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Was Necro never intended for PvE?


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Dear A-Net,


I'm just really curious about your initial thoughts about Necromancers. What did you intended with the class, when you created Necromancer in the beginning? From the start of GW2 Necros were never comparable with other classes in PvE, the direct dmg was bottomless low and conditions worked poor. In other aspects of the game like PvP and WvW Necros were always a Ping-Pong ball between patches, sometimes they were near OP and other times they just plane sucked. Therefore, I will address only PvE.


Today Necro is the only class in the whole game not worth playing in PvE content, regarding the overall damage and utility the class is offering. Yes, you could say, that’s not true you can play a class that is not meta and does not top dmg, just for fun and the playstyle. True, but if you target endgame content, that point is no longer valid Necro is this far behind other classes in usability, that they are no longer usable, especially in the raid content. If you fill a group place with a Necro you must suffer significant loss of damage and utility. Yes, you can raid as a Necro, with an understanding guild dragging you with the group, but you will always know you could be of much more use if playing another class.


With the PoF elite spec scourge Necromancer experienced a short revival with the bug of multi sand-shading and the multi proc Dhuumfire mechanic Necro was viable in PvE again, for some time, but with the BUGFIX Necro disappeared in insignificance again.


That’s just sad, I play Necro since GW1 and I never felt this useless in PvE like at present…


Therefore, A-Net, what do you see in the Necromancer class and where do you want to go with this tattered class?


Sorry if my English is not perfect, please have mercy ?

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> @Aegnor.6123 said:

> Dear A-Net,


> I'm just really curious about your initial thoughts about Necromancers. What did you intended with the class, when you created Necromancer in the beginning? From the start of GW2 Necros were never comparable with other classes in PvE, the direct dmg was bottomless low and conditions worked poor. In other aspects of the game like PvP and WvW Necros were always a Ping-Pong ball between patches, sometimes they were near OP and other times they just plane sucked. Therefore, I will address only PvE.


> Today Necro is the only class in the whole game not worth playing in PvE content, regarding the overall damage and utility the class is offering. Yes, you could say, that’s not true you can play a class that is not meta and does not top dmg, just for fun and the playstyle. True, but if you target endgame content, that point is no longer valid Necro is this far behind other classes in usability, that they are no longer usable, especially in the raid content. If you fill a group place with a Necro you must suffer significant loss of damage and utility. Yes, you can raid as a Necro, with an understanding guild dragging you with the group, but you will always know you could be of much more use if playing another class.


> With the PoF elite spec scourge Necromancer experienced a short revival with the bug of multi sand-shading and the multi proc Dhuumfire mechanic Necro was viable in PvE again, for some time, but with the BUGFIX Necro disappeared in insignificance again.


> That’s just sad, I play Necro since GW1 and I never felt this useless in PvE like at present…


> Therefore, A-Net, what do you see in the Necromancer class and where do you want to go with this tattered class?


> Sorry if my English is not perfect, please have mercy ?


I don't hardcore pve and I don't play engi and yet I read this and wonder what an engi must think if they read this.

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Stop confusing golem DPS charts with PvE. Necro is great in PvE, but Raid is solely a DPS check (nothing else), and Necro has a lot of non-DPS utility. You can’t ignore that utility in all other PvE, WvW, and PvP gameplay, so Necro is never going to be top DPS spec without a bug/exploit. Necro weapons (not traits) need a buff, I think everyone agrees on that. Regardless, they offer enough DPS to handle any raid boss and it’s just the toxic community that’s keeping them out of raids.

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> @Justine.6351 said:

> > @Aegnor.6123 said:

> > Dear A-Net,

> >

> > I'm just really curious about your initial thoughts about Necromancers. What did you intended with the class, when you created Necromancer in the beginning? From the start of GW2 Necros were never comparable with other classes in PvE, the direct dmg was bottomless low and conditions worked poor. In other aspects of the game like PvP and WvW Necros were always a Ping-Pong ball between patches, sometimes they were near OP and other times they just plane sucked. Therefore, I will address only PvE.

> >

> > Today Necro is the only class in the whole game not worth playing in PvE content, regarding the overall damage and utility the class is offering. Yes, you could say, that’s not true you can play a class that is not meta and does not top dmg, just for fun and the playstyle. True, but if you target endgame content, that point is no longer valid Necro is this far behind other classes in usability, that they are no longer usable, especially in the raid content. If you fill a group place with a Necro you must suffer significant loss of damage and utility. Yes, you can raid as a Necro, with an understanding guild dragging you with the group, but you will always know you could be of much more use if playing another class.

