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You can't possibly be serious?


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So, Gaile Gray just made a post stating that the balance patch is releasing at the same time as the new pvp season. This means, ANY over-nerfs and / or buffs will be set in stone for the entire season. Once again.


How is it not possible to have this done after five weeks?

How is it okay to keep going back on your words, time and time again? "We will release quarterly balance patches between pvp seasons."

How is it okay to have no communication to your playerbase?

and most importantly. How do you just pretend that the sun is shining? When it's clearly a fucking tornado heading your way?


I'm actually speechless. Which says a lot, because I was expecting nothing to begin with.

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> @voltaicbore.8012 said:

> Eh. Par for the course. We got a boatload of elite specs dropped right in the middle of our last season, I see this as an improvement, actually. Now we will know what ludicrousness we will have to deal with (if any), and have all season to build counters.


Not quite.


Balance patches take time for a new meta to sort itself out. We won't see real metas/counters until about halfway in.

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> @Loop.8106 said:

> So, Gaile Gray just made a post stating that the balance patch is releasing at the same time as the new pvp season. This means, ANY over-nerfs and / or buffs will be set in stone for the entire season. Once again.


> How is it not possible to have this done after five weeks?

> How is it okay to keep going back on your words, time and time again? "We will release quarterly balance patches between pvp seasons."

> How is it okay to have no communication to your playerbase?

> and most importantly. How do you just pretend that the sun is shining? When it's clearly a kitten tornado heading your way?


> I'm actually speechless. Which says a lot, because I was expecting nothing to begin with.




Even if it was today ZERO of our feedback would have any impact on anything cause next balance update would be still AFTER season 9. It was like this in past, it's now and it will be till death of gw 2.

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> @"Mr Godlike.6098" said:

> > @Loop.8106 said:

> > So, Gaile Gray just made a post stating that the balance patch is releasing at the same time as the new pvp season. This means, ANY over-nerfs and / or buffs will be set in stone for the entire season. Once again.

> >

> > How is it not possible to have this done after five weeks?

> > How is it okay to keep going back on your words, time and time again? "We will release quarterly balance patches between pvp seasons."

> > How is it okay to have no communication to your playerbase?

> > and most importantly. How do you just pretend that the sun is shining? When it's clearly a kitten tornado heading your way?

> >

> > I'm actually speechless. Which says a lot, because I was expecting nothing to begin with.




> Even if it was today ZERO of our feedback would have any impact on anything cause next balance update would be still AFTER season 9. It was like this in past, it's now and it will be till death of gw 2.


He literally said that in his opening paragraph. Even the phrase 'set in stone'.

But its not actually an immutable law of nature, it's an arbitrary decision by Anet and theoretically they could decide to do what ever the hell they feel like. Though I'm sure you're right none the less.

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Reaper Alim.4176 "Because in their eyes. The sun is very much shining. PvEers and RPers are throwing money at their feets left and right." Right how dare players buy things in the gemstore and support the game they play that doesn't have a monthly sub! How selfish of them. Imo anet should do a monthly sub. People can check it out for a month see if they like it if they don't like what they got for their money's worth they are welcome to move along to a different game. To be clear I PvP And PvE and I fully acknowledge there are severe issues in both PvP And PvE especially in pvp regarding balance the leaderboard issues solo/duo ques new pvp modes maps to play on ect ect. Whether or not these issues will ever get solved I honestly don't know what I do know is this blaming people in different game modes who still support the game despite all its issues isn't going to help PvP in any way it. The harsh reality is *some of the problems in PvP* are because of the PvP player base as a whole cant agree on certain issues such as "What is considered balanced class/build wise whether its from HoT or PoF or core also regarding Ranked ques if its 5 man premades duo ques what rewards should be given how they are earned whether or not pvp should get unique skins or legendary armor. Just to name a few the only real constant the majority of the PvP player base actually agrees on that I have witnessed is "We don't like how pvp is" I don't mean to mitigate or make light of actual PvP threads that make worth while suggestions to improve PvP but people might have to compromise some to reach said middle ground. If people cant even agree on how many players they feel should be able to ranked que whether it be as a team or solo then how can anything productive ever get done?

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> @Loop.8106 said:

> So, Gaile Gray just made a post stating that the balance patch is releasing at the same time as the new pvp season. This means, ANY over-nerfs and / or buffs will be set in stone for the entire season. Once again.


> How is it not possible to have this done after five weeks?

> How is it okay to keep going back on your words, time and time again? "We will release quarterly balance patches between pvp seasons."

> How is it okay to have no communication to your playerbase?

