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> @"Cyber Locc.9836" said:

> As I read all these comments. I have to ask? Have any of you played anything other than GW2? I get the balance complaints, but in reality ANETs balancing isn't that far off from most games. There will always be broken specs, in both directions. It happens in Every MMO, really every game.


> FOTM, is not new to gaming, it's not only in GW2, it will be in whatever game you play. If that fact of gaming bothers you that much. Maybe it's time to find a different hobby?


I believe other games try, and succeed usually at keeping things within 10%.

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> @Lunarlife.5128 said:

> > @"Cyber Locc.9836" said:

> > As I read all these comments. I have to ask? Have any of you played anything other than GW2? I get the balance complaints, but in reality ANETs balancing isn't that far off from most games. There will always be broken specs, in both directions. It happens in Every MMO, really every game.

> >

> > FOTM, is not new to gaming, it's not only in GW2, it will be in whatever game you play. If that fact of gaming bothers you that much. Maybe it's time to find a different hobby?


> I believe other games try, and succeed usually at keeping things within 10%.


Have you ever played WoW? When did they AT ANY point achieve balance within 10% margin?


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> @Arlette.9684 said:

> > @Lunarlife.5128 said:

> > > @"Cyber Locc.9836" said:

> > > As I read all these comments. I have to ask? Have any of you played anything other than GW2? I get the balance complaints, but in reality ANETs balancing isn't that far off from most games. There will always be broken specs, in both directions. It happens in Every MMO, really every game.

> > >

> > > FOTM, is not new to gaming, it's not only in GW2, it will be in whatever game you play. If that fact of gaming bothers you that much. Maybe it's time to find a different hobby?

> >

> > I believe other games try, and succeed usually at keeping things within 10%.


> Have you ever played WoW? When did they AT ANY point achieve balance within 10% margin?


Blizzard did it with legion.

The difference is that the most damage classes have 3 dps speccs and 2 of them are really valuable. I play almost all the niche classes like bm, arcane, outlaw and i must say in skilled hands its even less than 10%, almost 5%. As a necro for pve, do you have 2 valuable speccs? Power build... i dont think so. Condi build.. well lets say its ok, but why not take a firebrand or condi weaver? The difference here is almost 30% and thats really huge.

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> @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > Buff minions and buff staff. Lower cooldown on the dredge seeing it's in the elite slot and just going in water kills it.


> Buff the weapon that no matter what spec -Condi or power, no matter if Base, Reaper or Scourge 90% Necros use this weapon? Cant be that bad, when it can be unblockable AoE spamming. Its go staff - spam all the marks, go different weapon. Also, the Elite does have an underwater form, why not rather than reduce the cool down, just make it so it swaps from the Ground summon to the water summon when you go into water?




I mainly ask this as I don't use any of the elite classes for Necro as they don't add anything beneficial to my build. I main staff.

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> @Einlanzer.1627 said:

> > @BrokenGlass.9356 said:

> > After reading this, I just have to sum this up with no particular emphasis.

> >

> > Disclaimer: I assume this post makes it to the balance team, "I love your game, but I don't care about your feelings. Listen up."

> >

> > The overwhelming majority of people posting here are unhappy with three things.

> >

> > -the timing of the new pvp season, and the balance patch.

> >

> > -the frequency of the balance patches. (possibly due to allocation of funding inside arenanet, or some other unforseen explanation.)

> >

> > -the lack of communication from the balance team.

> >

> >

> > What this means. Changing the behavior that lead to these complaints will feel like eating crow and admitting fault. Sorry... But you're going to have to suck up that part and trust that our gratitude at the fact of the change will outweigh people upset with you guys.

> >

> > A developer live stream after each more frequent patch will result in more hype. Which means more returning players. Which means more gem store purchases, because returning players don't want to grind.