> >

> > With the PoF elite spec scourge Necromancer experienced a short revival with the bug of multi sand-shading and the multi proc Dhuumfire mechanic Necro was viable in PvE again, for some time, but with the BUGFIX Necro disappeared in insignificance again.

> >

> > That’s just sad, I play Necro since GW1 and I never felt this useless in PvE like at present…

> >

> > Therefore, A-Net, what do you see in the Necromancer class and where do you want to go with this tattered class?

> >

> > Sorry if my English is not perfect, please have mercy ?


> I don't hardcore pve and I don't play engi and yet I read this and wonder what an engi must think if they read this.




I’ve alternated between engi and necro (mostly played necro because all the guilds i were in disbanded or faded to oblivion) and I can tell ya now, I felt a hell of a lot more useful or contributed a lot more on that than I ever have on my necromancer.


Not dumbing down engi’s problems of course, just least they can contribute something meaningful in a group.

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> @Justine.6351 said:

> > @Aegnor.6123 said:

> > Dear A-Net,

> >

> > I'm just really curious about your initial thoughts about Necromancers. What did you intended with the class, when you created Necromancer in the beginning? From the start of GW2 Necros were never comparable with other classes in PvE, the direct dmg was bottomless low and conditions worked poor. In other aspects of the game like PvP and WvW Necros were always a Ping-Pong ball between patches, sometimes they were near OP and other times they just plane sucked. Therefore, I will address only PvE.

> >

> > Today Necro is the only class in the whole game not worth playing in PvE content, regarding the overall damage and utility the class is offering. Yes, you could say, that’s not true you can play a class that is not meta and does not top dmg, just for fun and the playstyle. True, but if you target endgame content, that point is no longer valid Necro is this far behind other classes in usability, that they are no longer usable, especially in the raid content. If you fill a group place with a Necro you must suffer significant loss of damage and utility. Yes, you can raid as a Necro, with an understanding guild dragging you with the group, but you will always know you could be of much more use if playing another class.

> >

> > With the PoF elite spec scourge Necromancer experienced a short revival with the bug of multi sand-shading and the multi proc Dhuumfire mechanic Necro was viable in PvE again, for some time, but with the BUGFIX Necro disappeared in insignificance again.

> >

> > That’s just sad, I play Necro since GW1 and I never felt this useless in PvE like at present…

> >

> > Therefore, A-Net, what do you see in the Necromancer class and where do you want to go with this tattered class?

> >

> > Sorry if my English is not perfect, please have mercy ?


> I don't hardcore pve and I don't play engi and yet I read this and wonder what an engi must think if they read this.


Indeed you haven't played engi, else you would know.

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> @Aegnor.6123 said:

> Dear A-Net,


> I'm just really curious about your initial thoughts about Necromancers. What did you intended with the class, when you created Necromancer in the beginning? From the start of GW2 Necros were never comparable with other classes in PvE, the direct dmg was bottomless low and conditions worked poor. In other aspects of the game like PvP and WvW Necros were always a Ping-Pong ball between patches, sometimes they were near OP and other times they just plane sucked. Therefore, I will address only PvE.


> Today Necro is the only class in the whole game not worth playing in PvE content, regarding the overall damage and utility the class is offering. Yes, you could say, that’s not true you can play a class that is not meta and does not top dmg, just for fun and the playstyle. True, but if you target endgame content, that point is no longer valid Necro is this far behind other classes in usability, that they are no longer usable, especially in the raid content. If you fill a group place with a Necro you must suffer significant loss of damage and utility. Yes, you can raid as a Necro, with an understanding guild dragging you with the group, but you will always know you could be of much more use if playing another class.


> With the PoF elite spec scourge Necromancer experienced a short revival with the bug of multi sand-shading and the multi proc Dhuumfire mechanic Necro was viable in PvE again, for some time, but with the BUGFIX Necro disappeared in insignificance again.


> That’s just sad, I play Necro since GW1 and I never felt this useless in PvE like at present…


> Therefore, A-Net, what do you see in the Necromancer class and where do you want to go with this tattered class?


> Sorry if my English is not perfect, please have mercy ?


