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If Rytlock knew....


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That it was Balthazar in the Mists, would he have helped him with the chains? People keep blaming Rytlock for setting him free but they keep forgetting that he didn't know it was him. He only saw this old man in chains who could reignite the sword. If he knew though would he pause and wonder why? Would he just ditch him in the Mists or still let him go?

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> @Westenev.5289 said:

> Isn't anyone going to question why Balthazaar opened a portal leading directly to the Pact Commander at their time of need, allowing Rytlock to pull off the big kitten heroes moment in HoT?


See that made me wonder as well. Was it really a portal that lead there or was it just a portal that allowed Rytlock to go where he wanted? Did Balthazar and Rytlock make an agreement going "Btw can you send me here?"

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> @Westenev.5289 said:

> Isn't anyone going to question why Balthazaar opened a portal leading directly to the Pact Commander at their time of need, allowing Rytlock to pull off the big kitten heroes moment in HoT?


I think the portal just led to a place of high power concentrations: Right in the middle between Mordremoth, the destroyed pact fleet, the white mantle Stronghold and a friggin Bloodstone.

Bear in mind: Balthazar was in desperate need of power and I'd assume he'd just go to the place where he had the best odds. The Pact commander just happened to be "close by".

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The commander is a very forgiving person and in my personal opinion a total creampuff of a leader. The number of stupid stunts he allows Marjory, Braham, Rytlock and Caithe to do is astounding. This particular stunt is so typical of Rytlock. i just would say that it is the number 2 of stupid stunts after Caithe and the egg because Rytlock had no idea who he was and only a totally moronic Balthazar would have told him who he is anyway.


The other major offender in that regard, Logan, already was a lovesick moron when the Commander met him. I would not have recruited him because his most outstanding ability was to make a bad decision when his old guild needed him. Maybe he can find his b.lls now again and start to be useful. Why Caudecus feared him the most will forever be a mystery to me, even with the premise that he probably is the only fighter of note in Divinitys reach that would have a small chance to kill Caudecus in a lighting attack. Anise is the person he should have been afraid of.


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> @Torolan.5816 said:

> The commander is a very forgiving person and in my personal opinion a total creampuff of a leader. The number of stupid stunts he allows Marjory, Braham, Rytlock and Caithe to do is astounding. This particular stunt is so typical of Rytlock. i just would say that it is the number 2 of stupid stunts after Caithe and the egg because Rytlock had no idea who he was and only a totally moronic Balthazar would have told him who he is anyway.


I don't think the commander her has any desire to _order_ people around, they view her as at best a guide, not their slave driver. Especially considering the ranks of some of her friends, she has no right to boss around Logan or Rytlock.


She was more authoritative with Pact soldiers when she was their superior officer.



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If we would be talking about a loose bunch of friends battling foes at the fringes of a big war, I would agree with you.


With Rytlock we have a guy who causes a mess wherever he goes. After all these years of playing GW2, I fail to see how he is useful for a group expect for his battle progress and the few scraps of information we basically annoy him out of.

Caithe never gave a skritt about your group activities and suffers from the same syndrome as Rytlock does.

Marjory literally complains that we boss her around when she wants to go with Lazarus. Alone the thought of someone accompanying a being like this voluntarily should make you pause and think where her loyality lies, even if she states that it happens out of curiousity. I liked her when she was more like Sherlock Holmes, but the "wailing for freedom" free agent is much less likeable.


I guess what i want to say is that neither of these people(+Braham and Logan) are reliable and should be in the story as more as paid sages, consultants or allies to storm a heavy fortress. If they want to march to their own drum, ok. Bot don´t interrupt my own drum session please.

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> @Westenev.5289 said:

> Isn't anyone going to question why Balthazaar opened a portal leading directly to the Pact Commander at their time of need, allowing Rytlock to pull off the big kitten heroes moment in HoT?


I distinctly remember dialogue from rytlock saying he hopped between places looking for someone competent until he stumbled on the commander or something to that effect. I however can't find that dialogue, maybe it was removed at some point? Or was it in the beta and then removed?


