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Eu Server aren´t full but anet say´s they are full


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> @eoz.1834 said:

> There is no excuse having desolation marked as full. Desolation loosing matchup against SFR/Fissure of Woe and Abaddon's Mouth/Dzagonur but these servers are open now!


May I point out that we in SFR/FoW have been outnumbered by Deso blob in EB whole day and have no queues in any maps.


Also when we tried to find Deso guild to fight with our 15-man raid, every single group was much bigger.

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> @FogLeg.9354 said:

> > @eoz.1834 said:

> > There is no excuse having desolation marked as full. Desolation loosing matchup against SFR/Fissure of Woe and Abaddon's Mouth/Dzagonur but these servers are open now!


> May I point out that we in SFR/FoW have been outnumbered by Deso blob in EB whole day and have no queues in any maps.


> Also when we tried to find Deso guild to fight with our 15-man raid, every single group was much bigger.


By outnumbered you mean the buff?

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Yes, https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Outnumbered

I dont mind extra pips but I also can not say Deso has no players. At certain time throughout the day we have 10 players, Deso has 30. I am sure at other times balance is different too. I just do not see them as empty as some previous comments have attempted to describe.


Not really my business, but quite a lot of Deso players ain't doing much beside ganking near our keep. Maybe if they tried to increase their server score instead, they would end up with more points too. I don't think our German enemy server Abaddon has more people, but they (like most German and French servers) play a lot more for the points.


P.S. We (SFR/FoW) did have small queue at prime time in 2maps.

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> @FogLeg.9354 said:

> Yes, https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Outnumbered

> I dont mind extra pips but I also can not say Deso has no players. At certain time throughout the day we have 10 players, Deso has 30. I am sure at other times balance is different too. I just do not see them as empty as some previous comments have attempted to describe.


> Not really my business, but quite a lot of Deso players ain't doing much beside ganking near our keep. Maybe if they tried to increase their server score instead, they would end up with more points too. I don't think our German enemy server Abaddon has more people, but they (like most German and French servers) play a lot more for the points.


> P.S. We (SFR/FoW) did have small queue at prime time in 2maps.


Sorry for asking the question as often people say they are outnumbered but do not get the buff.



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I'm inclined to think (while in terms of common sense that would be nonsensical) that Deso is full **because** they have no link. The same applies to Elona and... well, look at which servers exactly are closed. Anet not only closed all the solo servers (except Baruch of course), but did also not close any of the linked servers (except Piken, but their link Gunnar is open anyway). This is far from being transparent or logical.

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> @Roxanne.6140 said:

> I'm thinking that the way they measure activity which determines a server population is to pay some tom and Harry to stare at the wvw maps from high above and sometimes the eye of murdor turns a certain way missing a little frodo spot so that the ring that binds us all can be burnt.


That was the oasis event I think.. :p

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See... we all have been fooled .. they said a lot of things which never happened .. where i come from it is called lies .. keep listening to a known liar is stupid .. and talking to him too .. so .. my hope : Crowfall (Open Beta Release 2018) Anet is not willing to work on WvW . it´s not worth it .. they make most income with PvE so .. they have to work on it only .. This Game isn´t about to make WvW Players happy .. it is about making the publisher and the PvE Players happy .. face it folks .. they just will keep kidding us by telling something like .. soon and maybe .. keep believing it or face it : they dropped WvW like they dropped real communication with Playerbase

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Maybe they shut us down because of our reputation. There are some server that attracts more players than others. For example Miller doesn't attract that many player, but Elona would, like in the past when we were totally overstacked (had 200+ queue in ebg and 100+ on every border), attract way more players. Same goes for Deso, Kodash(as you can see now), and Riverside.


This is just a theory of mine.


To be honest, if I were on a german linking server, I would choose to go to one of these servers if they were open, rather than the ones available now.

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Maybe the best solutions to this problem is have 2 weeks where you can transfer which would be 2 weeks before relinking and at all other times all servers are locked. Server transferring is what’s causing so many problems, you get people transferring to a link server to play in T1 which artificially increases its pop then these transfers disappear when they get linked with a T4 server only to pass this problem on again.


Why does this affect deso, Kodash and everyone else mentioned? Simples, the current system does nothing to foster server stability which means linking ends up being a fustercluck most of the time. Why stick with a server when you can just agree to bandwagon onto another for a cheap price (125-250g) and get all your higher tier fights without having to do that whole PPT thing that’s slimy and smells of wet dog.

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So far this week Deso is being blobbed by SFR during the Day and blobbed by AM at night and I am talking about having the outnumbered buff. Just over 90 mins ago AM attacked Veloka on EB, it was out last t3 tower. We had about 15ish of us defending and we had the outnumbered buff. Despite our best efforts they blobbed us when we ran out of supply.

One thing that did have me puzzled is why so many guilds on a German language server have English names. Surely that defeats the purpose of a language specific server?

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> @Nidome.1365 said:

> So far this week Deso is being blobbed by SFR during the Day and blobbed by AM at night and I am talking about having the outnumbered buff. Just over 90 mins ago AM attacked Veloka on EB, it was out last t3 tower. We had about 15ish of us defending and we had the outnumbered buff. Despite our best efforts they blobbed us when we ran out of supply.

> One thing that did have me puzzled is why so many guilds on a German language server have English names. Surely that defeats the purpose of a language specific server?


rofl, must be the NA migrants fleeing the woes of their NA server

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> @FogLeg.9354 said:

> > @eoz.1834 said:

> > There is no excuse having desolation marked as full. Desolation loosing matchup against SFR/Fissure of Woe and Abaddon's Mouth/Dzagonur but these servers are open now!


> May I point out that we in SFR/FoW have been outnumbered by Deso blob in EB whole day and have no queues in any maps.


> Also when we tried to find Deso guild to fight with our 15-man raid, every single group was much bigger.

Wow, which day it was ? Yday we were whole maintime outnumbered on EB (im Deso)

We mostly are on 2 borders outnumbered with only get some ppl on EB... sometimes guild makes raid... but for sure its not "full" server.. :D


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deso is closed because players play round the clock. in a way, coverage wise it is good but not many command or are not united.


had good times there before my back stabbing co leader stole my guild.


but all in all, i left it because it was getting too toxic for me. i have many enemies there. and the only ankor i had left betrayed my trust.


it's too disunited for higher tiers but if they pull off a decent tanking like kodash, it will open.


just play in eb. ignore other maps. 70 plays on 24 hours will still allow it to open.



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