So since the last 5 years i dont see any clear direction for this class just like anet. Everyone of us can feel that anet gave up this class. The balance team use their ressources to release a hotfix ONLY for the necro to screw him up. Thats a really clear announcement for me, like a mod in this forum said that the necro will never get his former strength. And till the Reaper/Core Necro dont get significant buffs this class will stay dead or lets say useless in pve like you said. Thats it, nothing else you can play with this class:

Scourge - Actually almost on the last spot comparatively to other Condi speccs, other Classes will do better with better support. Nobody needs Barrier that much, people who cleared raids/highend fractals did this before barrier came up, they dont need it.

Reaper - Power = Bad, people are toxic they will kick you, a 38-45k dps ele better choice. Condi = Lets say its ok, Condi weaver/warden better choice.

Core - Nvm. :P


So, what specc can you play right now? Nothing. And if you are like me who loves this class who dont want to reroll, supported anet for 5 years with money worth double the subscription for WoW, you quit, at least paying money for support the company. Think about it.


Last hope is the balance patch, iam looking in my crystal ball and i wont see any improvements, sadly.


Good Luck

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I can tell you this, Necro is there for people that have no situational awareness, that are used to facetanking everything like I am. I literally can not successfully play any other class on this game other than Necromancer. So this leaves me in a situation where I either have to change a play style which has gotten me through close to a dozen MMOs with a Trinity or ARPGs like Diablo (Git Gud), or leave.


Yesterday I poured the rest of my liquid gold resources into making a Guardian that had tons of damage reduction and healing only to get my face handed to me again in a story mode instance.


I vent about this in Guild Chat and had some one say "you had it easy all this time playing Necro".


Here's the thing I didn't feel like Necromancer was easy, to me it just felt normal like every single other game I had been playing since World of Warcraft in 2005.


I logged out and played WoW again, I briefly logged back in early this morning buying Marauder Recipie thinking maybe I'll tweak my ascended armor on my Necromancer back to Power until I realized cheap I'm out of gold. Frankly I have no interest in playing a farm in a spec Viper that sucks for me currently to farm enough gold to swap my stats for the millionth time.


Depressed I went to bed for 13 hours because I'd rather sleep than play this game at this point and get ready for work tonight.

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> @Nord.1492 said:

> So since the last 5 years i dont see any clear direction for this class just like anet. Everyone of us can feel that anet gave up this class. The balance team use their ressources to release a hotfix ONLY for the necro to screw him up. Thats a really clear announcement for me, like a mod in this forum said that the necro will never get his former strength. And till the Reaper/Core Necro dont get significant buffs this class will stay dead or lets say useless in pve like you said.


I think you get the wrong idea here. Anet do care for the necromancer, I'd even say that it's one of the profession they care the most about. Simply, to avoid to let the necromancer lose the "identity" they want him to keep, they studbornly avoid any change that might be the salvation of the profession and they push always further down the road in hope that this "identity" will be able to make a place for itself in the game.


Honestly, I respect them for this studborness as much as I hate it. The necromancer is their child, and they don't want him to be corrupted and lose it's identity. For that they even go all the way designing some content that specifically fit him.


The issue is that this child is far to different from it's brothers and sisters and the game, at it's core is designed for it's brothers and sisters. They just can't brush off all the existing content, they can't redesign everything. And even if they could, the game would become a foreign and dangerous place for the 8 brothers and sisters of the necromancer.


It's understandable that the necromancer's community is losing patience but it's really wrong to say that anet gave up necromancer or don't care about it. In fact they are probably the only one that still support "their" necromancer even if he fail at proving it's worse while the players want something that is different and that they are sure that it will fit in the game.


NB.: I'm the first to complain about the state of the necromancer and I often ask for changes but It doesn't mean that I'm not aware, that I don't see that anet do care for the necromancer. I respect their view of the necromancer but I just can't shake the feeling that they could bend a bit and give us something that would help the necromancer in PvE.

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> @Dadnir.5038 said:

>Anet do care for the necromancer, I'd even say that it's one of the profession they care the most about. Simply, to avoid to let the necromancer lose the "identity" they want him to keep, they studbornly avoid any change that might be the salvation of the profession and they push always further down the road in hope that this "identity" will be able to make a place for itself in the game.


> Honestly, I respect them for this studborness as much as I hate it. The necromancer is their child, and they don't want him to be corrupted and lose it's identity. For that they even go all the way designing some content that specifically fit him.

Necromancer was the 2nd to last profession they worked on. They were behind on schedule, still had Mesmer to do, and no profession mechanic in sight. So they turned its downstate into Death Shroud and called it a day. So, really, the Necro "identity" started as "sacrificial lamb". It was born crippled. And because they are "stubborn", they kept that "identity" very much alive.