> >

> > More frequent patches will prevent the toxicity of the pvp community from clumping at the top or bottom. Pvp is toxic. Welcome to a game mode where there's always a looser. Hence always salt. Hence always toxic. So frequently patch it... In order to constantly keep the toxicity from settling. (you already split pvp and pve traits... Embrace this and patch pvp more frequently)

> >

> >

> >

> > Just saying. I mean.... What the community wants is clear. The fact that we don't get it... Makes us wonder why you aren't listening. The fact that you aren't listening makes us wonder if you care. The face that we don't know if you care makes us resent you.

> >

> >

> > How do you fix a relationship where resentment has taken root? Begin a new, as though from the beginning.

> >

> >

> > So Anet, any takers?

> >


> Great post.


Not really.


That post makes the same mistake as so many others: It assumes that the people posting complaints on the forums represent the majority of the player base, which they do not.


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> @Nord.1492 said:

> Blizzard did it with legion.


I don't remember to have seen the exact percentage of classes in high ranked positions ( RBG, ARENA, PVE ) ( nor the exact percentage with a 10% error ).

Blizzard does the same as others, but it let you pay an extra.


Imagine what could do a mmo with no sub, with the earnings of a mmo with a sub, if the company will decide to use a 5/10% of the earnings from sub.

Blizzard is, imho, doing nothing compared to what it gets from players.



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> @Nord.1492 said:

> > @Arlette.9684 said:

> > > @Lunarlife.5128 said:

> > > > @"Cyber Locc.9836" said:

> > > > As I read all these comments. I have to ask? Have any of you played anything other than GW2? I get the balance complaints, but in reality ANETs balancing isn't that far off from most games. There will always be broken specs, in both directions. It happens in Every MMO, really every game.

> > > >

> > > > FOTM, is not new to gaming, it's not only in GW2, it will be in whatever game you play. If that fact of gaming bothers you that much. Maybe it's time to find a different hobby?

> > >

> > > I believe other games try, and succeed usually at keeping things within 10%.

> >

> > Have you ever played WoW? When did they AT ANY point achieve balance within 10% margin?

> >

> Blizzard did it with legion.

> The difference is that the most damage classes have 3 dps speccs and 2 of them are really valuable. I play almost all the niche classes like bm, arcane, outlaw and i must say in skilled hands its even less than 10%, almost 5%. As a necro for pve, do you have 2 valuable speccs? Power build... i dont think so. Condi build.. well lets say its ok, but why not take a firebrand or condi weaver? The difference here is almost 30% and thats really huge.


That's the latest one isn't it? So it took them ~10 years... hmm no it's more. God help us all if it takes the GW team that long to achieve balance.

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> @EnidLarr.1478 said:

> hope they could nerf both spellbreaker and necro, spellbreaker full counter actually got some problem and necro overall just tooooo strong


This is a joke right? This has to be a joke, Spellbreaker, ya no doubt nerf is inbound. But scourge too strong lololol.


Scourge got nerfed very hard already, even the devs said too hard and buffs are going to come. If you disagree that is a L2P issue not a balance issue.


That's assuming, your comment is based from a small group/SPvP standpoint. If it's from a WvW Zerg standpoint, well there isn't much to do about that. Nerf scourge and another class will get stacked hard, doing AOE Condi damage. Nerf Condi and Eles will be stacked AOE power damage. That is just the nature of Zerg fights and it isn't going to change.


Furthermore, once again, like that in every game. It's called a Mage Ball, it isn't new and like balance issues isn't exclusive to GW2.

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> @Nord.1492 said:

> > @Arlette.9684 said:

> > > @Lunarlife.5128 said:

> > > > @"Cyber Locc.9836" said:

> > > > As I read all these comments. I have to ask? Have any of you played anything other than GW2? I get the balance complaints, but in reality ANETs balancing isn't that far off from most games. There will always be broken specs, in both directions. It happens in Every MMO, really every game.

> > > >

> > > > FOTM, is not new to gaming, it's not only in GW2, it will be in whatever game you play. If that fact of gaming bothers you that much. Maybe it's time to find a different hobby?

