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Halloween 2018 elsewhere please?

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> @mtpelion.4562 said:

> > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > From a lore standpoint, Lion's Arch is perfection. From a technical standpoint, Lion's Arch is perfection. By that I mean it's the only practical option. After all, we can't just toss all those decorations and assorted elements into a trunk and move to a new town--everything is designed and rigged exactly for its current location, from carving pumpkins to doors to NPCs to roving creatures. I'd venture to guess that relocating would not go well with the maniacal monarch, either. :)


> I agree that the Mad King celebration belongs in Lion's Arch. Could we possibly get an annual holiday for each racial capital as well? It would add depth to the game as well as fun.




> @Hibiskus.8294 said:

> Well i find Halloween belongs to lions arch, but maybe we can get a summerfest somewhere else? All games have something special to do in summer, but GW2 has nothing in that time, i would love it.


You mean, like Wintersday is all in Divinity's Reach?

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> @Zakka.2153 said:

> > @"Cuon Alpinus.7645" said:

> > Make Meattoberfest an actual thing in Black Citadel beyond the one heart quest :v


> Give this man a beer!


And some meat!


I definitely wouldn't mind seeing other festivals or cultural events, especially for those several-month periods where nothing happens or the long waits between Living World season episodes.


I'm sure the Sylvari would appreciate another Dragon Bash, for example~

The Norn could have, um, something else with drinking? To be honest, they need better representation in the game, and a festival would certainly help.

And many real-life countries have a Children's Day. It'd be perfect for Charr as a day they celebrate to inter their children to the fahrar.

The joy is palpable among the Charr, as cited by one particularly enthusiastic Blood Legion mom:

> “Every time I get that feeling, I just remind myself of the bawling and the stench.”

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> From a lore standpoint, Lion's Arch is perfection. From a technical standpoint, Lion's Arch is perfection. By that I mean it's the only practical option. After all, we can't just toss all those decorations and assorted elements into a trunk and move to a new town--everything is designed and rigged exactly for its current location, from carving pumpkins to doors to NPCs to roving creatures. I'd venture to guess that relocating would not go well with the maniacal monarch, either. :)


Well, there is still the option to have Old Lion's Arch return for the next Halloween (only for the duration of the event) as a prank played by the Mad King. That was already designed for Halloween, so porting it back in wouldn't be that much of as hassle, no? Just adding the new NPCs, et voilà!

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> @Ashantara.8731 said:

> > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > From a lore standpoint, Lion's Arch is perfection. From a technical standpoint, Lion's Arch is perfection. By that I mean it's the only practical option. After all, we can't just toss all those decorations and assorted elements into a trunk and move to a new town--everything is designed and rigged exactly for its current location, from carving pumpkins to doors to NPCs to roving creatures. I'd venture to guess that relocating would not go well with the maniacal monarch, either. :)


> Well, there is still the option to have Old Lion's Arch return for the next Halloween (only for the duration of the event) as a prank played by the Mad King. That was already designed for Halloween, so porting it back in wouldn't be that much of as hassle, no? Just adding the new NPCs, et voilà!


I LOVE that idea!!!


But we also need festivals for the other cities

Wintersday for Divinity's Reach

Fahrar Day for Black Citadel (childrens day)

Love Day for Grove (valentines day)

and then something for Hoelbrak and Rata Sum.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

No, from all that I understand it's not at *all* possible to reinvoke/reinstate the former Lion's Arch. I know it seems logical, like "You have that chapter of your novel on your hard drive, just re-insert it into the book." But it's not nearly that simple, and in many cases, what may be seen as an "easy" suggestion is utterly impossible.


No one would love a "Return to Old Lion's Arch" story more than me. I spent literally thousands of hours in the original LA in GW, and then the first iteration of LA in GW2. *Nothing* touches my heart or reverberates more in my soul than Lion's Arch -- hands down. The first time I came across the ruins in the bay, I was so moved I had to log out and compose myself, I was so saddened to see it.


But I've asked about this before, and I was told that it was not possible to do it. I'll ask again, but I'm confident that the person with whom I spoke knew what he was talking about, and this is truly a case where, as Thomas Wolfe said, "You can't go home again." :'(


> @Ashantara.8731 said:


> Well, there is still the option to have Old Lion's Arch return for the next Halloween (only for the duration of the event) as a prank played by the Mad King. That was already designed for Halloween, so porting it back in wouldn't be that much of as hassle, no? Just adding the new NPCs, et voilà!



