super amazing balanced t1 and it took me only seconds. This is based on months of experience fighting against all 3 of these servers.



T1 is the most important tier to balance! If t4 sucks...so be it! There are less people playing in t4, there is more rooooom for the players themselves to wiggle around and find a solution.


Balance starts at the ceiling, not the floor.


When the 1up1down system is what you have to rely on to get decently balanced matchups.....you know you gon messed up.


Why even do the supposed work you claim to put into matchmaking? Just 1up1down from the start and use ur dev team to fix the actual mode....


This whole wvsw beta thing has been a double edged sword since its inception.... are we done the beta yet btw? Or is this just an never ending elementary school science project?



Do people sincerely recommend wvsw to anyone anymore? It seems almost cruel to get someone hyped up, get them to level up and learn their toon, and send them on this journey. I mean its like if Gandalf had failed to mention they travel to and throw the ring of power into an active volcano. He told them from the start of the fellowship where they were going.


So if an up and coming wvsw player ever asks me about the mode I will tell them:

You are going on a trilogy's worth of strife so you can eventually walk into an active volcano.

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The population unbalance is so big that half of DB is talking about quit WvW for 1 week and let the server tank. Match ups shouldn't be this bad considering Anet can now link servers togheter. OP suggestion's (BG vs Mag vs YB+2linking) is way better than the current mess we have, where BG has more players online than the other 2 servers combined.

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One up, one down. Simple as that. And BG isn't especially good, they just have numbers to the point of having surplus people just babysitting camps (5+). I also now see why some people think roaming is 5-10 people because that's pretty much all I'm seeing out of BG... nothing solo and practically no duos.

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> @Cerby.1069 said:

> Didn't even have a tag on ebg opening night.

> Having tagged myself a few times, I think it's a fair statement to say that 'so far' a single BG is worth about 3 Db.

> Every single Bg is running exotic+ gear, at least 1 invulnerability, and they have condition resistance, and they know how to dodge. Its the exact opposite with DB.


> I mean paired against SOS? Sure....that's fine. Even fighting them we don't hold much better off.....but they have cracks in their armour at least.


> These are all statement based on server performance as a whole. So you steamrolling in ur fight guild hour doesn't change the facts.


> Against mag and a few others we'd fair no better than against BG. I mean anyone who truly plays this mode could probably arrange the pairings in a fair way just from their experience on each world.


> I don't care what your formulae tell you is optimal. This ain't optimal by any stretch. You need to actually play ur own mode to see the kind of coverage servers have, the kind of skill they have, and the kind of community they have. From there you can make formula that actually work.


> Servers that win consistently should be given matchups that are unfair by your formulae's standards. Why? Cause if they win, they will show how bad the formulae are. And it will show the kind of personal adjustment needed for each server's individual overall wvsw ranking whether they win or lose. With these updated personal rankings, we can make real matchups in future weeks. Kitten forbid a server that always wins is given an unfair matchup they are likely to lose 1 week out of the year.



> It feels like you reuse the old glicko formulae every single time you do these pairings, and everyone who is stacked stays stacked. Have you learned nothing all these years?


They just need to get rid of the Tier system they have and change it to the Mindless Blob Factor system. That way BG and Mag and a few of the other servers who only know how to blob and think that requires skill can be constantly matched together since their Mindless Blob Factor would always be high. Other servers who don't have the turnout to mindlessly blob or who tend not to blob up can enjoy having other things to do than avoid blobs. Everyone's happy.

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What they realistically should do is just match-up the servers with their closest score disparity between them to keep a more even match. That means there would be a T5 with only 2 servers fighting each other (with more objective to take). Then there would be a T0 where BG would sit in by themselves, where they could just run the maps uncontested, then just sit there uncontested which seems to be what they want to do anyway.

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