> > >

> > > I believe other games try, and succeed usually at keeping things within 10%.

> >

> > Have you ever played WoW? When did they AT ANY point achieve balance within 10% margin?

> >

> Blizzard did it with legion.

> The difference is that the most damage classes have 3 dps speccs and 2 of them are really valuable. I play almost all the niche classes like bm, arcane, outlaw and i must say in skilled hands its even less than 10%, almost 5%. As a necro for pve, do you have 2 valuable speccs? Power build... i dont think so. Condi build.. well lets say its ok, but why not take a firebrand or condi weaver? The difference here is almost 30% and thats really huge.


Going to have to disagree. I was there for the first 4 seasons. And your statement is pretty wrong. While I on a DH, did 3x as much damage as my friends in RBGs, that's not 10% LMFAO.


Then we had My lock, unkillable 1v10ing people, Mages dropping people in 2 hits, boomkins killing with 1, ya man, it's still a balance mess.


And all that is before there SPvP that isn't really SPvP when Ilvl gives up to 20% stat increase, and PvE gear is easier to obtain than PvP for PvPing. And all of it is straight RNG now. Oh then we have AP, and the stupid amount of doffrence that can make in once again, SPvP, while the AP gains in PvP are garbage.....


This is a case of the grass being greener, I promise you, it really isn't.


However, I will say that Blizzard does do alot more balance pacthes, and those OPs last a couple weeks a month tops, vs the 3-4 months here.


However that is to be expected, Blizzard has more money, more staff, more players.

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> @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> > @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

> > > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> > > Sounds like it's time to hand out job apps Gaile. Seems like we have a lot of people here that can run a company better than your peeps... They do this in my restaurant too lol. Seriously, thanks for the announcement. I trust this company and will continue to spend money on your product. I don't need you to run all of your changes by me :)

> > > Once the balance update roles on the 7th I'll be happy to post my feedback if I feel the need.

> > >

> > > P.S. I love that you use the word "shenanigans." It is sooo under-utilized.

> >

> > Nice ad hominous.

> >

> > Nobody here ever even remotely implied they could do better or close. What people are complaining about is that they ARE professionals who CAN do better than us, but somehow delivering unprofession results and choosing to do so.

> >

> > If someone at your restaurant says "hey my steak is overcooked" that didnt mean they know HOW to cook a steak and think they can do better. But because they eat steak on the regular and can tell your cook kitten it.


> Thanks for the comment. It's refreshing to have someone disagree with me in a way that is constructive. You deliver an excellent point. I am just concerned that the overall tone of this thread is too negative and doesn't really respond to the issue in a reasonable way. My opinion is that as a community we could approach issues in a more professional tone. On the topic at hand, I personally don't see the need for extra info about balances but I also don't have much time in a day to game so I avoid researching it too much in the first place.


You're welcome! Also you're right anyway, about this just being a negative thread. Last sentence is my stance. I have better shit to do than go through notes before they hit so I can prepare my whining in advance.




Patch hits, and I either take it or leave it. When it comes to balance! Patches that remove content piss me the fuck off.


But strictly in terms of balance/skill, and is more important in pvp; adapt


That's it. Just adapt. Because frankly, I think the only reason people get upset over balance is because they might have to actually work instead of think about what theyre doing.


Necro is viable in any game mode but they complain because they are not on ez level like warrior.


I'm going on a tangent now.

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> @Einlanzer.1627 said:

> > @BrokenGlass.9356 said:

> > After reading this, I just have to sum this up with no particular emphasis.

> >

> > Disclaimer: I assume this post makes it to the balance team, "I love your game, but I don't care about your feelings. Listen up."

> >

> > The overwhelming majority of people posting here are unhappy with three things.

> >

> > -the timing of the new pvp season, and the balance patch.

> >

> > -the frequency of the balance patches. (possibly due to allocation of funding inside arenanet, or some other unforseen explanation.)

> >

> > -the lack of communication from the balance team.

