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legendary armor

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> @"czerwoni.9563" said:

> > @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > > @"czerwoni.9563" said:

> > > > @"Talindra.4958" said:

> > > > Delete this. Realised it's an old post :p

> > >

> > > i still check my old posts lol

> >

> > :P. Realised I made enough noise before lol don't need another one..


> na i was just curious how long it took people, i dont really care for the skin its the ease of stat changes i like. but atm all i have is zerker medium full ascended and a daredevil and ranger...still yet to find a group since the beginner groups require you to have 40 years of expert raid experience, and the one group i did find booted me half way through and sent me a message saying "haha noob you got booted cause you are noob" apparently my dps was 100 lower than the cap on qtfy so ya


Yes it can be very painful journey.. that's why I said to start you got to be tough and you really need to know the mechanic. You can use chat code for LI but people know you use fake link from the way you play if you go in without proper understanding of the mechanic and how to counter it different ways. If the group discover you are making mistake all the time, you are likely to get booted plus getting added into their block list. There's also a lot bullying going in in pug raids.but if you can handle all those.. later life in raids is easy :) trust me, it gets better.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"czerwoni.9563" said:

> how long does it take to get the legendary armor from raids?


I have started to play raid on that game by mid december 2017.


It takes me one month and a half (so end of January 2018) to unlock the legendary armor precursor, starting from 0.


GW2 Raids are not so difficult as long as you have an interest in what is needed to play them and as long as you make an effort to adapt yourself to their content (gear, rotation, mechanism, ...). Information is easy to find on the web (characters' role, equipments, rotations, bosses' mechanisms...).

Anyway the minimum time you need to unlock the legendary armor precursor is 5 weeks as you have to loot 5 times Gorseval to complete the first collection (a thing you can only do once per week). Consider these 5 weeks time is useful to smoothly adapt your gameplay and to success the other bosses.


I play only with the LFG (no guild). So I mean it's possible to join raid's party with a minimum of Socialization: I always try to discuss with people who find we had a good team on a boss to propose them to play together a boss I know less. They often accept without asking for KP, LI or Something else. Id did my first Matthias with Something like 25 LI. To do that, I quickly choose to equip and master two kind of DPS characters (classical and condi) to be able to follow a raid team through a raid wing.

I use Boss I know well to try to push the raid team I play with to the next boss I know less. Of course I always prepare myself before to do that (looking for boss description and video on the net, etc.).

You can also join training guilds: you'll discover them playing raids, and speaking with people, or perhaps on the net. It's not the path I have chosen, but I know some people appreciate it.

Socialization is very important if you want to progress at a reasonnable speed with the raid gameplay. And well...what more normal for an MMO to push people to socialize to be able to success....


I'll continue to play the raids, of course to complete the LI I need to finish the 6 pieces of the legendary armor: in one month and a half I played to unlock the armor, I had enough to craft two pieces. Actually, 4 month after I started Raids I have 5 pièces and I'm finishing the last one.

Don't forget that raid is also an interesting activity to quickly have Ascended equipments.

I also appreciate specific rewards I can find in that End game content (Infusions, Ascended equipments, exclusive skins, etc...).

And I'll although continue raid because I apreciate the coordination challenge they are...In fact, I think the real interest in raids is the mandatory coordination between the 10 players they actually impose.

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