Necro was described as best suited for attrition. And yet, it never was. Even when Necro was at its peak, recognized as a "strong" bruiser in PvP, it was losing to half the professions, but! it was winning against the ruling king of this era: cele d/d ele.

About attrition, every time it started to live a bit longer than others, it was nerfed hard. I still HATE balance team for changing Spectral Amor from +3% LF on every hit to 8% with 1s ICD. It had counterplays (only use big hitting skills) but it was our first scaling defense. Unacceptable. Patched 2 weeks after.


With Corruption skills they tried to replicate what GW1 was doing with risk/reward blood skills (spending health to cast strong skills). With much less brio and impact. They tried again with Master of Corruption, inflicting more conditions for increased CD reduction. In this end, this "theme" is still not clearly defined: it's nowhere near GW1 risk/reward, and there's no real effective combo with transfers.


And I just picked a few points in an attempt to showcase how clueless and undecided the designers are with the profession.

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> @"Refia Montes.3205" said:

> Oh great it's the daily 'Not my Necro, Anet. Why the nerfs?' Could Necro mains in the forum just wait a bit more? I'm pretty sure there will be a patch soon, PvP season is coming.


You can't expect for necros to be patient. There has been 5 fucking years of waiting for a long term solution.


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> @vicious.5683 said:

> > @"Refia Montes.3205" said:

> > Oh great it's the daily 'Not my Necro, Anet. Why the nerfs?' Could Necro mains in the forum just wait a bit more? I'm pretty sure there will be a patch soon, PvP season is coming.


> You can't expect for necros to be patient. There has been 5 kitten years of waiting for a long term solution.



I get that Necro hasn't been good in PvE for the past couple of days. But you also have to understand in PvP and WvW they were always good and in some times they were pretty good in PvE too at times (till they bug fixed some stuff) and the horrible horrible 4 Reaper, 1 Druid meta for T4 Fracts was pretty disgusting. And it gets annoying really... you guys already had some feedback from the devs that they'll 'add back some power'. Whether that statement gives you a forecast for a buff or it's not enough, please wait for Tuesday. It's getting tiring to see another overly dramatic Necro thread.

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> @"Refia Montes.3205" said:

> > @vicious.5683 said:

> > > @"Refia Montes.3205" said:

> > > Oh great it's the daily 'Not my Necro, Anet. Why the nerfs?' Could Necro mains in the forum just wait a bit more? I'm pretty sure there will be a patch soon, PvP season is coming.

> >

> > You can't expect for necros to be patient. There has been 5 kitten years of waiting for a long term solution.

> >


> But you also have to understand in PvP and WvW they were always good


It's almost like not everyone plays those game modes. Truthfully, if you don't like seeing these kinds of threads, maybe you should stop coming to this subforum and complaining about it?

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> @"Refia Montes.3205" said:

> > @vicious.5683 said:

> > > @"Refia Montes.3205" said:

> > > Oh great it's the daily 'Not my Necro, Anet. Why the nerfs?' Could Necro mains in the forum just wait a bit more? I'm pretty sure there will be a patch soon, PvP season is coming.

> >

> > You can't expect for necros to be patient. There has been 5 kitten years of waiting for a long term solution.

> >


> I get that Necro hasn't been good in PvE for the past couple of days. But you also have to understand in PvP and WvW they were always good and in some times they were pretty good in PvE too at times (till they bug fixed some stuff) and the horrible horrible 4 Reaper, 1 Druid meta for T4 Fracts was pretty disgusting. And it gets annoying really... you guys already had some feedback from the devs that they'll 'add back some power'. Whether that statement gives you a forecast for a buff or it's not enough, please wait for Tuesday. It's getting tiring to see another overly dramatic Necro thread.


You are saying that 4 or 5 Reapers meta was disgusting? Well, that's exactly how necromancers feel about not being meta for 5 fucking years.

First, necromancers were excluded from dungeons, then reapers were excluded from raids, and now scourges were nerfed into uselessness again. THAT is disgusting.


Btw, when balance team says "we will buff necromancers" it mean, "we will buff some shit, but not really cause we won't broke anything, so you'll stay in the same spot for at least 6 more months, till next balance patch where will probably nothing will change anyway".

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> @Justine.6351 said:

> > @Aegnor.6123 said:

> > Dear A-Net,

> >

> > I'm just really curious about your initial thoughts about Necromancers. What did you intended with the class, when you created Necromancer in the beginning? From the start of GW2 Necros were never comparable with other classes in PvE, the direct dmg was bottomless low and conditions worked poor. In other aspects of the game like PvP and WvW Necros were always a Ping-Pong ball between patches, sometimes they were near OP and other times they just plane sucked. Therefore, I will address only PvE.