> >

> >

> > What this means. Changing the behavior that lead to these complaints will feel like eating crow and admitting fault. Sorry... But you're going to have to suck up that part and trust that our gratitude at the fact of the change will outweigh people upset with you guys.

> >

> > A developer live stream after each more frequent patch will result in more hype. Which means more returning players. Which means more gem store purchases, because returning players don't want to grind.

> >

> > More frequent patches will prevent the toxicity of the pvp community from clumping at the top or bottom. Pvp is toxic. Welcome to a game mode where there's always a looser. Hence always salt. Hence always toxic. So frequently patch it... In order to constantly keep the toxicity from settling. (you already split pvp and pve traits... Embrace this and patch pvp more frequently)

> >

> >

> >

> > Just saying. I mean.... What the community wants is clear. The fact that we don't get it... Makes us wonder why you aren't listening. The fact that you aren't listening makes us wonder if you care. The face that we don't know if you care makes us resent you.

> >

> >

> > How do you fix a relationship where resentment has taken root? Begin a new, as though from the beginning.

> >

> >

> > So Anet, any takers?

> >


> Great post.


No it's not. It's potato tier.


I don't give a fuck about ANY of that crap he said. Literally. LITERALLY the only reason PvP is "toxic"(said in a nasaly voice) is because Anet introduced PvE rewards in PvP.


That's it.


Wing farmers. Pip farmers. Llama losers.

All from pve and all only grinding to get what they came for and leave.


Now I'm not saying this to be exclusive, because I too am a PvE player! The difference is, I respect the time and risk a PvP player takes when teamed with people who DON'T CARE ABOUT PVP, RANK, WINING, OR EFFORT.




get rid of it all.


Tldr; people treat league like a PvE map. Just be present for events, tag a few mobs and get pips(map currency) to cash rewards (end chests).

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> @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

> No it's not. It's potato tier.


> I don't give a kitten about ANY of that crap he said. Literally. LITERALLY the only reason PvP is "toxic"(said in a nasaly voice) is because Anet introduced PvE rewards in PvP.


> That's it.


> Wing farmers. Pip farmers. Llama losers.

> All from pve and all only grinding to get what they came for and leave.


> Now I'm not saying this to be exclusive, because I too am a PvE player! The difference is, I respect the time and risk a PvP player takes when teamed with people who DON'T CARE ABOUT PVP, RANK, WINING, OR EFFORT.




> get rid of it all.


> Tldr; people treat league like a PvE map. Just be present for events, tag a few mobs and get pips(map currency) to cash rewards (end chests).


Great Post.


Jokes apart, i do share this part


> LITERALLY the only reason PvP is "toxic"(said in a nasaly voice) is because Anet introduced PvE rewards in PvP.


Though it's not the only reason why SPvP is toxic.


Is it true that SPvP were empty before the introduction of SPvP reward tracks, but even so players were there only to play, not to farm ( maybe rank farm for /rank ).

Though it could be useful for those who do SPvP to make some cash, reward tracks ( as year of the ascention, SPvP legendary armor, Ascended equipment, no pip loss, etc... ) took in many PvE players, which only desire their loot, achievements and shinies.



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> @shadowpass.4236 said:

> The top players on the PvP leaderboards at the end of every season should be consulted about balance changes.


No. PvP isn't everything in this game, the PvP players will say Scourge needs a further nerf which might be somewhat true. But in terms of PvE it needs a buff. If anything they need to consult top PvP'ers, WvWs and Raiders.

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> @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

> > @Einlanzer.1627 said:

> > > @BrokenGlass.9356 said:

> > > After reading this, I just have to sum this up with no particular emphasis.

> > >

> > > Disclaimer: I assume this post makes it to the balance team, "I love your game, but I don't care about your feelings. Listen up."

> > >

> > > The overwhelming majority of people posting here are unhappy with three things.

> > >

> > > -the timing of the new pvp season, and the balance patch.