> and most importantly. How do you just pretend that the sun is shining? When it's clearly a kitten tornado heading your way?


> I'm actually speechless. Which says a lot, because I was expecting nothing to begin with.


The only other option is very long periods s between seasons to see how the patches take effect. In which case, you make post complaining about the time between seasons.

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> @coglin.1496 said:

> > @Loop.8106 said:

> > So, Gaile Gray just made a post stating that the balance patch is releasing at the same time as the new pvp season. This means, ANY over-nerfs and / or buffs will be set in stone for the entire season. Once again.

> >

> > How is it not possible to have this done after five weeks?

> > How is it okay to keep going back on your words, time and time again? "We will release quarterly balance patches between pvp seasons."

> > How is it okay to have no communication to your playerbase?

> > and most importantly. How do you just pretend that the sun is shining? When it's clearly a kitten tornado heading your way?

> >

> > I'm actually speechless. Which says a lot, because I was expecting nothing to begin with.


> The only other option is very long periods s between seasons to see how the patches take effect. In which case, you make post complaining about the time between seasons.


Anet could do balance patches when ever they want. They chose the current model of patching. They could choose another. Lets stop pretending it's an immutable law of nature. Nothing is stopping them. There are other options.

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> @"Mr Godlike.6098" said:

> > @Loop.8106 said:

> > So, Gaile Gray just made a post stating that the balance patch is releasing at the same time as the new pvp season. This means, ANY over-nerfs and / or buffs will be set in stone for the entire season. Once again.

> >

> > How is it not possible to have this done after five weeks?

> > How is it okay to keep going back on your words, time and time again? "We will release quarterly balance patches between pvp seasons."

> > How is it okay to have no communication to your playerbase?

> > and most importantly. How do you just pretend that the sun is shining? When it's clearly a kitten tornado heading your way?

> >

> > I'm actually speechless. Which says a lot, because I was expecting nothing to begin with.




> Even if it was today ZERO of our feedback would have any impact on anything cause next balance update would be still AFTER season 9. It was like this in past, it's now and it will be till death of gw 2.


Actually, between some of the earlier seasons, there were two balance patches - they'd do one early in the offseason, watch the results, then do another one towards the end of the offseason for additional finetuning.

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> @Loop.8106 said:

> So, Gaile Gray just made a post stating that the balance patch is releasing at the same time as the new pvp season. This means, ANY over-nerfs and / or buffs will be set in stone for the entire season. Once again.


> How is it not possible to have this done after five weeks?

> How is it okay to keep going back on your words, time and time again? "We will release quarterly balance patches between pvp seasons."

> How is it okay to have no communication to your playerbase?

> and most importantly. How do you just pretend that the sun is shining? When it's clearly a kitten tornado heading your way?


> I'm actually speechless. Which says a lot, because I was expecting nothing to begin with.


At this point I'm trying to train the ability to have negative expectations, since while having no expectations at all they still find a way to disappoint. My new expectations are: next week another crap patch, then another 6 months for the follow up to fix that & finally in 2018 they will remove pvp from the game. Now let's see how they manage to top that.

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> @Luciferior.4802 said:

> Reaper Alim.4176 "Because in their eyes. The sun is very much shining. PvEers and RPers are throwing money at their feets left and right." Right how dare players buy things in the gemstore and support the game they play that doesn't have a monthly sub! How selfish of them. Imo anet should do a monthly sub. People can check it out for a month see if they like it if they don't like what they got for their money's worth they are welcome to move along to a different game. To be clear I PvP And PvE and I fully acknowledge there are severe issues in both PvP And PvE especially in pvp regarding balance the leaderboard issues solo/duo ques new pvp modes maps to play on ect ect. Whether or not these issues will ever get solved I honestly don't know what I do know is this blaming people in different game modes who still support the game despite all its issues isn't going to help PvP in any way it. The harsh reality is *some of the problems in PvP* are because of the PvP player base as a whole cant agree on certain issues such as "What is considered balanced class/build wise whether its from HoT or PoF or core also regarding Ranked ques if its 5 man premades duo ques what rewards should be given how they are earned whether or not pvp should get unique skins or legendary armor. Just to name a few the only real constant the majority of the PvP player base actually agrees on that I have witnessed is "We don't like how pvp is" I don't mean to mitigate or make light of actual PvP threads that make worth while suggestions to improve PvP but people might have to compromise some to reach said middle ground. If people cant even agree on how many players they feel should be able to ranked que whether it be as a team or solo then how can anything productive ever get done?


None of your writing was cohesive or intelligeble. Nothing Reaper said was wrong semantically.


Specifically your outburst against his gemstone comment is only proving his point further.


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