> >

> > Today Necro is the only class in the whole game not worth playing in PvE content, regarding the overall damage and utility the class is offering. Yes, you could say, that’s not true you can play a class that is not meta and does not top dmg, just for fun and the playstyle. True, but if you target endgame content, that point is no longer valid Necro is this far behind other classes in usability, that they are no longer usable, especially in the raid content. If you fill a group place with a Necro you must suffer significant loss of damage and utility. Yes, you can raid as a Necro, with an understanding guild dragging you with the group, but you will always know you could be of much more use if playing another class.

> >

> > With the PoF elite spec scourge Necromancer experienced a short revival with the bug of multi sand-shading and the multi proc Dhuumfire mechanic Necro was viable in PvE again, for some time, but with the BUGFIX Necro disappeared in insignificance again.

> >

> > That’s just sad, I play Necro since GW1 and I never felt this useless in PvE like at present…

> >

> > Therefore, A-Net, what do you see in the Necromancer class and where do you want to go with this tattered class?

> >

> > Sorry if my English is not perfect, please have mercy ?


> I don't hardcore pve and I don't play engi and yet I read this and wonder what an engi must think if they read this.


Engineers wonder why necros complain so much.


It's almost as if everybody forgets about the scrapper in PvE, or the disappointment that is currently holosmith.


>Necromancer was the 2nd to last profession they worked on. They were behind on schedule, still had Mesmer to do, and no profession mechanic in sight.


I don't know about necro being 2nd to last profession, but engineer wins the pain olympics for being the last one for them to work on.

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> @vicious.5683 said:

> You are saying that 4 or 5 Reapers meta was disgusting? Well, that's exactly how necromancers feel about not being meta for 5 kitten years.

It is. T4 fractal runs felt cheesy and fast due to how minions would just build up with the help of a druid. Felt that t4s didn't pose any challenge.

> First, necromancers were excluded from dungeons, then reapers were excluded from raids, and now scourges were nerfed into uselessness again. THAT is disgusting.

Funny you say that. Pre PoF patch 30k+ for a dps slot is good enough. Not to mention the potential upside of Epi bouncing and Life Force Gain from additional sources would push their dps further. I'd even say Scourge is pretty balanced at dealing around 31k dps now, few minor adjustments to push it further to 33-35k would be pretty good. And nerf of the other overperforming PoF specs are also needed as they enforce really bad power creep. To be specific, nerf Weaver, Firebrand, Soulbeast and Renegade. They're not useless as you can always do a raid and still clear the content. Something that's useless would be something really off meta and doesn't deal much dps, for example Power Reaper.

> Btw, when balance team says "we will buff necromancers" it mean, "we will buff some kitten, but not really cause we won't broke anything, so you'll stay in the same spot for at least 6 more months, till next balance patch where will probably nothing will change anyway".

Oh I've seen them balance Necro for a long time, I've been so long waiting for Power Reaper buffs, which includes that 5% Axe Auto buff lul. Still doesn't really matter imo, since there were times balance patches would create a lot of change within a class and I hope the next one would. Honestly, there's a bit of jealousy on how much the devs reply to Scourge problems, when in fact there are other classes with as much as problems as Scourge and I don't see anything overdramatic everyday with their threads.


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> @"Refia Montes.3205" said:

> the horrible horrible 4 Reaper, 1 Druid meta for T4 Fracts was pretty disgusting.



Well, most Necros, me included, played 4 Condi Reapers + 1 Druid mostly because we were not accepted in meta groups, who are consistently faster and because so much of our damage depended on our chill field, which would not be overridden by other Necros and could even be shared while holding on to the CC skill that produces it.

Plus Necro has a lot of long but low damage conditions, so stacking those up synergised much more with Epi than catching bursts of burn for example.


Sure it was and is effective to a point (and pretty safe), but in a world where Chrono/Druid/cPS/2DPS exists, I would hardly call that comp disgusting.

Ele's have been stacked to a much greater extend across the game over the years as well.


> @"Refia Montes.3205" said:

> To be specific, nerf Weaver, Firebrand, Soulbeast and Renegade.


So Anet just needs to nerf every DPS in the game and then Necro would be OK'ish? But funnily enough not PS Warrior, who adds probably nearly 80k DPS to a group, but hey, it doesn't show up on the Golem, so nobody cares how broken Warriors are (or more to the point, how every DPS test automatically assumes a PS warrior is in place buffing them because the profession is that mandatory).