Why do I remember that?

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> @castlemanic.3198 said:

> > @Westenev.5289 said:

> > Isn't anyone going to question why Balthazaar opened a portal leading directly to the Pact Commander at their time of need, allowing Rytlock to pull off the big kitten heroes moment in HoT?


> I distinctly remember dialogue from rytlock saying he hopped between places looking for someone competent until he stumbled on the commander or something to that effect. I however can't find that dialogue, maybe it was removed at some point? Or was it in the beta and then removed?


> Why do I remember that?


That sounds familiar to me as well...

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> @Narcemus.1348 said:

> > @castlemanic.3198 said:

> > > @Westenev.5289 said:

> > > Isn't anyone going to question why Balthazaar opened a portal leading directly to the Pact Commander at their time of need, allowing Rytlock to pull off the big kitten heroes moment in HoT?

> >

> > I distinctly remember dialogue from rytlock saying he hopped between places looking for someone competent until he stumbled on the commander or something to that effect. I however can't find that dialogue, maybe it was removed at some point? Or was it in the beta and then removed?

> >

> > Why do I remember that?


> That sounds familiar to me as well...


I think Rytlock meant that he had searched many shards in the mists, like when he encountered Glint, and when he encountered Balthazaar and the "component" Solhothin. According to Rytlock, Balthazaar said this new portal would take him home - so I would assume the portal took him directly into HoT. I could be wrong though.


On an unrelated note, what happened to that human crown Rytlock took with him? Is our character too polite to ask? Now THERE is a good beefy reason for human commanders to hate Rytlock.

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> @Narcemus.1348 said:

> > @castlemanic.3198 said:

> > > @Westenev.5289 said:

> > > Isn't anyone going to question why Balthazaar opened a portal leading directly to the Pact Commander at their time of need, allowing Rytlock to pull off the big kitten heroes moment in HoT?

> >

> > I distinctly remember dialogue from rytlock saying he hopped between places looking for someone competent until he stumbled on the commander or something to that effect. I however can't find that dialogue, maybe it was removed at some point? Or was it in the beta and then removed?

> >

> > Why do I remember that?


> That sounds familiar to me as well...


And to me. Might have been something said by a dev out-of-game.

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> @Westenev.5289 said:

> On an unrelated note, what happened to that human crown Rytlock took with him? Is our character too polite to ask? Now THERE is a good beefy reason for human commanders to hate Rytlock.


Not that I play any of my characters as the Commander, but that's yet another reason onto the pile as to why I don't like Rytlock.

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> @TheOrlyFactor.8341 said:

> > @Westenev.5289 said:

> > On an unrelated note, what happened to that human crown Rytlock took with him? Is our character too polite to ask? Now THERE is a good beefy reason for human commanders to hate Rytlock.


> Not that I play any of my characters as the Commander, but that's yet another reason onto the pile as to why I don't like Rytlock.


Odds are he still has it.


In his defence, the terms of his agreement with the human Commander haven't been fulfilled. He was going to return the crown once the Foefire was reversed, which is what he needed it for in the first place. Since there are still Foefire ghosts wandering around, the time to return it hasn't come.


Wouldn't surprise me if, should we ever see an end to the Foefire, the crown gets returned regardless of the race of the Commander.

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> @Westenev.5289 said:

> On an unrelated note, what happened to that human crown Rytlock took with him? Is our character too polite to ask? Now THERE is a good beefy reason for human commanders to hate Rytlock.


I have a sneaking suspicion that he either lost it (most likely happened, he DID lose Sohothin in there) or it was destroyed while in the Mists.

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> @RyuDragnier.9476 said:

> > @Westenev.5289 said:

> > On an unrelated note, what happened to that human crown Rytlock took with him? Is our character too polite to ask? Now THERE is a good beefy reason for human commanders to hate Rytlock.


> I have a sneaking suspicion that he either lost it (most likely happened, he DID lose Sohothin in there) or it was destroyed while in the Mists.


Future plot device. Unless ANET forgot about it.

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