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Halloween 2018 elsewhere please?

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As much as I like seeing Lions Arch decorated for Halloween and seeing as it IS tradition to have LA dressed up since GW1.... nevertheless I would really love to see 2018's Halloween be in Divinity's Reach instead. It is after all a human custom right? And yes humans dominate Kryta, however Lions Arch is separate from Krytan politics relating to the queen. It would be a nice change. Perhaps making the Central Plaza be the main Halloween area? Similar to how the Grand Piazza in LA is. Thanks!

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Technically I don't think Halloween is a human holiday, like Wintersday is. Halloween is basically the Lunatic Court trying to let Mad King Thorn back into our realm and we're supposed to keep him down in the Mad Realm. As for why LA it's anyone's guess, it could be that he just loves attention and it's the best place to garner it, or there could be another reason, but the holiday is built around him so while he technically was human, I wouldn't call it a human holiday.

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The reason its in LA is probably because Oswald is a Krytan Royal, and DR didn't exist yet in his time. So LA is the next best choice for him to surface. While i would love to see some more decorations/events in other cities i don't think it's a good idea to move the entire event because anet would have to code everything again

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> @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> The reason its in LA is probably because Oswald is a Krytan Royal, and DR didn't exist yet in his time. So LA is the next best choice for him to surface. While i would love to see some more decorations/events in other cities i don't think it's a good idea to move the entire event because anet would have to code everything again


Didn't know.

I would have liked to see halloween in dr tbh, but now everything fits.

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While Halloween and Wintersday should remain in LA, it would be cool to have other seasonal events spread out among the other cities to make them feel a bit more living. DR has had some good examples in the past with the Queens jubilee (with the Queens gauntlet) and the Lunar New Year, while the other hubs has become somewhat stale after 4+ years.

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> @Mewcifer.5198 said:

> Divinity's Reach already has wintersday AND Lunar New Year. So no. Although I would like to see each major city have it's own festival. Rata Sum has SAB. DR has wintersday/New years. Lion's Arch has Halloween. The Grove, Hoelbrek, and the Black Citadel need some love.


The other cities need more love. Maybe move Wintersday to Hoelbrak. And add two new festivals for the Grove and Black Citadel.

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Nonono. DR already gets too much love compared to other racial cities. If anything I would want Wintersday back to LA (or spread to all the cities like the first year).

If Wintersday is not moved back to LA (or spread out), I want events of similar grandeur for all the other racial cities.

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> @circuitnerd.5863 said:

> As much as I like seeing Lions Arch decorated for Halloween and seeing as it IS tradition to have LA dressed up since GW1.... nevertheless I would really love to see 2018's Halloween be in Divinity's Reach instead. It is after all a human custom right? And yes humans dominate Kryta, however Lions Arch is separate from Krytan politics relating to the queen. It would be a nice change. Perhaps making the Central Plaza be the main Halloween area? Similar to how the Grand Piazza in LA is. Thanks!


Let's hope we'll visit Kamadan in the near future and that could be a themed city! Just like in Guild Wars 1.

Halloween is for everyone though, not just the ones that have the expansion. We should keep that in mind!

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Remember when BC had Halloween storyline instance? That was pretty cool, I wish they would've continuend with the story of the Blood Prince and Mad King, and BC would be a great place aswell- creepy and dangerous. Typical Charrish is well said.


I agree, the Grove, Hoelbrak and Black Citadeal needs some love too.

Or, as for our 3rd expansion, Tengu's capital city, Dominion of Winds will have something good for us, ;)

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If Samhain happens in LA, then Beltane should occur in the Groove.

I hate SAB being the only thing Asura have (Sorry, I really don't get all the nostalgic 8bit thing), but at least it is something for Rata Sum.

I would love to see something like the Carnaval from Rio or something like that in the other cities.

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> @Palador.2170 said:

> > @Ayakaru.6583 said:

> > The reason its in LA is probably because Oswald is a Krytan Royal, and DR didn't exist yet in his time. So LA is the next best choice for him to surface.

> Didn't they also bury part of him under LA?


I think so, yea. His son was buried beneath the old Nolani Academy in Ascalon (correct me if im wrong). Where the other pieces are buried I dont know, or even how many. Are we talking torso, limbs and head? Or organs and handsas well?

As for DR, it was built as a new human capital after Orr flooded the old Lions Arch

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  • ArenaNet Staff

From a lore standpoint, Lion's Arch is perfection. From a technical standpoint, Lion's Arch is perfection. By that I mean it's the only practical option. After all, we can't just toss all those decorations and assorted elements into a trunk and move to a new town--everything is designed and rigged exactly for its current location, from carving pumpkins to doors to NPCs to roving creatures. I'd venture to guess that relocating would not go well with the maniacal monarch, either. :)

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From a consumer 's standpoint, new LA has terrible distance between waypoints and services. Contrary, Old LA was super convenient; everything was within arm's reach. (Plus new LA is so bland. Old LA had so much flavor and personality.) That's why after it was transformed, I always use PVP lobby for banking, trading, selling; Rata Sum for crafting. Before PoF, to fast travel to cities for free, I went through PVP lobby then LA. But now with Lily of the Elon pass, I don't even visit LA anymore. (Halloween events I skipped over anyway; so still not visiting LA.)

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> From a lore standpoint, Lion's Arch is perfection. From a technical standpoint, Lion's Arch is perfection. By that I mean it's the only practical option. After all, we can't just toss all those decorations and assorted elements into a trunk and move to a new town--everything is designed and rigged exactly for its current location, from carving pumpkins to doors to NPCs to roving creatures. I'd venture to guess that relocating would not go well with the maniacal monarch, either. :)


I agree that the Mad King celebration belongs in Lion's Arch. Could we possibly get an annual holiday for each racial capital as well? It would add depth to the game as well as fun.

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