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base wvw scores per time zone


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wvw is 24 hours but why not categorize points based by timezones instead of the whole 24 hour game mode.


ex. at 6pm server time server 1 2 3 are kings. but at 9pm server 4 5 6.


So intead of pooling the points to the whole 24 hours. points separated by time zones.


could adjust the zones 24 / 6 etc.




advantage is ppl dont have to worry about points beyond their time zone and just enjoy the game


also reset the match every 8 hours so the flow of the game resets.


just a thought

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Because the tick continues based on what structures are held. So, if your group is able to paper another servers stuff, then their tick drops more than if you hold yours.


Resetting every 8 hours.... kicking people from WvW.. The servers already experience issues at normal weekly reset. I am sure increasing it with 20 more resets would not be an issue.


Skirmishes were designed to show where servers won or were stronger. KDR is viewed both overall and at different skirmish time blocks.

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