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Got GW2 Vanilla - When should I get the expansions?


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Hi guys,


I bought GW2 when it came out and played it for only a day because my computer couldn't quite handle it. Now, several years later and with some more spare time I feel like giving GW2 another shot. Now I wonder if I should get the two expansions right away or just level up without them? Is there any benefit from getting the expansions right away?


Also, is there some sort of leveling guide or something? I have a feeling I might be quite overwhelmed when I'll log in for the first time in a few minutes :astonished:


Kind regards,


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I'd say start by getting a feeling of the game before buying the expacs. Regarding the experience of leveling in the Vanilla maps, the two elements that really change it are the Glider (unlocked after completing the first story step in Heart of Thorns) and the Mounts (you unlock the raptor after the first story step in Path of Fire), since it will make navigation easier. However, the Core maps were designed before these tools, so it'll only speed up things, and I would recommand that you take thing slowly, try a few classes and see which one you like, get a feeling of the combat system, the gameplay, and the map designs.


Leveling in itself is super easy, just do events, hearts, explore the maps, do the story steps when you gain access to them, crafting is a very good source of experience too. You can also try PvP and WvW, they reward you with XP tomes, but they're only accessible after a while if I remember correctly. If you have any question, do not hesitate to contact me in-game.

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I agree too.


Having the expansions adds more to do, but it doesn't dramatically change the base game so it's worth playing through that first, getting a feel for it and getting caught up (or simply playing what you've already paid for) before you look at spending more money. Especially since you can't play the expansion content until you're level 80.


Also when you do come to buy them remember that Anet will give you a discount if you buy both together. Shop around for other deals too of course, but don't forget that one (it's not well advertised outside the shop menu on the official site).

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What others said. You already have core game so you have access to all the basic functions like daily login rewards, map chat and so on. Your account is already fully functional, so for you the expansions only add level 80 content. So get to 80, don't rush, enjoy, and if you like it when you're 80 get the expansions. And yes, bundled would be cheaper, and both expacs introduce some really useful features - HoT will give you gliding, which you can use in combat to quickly disengage. HoT also introduces a lot of huge map wide events which you can make decent money off of. PoF is more for solitary exploration and its claim to fame is the addition of mounts, which fundamentally change the way you explore. Both also introduce new elite specializations which are a nice way to shake things up a bit after you've been playing the same class for hours.

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`"Is there any benefit from getting the expansions right away?"`

- Masteries, Gliding and Mount definitely make life easier (and sometimes make you envious looking at others) but not necessary for core game

- Story, if you like and want to experience the lore yourself


`"is there some sort of leveling guide or something?"`

If this your first time, my suggestion is enjoy the story as you level up, do hearts if you see one nearby, don't bother with leveling fast


There is some fast leveling method though:

- World Boss Train, this train gives you a lot of exp and nice loot as well, some WB have chance to give you and ascended armor

- World Versus World, This game mode will give you Tomes of Knowledge (Raises your character level by 1 instantly) a lot and fast too

- Crafting, doing crafting will also give you exp


If you enjoy your progress to level 80 (and maybe already finishes your main story) and want more, go buy the expansion.

I hope you like the game! ;)

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Honestly everyone who's commented has given all the best and I would Discord (voice chat) them all ?.

Enjoy the size of this map and the friendly online community you now have access to. I only recently changed my ingame options for higher resolution and I am loving it.

Gain in game money and exp through crafting and selling. Hop towns now that u have cash and harvest some ingredients while filling your heats and gaining laurels and karma.

Jump in on ingame events and be a powerhouse or a super supporter.

When you're hungrey for more, get the bundle (or pick like me until ur ready for the next) and then u can test drive the level 80 character you make from scratch or power up the ingame character you've been following the storyline most of.

The bundles offer access to different points and more (literal) levels of the map. I am very satisfied with my glider training and love being able to climb without fear, but am still gonna get PoF for the mounts.


-No worries, my kindda crazy's therapeutic.

Feel free to find me.


Charming Charmaine

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I tend to recommend to stick to the base game first. Level to 80 there. Find a profession and build that fits your style of playing. Get a set of exotic gear and finish the main story line. Don't get tempted to buy an expansion and use the level 80 boost because this basically allows you to skip the "learning to play your profession" part which will likely result in frustration later on. (This depends a bit on your personality, if you're good at thinking out-of-the-box, being out of your comfort zone and learning unfamiliar concepts you might as well try boosting and go any path from there.)

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At this point since there is no bonus for purchasing the expansions (had been for pre-purchase before they were released), I would wait like the others said until you've got your first level 80 by not rushing through it all. Once you've reached that point, then definitely get the expansions. I am really enjoying the mounts in central Tyria - they make exploring faster. You'll be missing a lot if you had mounts unlocked at the beginning. I personally like knowing how I got to the place I am in the story.


Best ways I've found to level is doing all the events I come across. Story instances come with a good chunk of experience as do the renowned hearts. Some events or renowned hearts aren't too fun, so move on if you find it drags on. Most seem to be good thankfully. I also recommend to do the daily each day. That comes with gold at least it should for all with purchased base game.

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> @dave.4280 said:

> Thanks for all your help and information! This game's community really is awesome!


> For now I'll stick with the core game and make my way to 80 in a relaxed manner and upgrade as I run out of content.


> Kind regards


Once you have one or two level 80s, definitely consider getting at least HoT if you like the game since working on masteries can take a LOT of grinding xp and gathering mastery points. Also, autoloot which should be something just given to players is locked behind a mastery trait line.

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I agree, take your time exploring Tyria and get involved with understanding the various mechanics of the world -- hearts, dynamic events, exploration, gathering, crafting are the big ones here -- and when you're able, tackle your personal story as it'll give you insight as to the first series of events that would unfold, that will help you understand what will happen down the road. If you get the chance, invest in Living World S2 before/after acquiring Heart of Thorns, and then S3 around Path of Fire.


I suggest working with Core Tyria and getting a few 80s under your belt just so you get a feel for the general classes, though. It makes the transition to later content so much more comfortable.

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