Yeah, great suggestion. But no.


If you think Ele will ever get nerfed just so Necros can compete, you are out of your mind at this point.

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> @Asum.4960 said:

> So Anet just needs to nerf every DPS in the game and then Necro would be OK'ish? But funnily enough not PS Warrior, who adds probably nearly 80k DPS to a group, but hey, it doesn't show up on the Golem, so nobody cares how broken Warriors are (or more to the point, how every DPS test automatically assumes a PS warrior is in place buffing them because the profession is that mandatory).

> Yeah, great suggestion. But no.

> If you think Ele will ever get nerfed just so Necros can compete, you are out of your mind at this point.

Not every DPS in the game, just the 4 new condi PoF ones. They powercreep over the old balance.

I'm only saying PoF specs because those things are really busted. If I was gonna include past specs, sure add in Condi PS which I do think offers a lot of DPS including it's support. 30k dps for a support is way too good and I never said that Condi PS isn't broken lol.



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S warrior is in place buffing them because the profession is that mandatory).

> > Yeah, great suggestion. But no.

> > If you think Ele will ever get nerfed just so Necros can compete, you are out of your mind at this point.

> Not every DPS in the game, just the 4 new condi PoF ones. They powercreep over the old balance.

> I'm only saying PoF specs because those things are really busted. If I was gonna include past specs, sure add in Condi PS which I do think offers a lot of DPS including it's support. 30k dps for a support is way too good and I never said that Condi PS isn't broken lol.


Well there is tempest and chronomancer who outdps and out utility necro, so thats important too.


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> @Axl.8924 said:

> S warrior is in place buffing them because the profession is that mandatory).

> > > Yeah, great suggestion. But no.

> > > If you think Ele will ever get nerfed just so Necros can compete, you are out of your mind at this point.

> > Not every DPS in the game, just the 4 new condi PoF ones. They powercreep over the old balance.

> > I'm only saying PoF specs because those things are really busted. If I was gonna include past specs, sure add in Condi PS which I do think offers a lot of DPS including it's support. 30k dps for a support is way too good and I never said that Condi PS isn't broken lol.


> Well there is tempest and chronomancer who outdps and out utility necro, so thats important too.



Tempest I'd say is in an okay spot at the moment, 27k dps on small hitbox for its power version raising up to 37k on large. 35k dps on Condi with FGS.


Nerfing Chrono will just result in Firebrand taking over their role as a quickness bot.


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> @"Refia Montes.3205" said:

> > @Axl.8924 said:

> > S warrior is in place buffing them because the profession is that mandatory).

> > > > Yeah, great suggestion. But no.

> > > > If you think Ele will ever get nerfed just so Necros can compete, you are out of your mind at this point.

> > > Not every DPS in the game, just the 4 new condi PoF ones. They powercreep over the old balance.

> > > I'm only saying PoF specs because those things are really busted. If I was gonna include past specs, sure add in Condi PS which I do think offers a lot of DPS including it's support. 30k dps for a support is way too good and I never said that Condi PS isn't broken lol.

> >

> > Well there is tempest and chronomancer who outdps and out utility necro, so thats important too.

> >


> Tempest I'd say is in an okay spot at the moment, 27k dps on small hitbox for its power version raising up to 37k on large. 35k dps on Condi with FGS.


> Nerfing Chrono will just result in Firebrand taking over their role as a quickness bot.



I think for fractals reaper at least is more balanced.There are tons of reapers, but that is because there is loads of necessity for boon corrupt and tons of condis to cleanse, leading to usefulness.


I do however think necros should have at least 1 raid build which is desired, wether it be buff bot or healer

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Well, hi guys.


I'm quite happy about your comments, but I think we drifted away from my intended Question.


I didn't want to talk about the general balance discussion, I wanted to talk about your impressions of the class in the last 5 years.

Did you feel Necros were really suited for PvE? I'm talking not about open world or story line, I'm talking about the endcontent we were given by A-Net and the reasons why Necro was never really able to compete there, especially in raid. I try to understand what A-Net tried to reach with this class as they transferred it from GW1 und during the last years.


I love my Necromancer and I still main it, regardless I'm playing other classes to generate money or do the endcontent. That is what bothers me the most. I have every class on 80, equipped and played them and every class (yes engi as well) feels more rewarding in the endcontent.


I just don't get what A-Net thinks they did with this class.

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