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Monthly AT Class Representation


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> @"Faux Play.6104" said:

> > @choovanski.5462 said:

> > > @Falan.1839 said:

> > > Well right now that said Mesmer has identified Holosmith as the main balance problem, so she's clearly still on track. :D

> > >

> > > On topic: the team that should have won the EU monthly AT was rolling with 2 Spellbreakers and a Scourge, while the other team, that actually won it (due to 5v4) had 2 Scourges and a Spellbreaker. The team that has won most of those tournaments went without such a comp and lost the semifinal. This basically sums it up. Firebrand is the best babysitter for Scourge, so it's Meta aswell, while Thief does the same thing as always. Even though the ability of SB to survive 2v1 for ages has made it somewhat less effective. Right now there is virtually no reason to use any other classes besides, Scourge, SB, FB and Thief. Even though I suspect that even the thief could be sacked with 2 spellbreakers locking sides. I'd honestly roll with 2 Scourges, 2 SBs and Fb right now if I had the players for it and wanted to be tryhard.

> >

> > her eagle eye sees what no pro can. 30 seconds of invun on holo. very op. much need nerf

> >

> > oh man, comps are so depressing rn. another wave of powercreep- & unsurprisingly the only class that’s been able to ride that wave is thief (pictured below, riding said wave of imbalance). still if i was wild enough, i’d try & run 4-5 sages firebrands just to see if you can heal & burn your way to victory

> >

> > ![](http://78.media.tumblr.com/f3bd39b7e2ae39eedd9920f48f921f5e/tumblr_oylkqqRQ1I1spt7qzo1_500.gif "")

> >

> >


> Holosmith is pretty strong. Rocket boots (two 1200 leaps each with 2 seconds super speed), along with elixir s invuln Plus 2 conversion of two conditions to boons on a passive proc. You really shouldn't die running it. combine that with massive damage and hard cc and you have a pretty strong class.


ok , solo a druid / condi mirage at far with holo , you'll stalemate or lose before getting 1upped ... try fighting against a scourge + firebrand in mid with holo, you'll do little to no damage and find yourself juggling between mid and far.


holo is great at specific things like cleave / 1up dmg and aoe dmg on point, which is why it's more balanced if not one of the most fair and balanced classes that are effective in their way out of the PoF expansion... you can die easily as holo against good players - which makes holo have a higher skill ceiling with it's utility.


yes rocket boots with gadget is nice for positioning and escape, elixir s passive is more harmful than it is helpful in most cases and makes you easy for setup if the opponent knows basic math and counts. 2 conversion of 2 conditions, gasp - massive game changer ... condi specs or condi bursts STILL counters holo and holo relies too heavily on a rng cast between smoke field and light field. it's great but it's not as good as you're making it out to be.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> Woah, though spellbreaker, scourge and firebrand still need some balance ( expansion is still fresh, but let's see the incoming patch ), the tournament had 11 thieves.

> Which means that thief is still viable, isn't it?


Thief will always be viable so long as it has the best mobility in the game and it only takes a measly 5 seconds to decap.


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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> Woah, though spellbreaker, scourge and firebrand still need some balance ( expansion is still fresh, but let's see the incoming patch ), the tournament had 11 thieves.

> Which means that thief is still viable, isn't it?


Yes, but deadeye is still underperforming in PvP. Most of those thieves were probably DD's decapping and +1'ing.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Added statistics for today's tournaments, same sources and methods. A bit fewer spellbreakers many of which seem to have shifted to ranger and mes leaving the 3 main side node builds pretty equal in representation. Scourge and firebrand actually increased in popularity while rev managed to go down so gg balance patch.

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> @ArthurDent.9538 said:

> Added statistics for today's tournaments, same sources and methods. A bit fewer spellbreakers many of which seem to have shifted to ranger and mes leaving the 3 main side node builds pretty equal in representation. Scourge and firebrand actually increased in popularity while rev managed to go down so gg balance patch.


Doubt anyone is surprised.


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> @"Faux Play.6104" said:

> > @choovanski.5462 said:

> > > @Falan.1839 said:

> > > Well right now that said Mesmer has identified Holosmith as the main balance problem, so she's clearly still on track. :D

> > >

> > > On topic: the team that should have won the EU monthly AT was rolling with 2 Spellbreakers and a Scourge, while the other team, that actually won it (due to 5v4) had 2 Scourges and a Spellbreaker. The team that has won most of those tournaments went without such a comp and lost the semifinal. This basically sums it up. Firebrand is the best babysitter for Scourge, so it's Meta aswell, while Thief does the same thing as always. Even though the ability of SB to survive 2v1 for ages has made it somewhat less effective. Right now there is virtually no reason to use any other classes besides, Scourge, SB, FB and Thief. Even though I suspect that even the thief could be sacked with 2 spellbreakers locking sides. I'd honestly roll with 2 Scourges, 2 SBs and Fb right now if I had the players for it and wanted to be tryhard.

> >

> > her eagle eye sees what no pro can. 30 seconds of invun on holo. very op. much need nerf

> >

> > oh man, comps are so depressing rn. another wave of powercreep- & unsurprisingly the only class that’s been able to ride that wave is thief (pictured below, riding said wave of imbalance). still if i was wild enough, i’d try & run 4-5 sages firebrands just to see if you can heal & burn your way to victory

> >

> > ![](http://78.media.tumblr.com/f3bd39b7e2ae39eedd9920f48f921f5e/tumblr_oylkqqRQ1I1spt7qzo1_500.gif "")

> >

> >


> Holosmith is pretty strong. Rocket boots (two 1200 leaps each with 2 seconds super speed), along with elixir s invuln Plus 2 conversion of two conditions to boons on a passive proc. You really shouldn't die running it. combine that with massive damage and hard cc and you have a pretty strong class.


....yep in a world of condi, and a delay usage on elixir c when in battle definitely helps one survive the war for such a long time! fyi a thief can keep up with a engi rocket boot with no issue and still man handle us =/

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  • 3 weeks later...

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