> > >

> > > -the frequency of the balance patches. (possibly due to allocation of funding inside arenanet, or some other unforseen explanation.)

> > >

> > > -the lack of communication from the balance team.

> > >

> > >

> > > What this means. Changing the behavior that lead to these complaints will feel like eating crow and admitting fault. Sorry... But you're going to have to suck up that part and trust that our gratitude at the fact of the change will outweigh people upset with you guys.

> > >

> > > A developer live stream after each more frequent patch will result in more hype. Which means more returning players. Which means more gem store purchases, because returning players don't want to grind.

> > >

> > > More frequent patches will prevent the toxicity of the pvp community from clumping at the top or bottom. Pvp is toxic. Welcome to a game mode where there's always a looser. Hence always salt. Hence always toxic. So frequently patch it... In order to constantly keep the toxicity from settling. (you already split pvp and pve traits... Embrace this and patch pvp more frequently)

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Just saying. I mean.... What the community wants is clear. The fact that we don't get it... Makes us wonder why you aren't listening. The fact that you aren't listening makes us wonder if you care. The face that we don't know if you care makes us resent you.

> > >

> > >

> > > How do you fix a relationship where resentment has taken root? Begin a new, as though from the beginning.

> > >

> > >

> > > So Anet, any takers?

> > >

> >

> > Great post.


> No it's not. It's potato tier.


> I don't give a kitten about ANY of that crap he said. Literally. LITERALLY the only reason PvP is "toxic"(said in a nasaly voice) is because Anet introduced PvE rewards in PvP.


> That's it.


> Wing farmers. Pip farmers. Llama losers.

> All from pve and all only grinding to get what they came for and leave.


> Now I'm not saying this to be exclusive, because I too am a PvE player! The difference is, I respect the time and risk a PvP player takes when teamed with people who DON'T CARE ABOUT PVP, RANK, WINING, OR EFFORT.




> get rid of it all.


> Tldr; people treat league like a PvE map. Just be present for events, tag a few mobs and get pips(map currency) to cash rewards (end chests).


Yup...I did WVW for my Gift of Battle and then promptly left as I didn't belong there. Not my thing and all that would have happened is I would have been carried and that's not on.

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> @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

> If anything, the should be a balance patch MID SEASON EVERY SEASON.


> That way we find out who the REAL pro players are.


> Not who went to metabattle for 5 min and memorized how to spam a build they never could have conceived on their own.


> Tell me I'm wrong I dare you.


You're wrong, takes at least 10 minutes.

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> @BrokenGlass.9356 said:

> After reading this, I just have to sum this up with no particular emphasis.


> Disclaimer: I assume this post makes it to the balance team, "I love your game, but I don't care about your feelings. Listen up."


> The overwhelming majority of people posting here are unhappy with three things.


> -the timing of the new pvp season, and the balance patch.


> -the frequency of the balance patches. (possibly due to allocation of funding inside arenanet, or some other unforseen explanation.)


> -the lack of communication from the balance team.



> What this means. Changing the behavior that lead to these complaints will feel like eating crow and admitting fault. Sorry... But you're going to have to suck up that part and trust that our gratitude at the fact of the change will outweigh people upset with you guys.


> A developer live stream after each more frequent patch will result in more hype. Which means more returning players. Which means more gem store purchases, because returning players don't want to grind.


> More frequent patches will prevent the toxicity of the pvp community from clumping at the top or bottom. Pvp is toxic. Welcome to a game mode where there's always a looser. Hence always salt. Hence always toxic. So frequently patch it... In order to constantly keep the toxicity from settling. (you already split pvp and pve traits... Embrace this and patch pvp more frequently)




> Just saying. I mean.... What the community wants is clear. The fact that we don't get it... Makes us wonder why you aren't listening. The fact that you aren't listening makes us wonder if you care. The face that we don't know if you care makes us resent you.



> How do you fix a relationship where resentment has taken root? Begin a new, as though from the beginning.



> So Anet, any takers?



Great Post

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