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Condition Soulbeast - PvE - High damage, efficient and fun build


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> @"schmots.6803" said:

> I wanted to thank the people who responded to my question for Market available gear. I gave you both thumbs up. I have been trying this build for a while now and it has more survivability than anything I have ever played across any profession. I am taking down Champions solo that I used to get squished for looking at them wrong. There are still some things I can't solo.. Bounties being a notable death for me, but this might wind up being my main use play character.


> Oh, I did replace the off hand dagger with torch. While the dodge farms are nice on dagger 4, the third condition damage tick I found overall better.


Which market available armour did you use?

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Lately i thought about a similar build but with marshal gear and weaver runes.

Dagger/axe with beastmastery and WS.

Quiet fun with rugged growth, natural healing, multiple leap finishers that proc the rune and predators cunning that gives nice life steal.

Its more on the hybrid side and does waaaaay less dmg but its funny to face tank hydras^^

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"mikexg.7329" said:

> Just curious how much time you spend melded with your beast vs having the beast out?

A soulbeast doesnt even need to be melded in general PvE. Plus if you stay out of soulbeast and only flip it, you got an immortal pet that can tank anything even if it dies 10 times over. Easy peasy PvE.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> A soulbeast doesnt even need to be melded in general PvE. Plus if you stay out of soulbeast and only flip it, you got an immortal pet that can tank anything even if it dies 10 times over. Easy peasy PvE.


Provided it only dies once every 10 seconds :-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Omni Shambles.8207" said:

> > Thinking of doing a build like this myself. Would taking a second shortbow not be a good solution?

> Solution to what problem? You can easily run sb/sb.


To the quickdraw discussion. Idk what would be better QD or LoyF with Sb/Sb

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"mikexg.7329" said:

> > Just curious how much time you spend melded with your beast vs having the beast out?

> A soulbeast doesnt even need to be melded in general PvE. Plus if you stay out of soulbeast and only flip it, you got an immortal pet that can tank anything even if it dies 10 times over. Easy peasy PvE.


Or youcan use a support pet as a backup heal and backup stunbreak.

I stay unmelded in open PvE and use the pet to deal dmg and meld with it if i need sustain.

Always forget to unmerge sometimes though.

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> @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"Omni Shambles.8207" said:

> > > Thinking of doing a build like this myself. Would taking a second shortbow not be a good solution?

> > Solution to what problem? You can easily run sb/sb.


> To the quickdraw discussion. Idk what would be better QD or LoyF with Sb/Sb


imo to really make sb/sb worthwhile you need QD. if you want the peircing from LoYF then run 1 SB.

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I'm having a huge blast with this condi soulbeast shortbow-daggers build. I've had plenty of uptime and rarely get downed. A couple quick questions for the group:


Stances. Do they override each other? So for example, can I use Vulture Stance and One Wolf Pack at the same time, along with the Sharpening Stone, and get the benefits for everything? Or does activating a stance override anything still active already?


Also I use the Iboga in soulbeast mode for DPS. Narcotic spores is easy, but do I really have to move into melee range to use Primal Cry and get the bleed effect? I think that's a yes but I'd like to make sure.


Finally... last trait of Wilderness Survival, the Poison Master. If I never swap out of Iboga soulbeast, this talent is pretty much wasted, right?

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Stance override - they do NOT override, pop them at the same time to get benefits. So at the start of many fights I'll hit wolf pack, then vulture + sharpening stone and get the benefits of both stances at once. Unless there's a bug I'm not aware of, both your buffs bar and the combat log seem to confirm that you can run all stances at the same time without overriding them.


Primal Cry range - 360 radius ability, so it's definitely a bit longer than melee range, but not by a ton. You can definitely pop it as you are running into melee range.


Poison Master wasted by camping merge/not swapping - yes. I'm not sure if merge/unmerge triggers it, but basically if you _never_ take any swap-ish action ever, then I don't see how you can trigger this one.

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  • 4 months later...

> @"Marcaum.1302" said:

> First, let me open this topic...

Thanks for this topic. Having just finished training up my Soulbeast this afternoon, I was looking for some build ideas when I came across your post. As I've very happily played a longbow/greatsword ranger up to this point, I was a bit hesitant about the shift to a shortbow and daggers. Well, I'm glad I tried it. Your build is durable and fun to play. From the Crystal Oasis to the Cursed Shore to map completion work in core Tyria, my new SB has been kicking butt every which way with your condi build. :)



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