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As I think about it, Norn and Charr seem like long-lost relatives. They should co-host a late fall event in November (or any other vacant festival time), consuming beer and meat, in mass quantities. I'd rather eat meat and beer than candy corn.

* keg brawl

* belcher's bluff

* bar room, Quaggan tossing (in lieu of Asura)

* protect party from raiding Skritt and Dredge

* revive Beer of the month collection with more selections

* collect new tasty recipes

* new revelry minis

* beer-guzzler title

* a bar room brawl

* bar room furniture for guild Hall

* outdoor hunting activities


I think this would be a popular event considering the amount 'Festive Drinker' titles.


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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> No, from all that I understand it's not at *all* possible to reinvoke/reinstate the former Lion's Arch. I know it seems logical, like "You have that chapter of your novel on your hard drive, just re-insert it into the book." But it's not nearly that simple, and in many cases, what may be seen as an "easy" suggestion is utterly impossible.


> No one would love a "Return to Old Lion's Arch" story more than me. I spent literally thousands of hours in the original LA in GW, and then the first iteration of LA in GW2. *Nothing* touches my heart or reverberates more in my soul than Lion's Arch -- hands down. The first time I came across the ruins in the bay, I was so moved I had to log out and compose myself, I was so saddened to see it.


> But I've asked about this before, and I was told that it was not possible to do it. I'll ask again, but I'm confident that the person with whom I spoke knew what he was talking about, and this is truly a case where, as Thomas Wolfe said, "You can't go home again." :'(


> > @Ashantara.8731 said:


> > Well, there is still the option to have Old Lion's Arch return for the next Halloween (only for the duration of the event) as a prank played by the Mad King. That was already designed for Halloween, so porting it back in wouldn't be that much of as hassle, no? Just adding the new NPCs, et voilà!




I wouldn't be opposed to have another Destruction of Lion's Arch again. Not sure who would plan the attack, but there could be some story / lore involved stating that Lion's Arch need to be reborn in it's former glory. Something something, story lines, etc. This could make a great excuse to involve Season 1 lore (not actual content), and teach new players what really happened back then.

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> @Vegeta.2563 said:

> > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > No, from all that I understand it's not at *all* possible to reinvoke/reinstate the former Lion's Arch. I know it seems logical, like "You have that chapter of your novel on your hard drive, just re-insert it into the book." But it's not nearly that simple, and in many cases, what may be seen as an "easy" suggestion is utterly impossible.

> >

> > No one would love a "Return to Old Lion's Arch" story more than me. I spent literally thousands of hours in the original LA in GW, and then the first iteration of LA in GW2. *Nothing* touches my heart or reverberates more in my soul than Lion's Arch -- hands down. The first time I came across the ruins in the bay, I was so moved I had to log out and compose myself, I was so saddened to see it.

> >

> > But I've asked about this before, and I was told that it was not possible to do it. I'll ask again, but I'm confident that the person with whom I spoke knew what he was talking about, and this is truly a case where, as Thomas Wolfe said, "You can't go home again." :'(

> >

> > > @Ashantara.8731 said:

> >

> > > Well, there is still the option to have Old Lion's Arch return for the next Halloween (only for the duration of the event) as a prank played by the Mad King. That was already designed for Halloween, so porting it back in wouldn't be that much of as hassle, no? Just adding the new NPCs, et voilà!

> >

> >


> I wouldn't be opposed to have another Destruction of Lion's Arch again. Not sure who would plan the attack, but there could be some story / lore involved stating that Lion's Arch need to be reborn in it's former glory. Something something, story lines, etc. This could make a great excuse to involve Season 1 lore (not actual content), and teach new players what really happened back then.


Forgive me for saying but that's an absolutely terrible idea. While I do enjoy Old Lion's Arch, I find new Lion's Arch just as enjoyable, if not more so. The piratey aesthetic was very heavy in early GW2 because of Orr and Lion's Arch being such a central locus of activity, but now with multiple lounges/city replacement zones essentially removing all the mechanical needs for a centralized hub, and it makes sense to have Lion's Arch become a fortress-city that also attracts tourists, because Evon Gnashblade just can't stop trying to make money. As we adventure all over Tyria, we're going to find new areas to hang out in and new memories to create. No sense in needless nostalgia. I already have all my callback tinglies from Elona.


Though I *would* like to see all those defensive cannons and the airship hangar put to good use in a neat cinematic...

Maybe Joko figures out how to make undead zeppelins?



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disagree. Halloween is a tradition. so it follows tradition .. location is LA, it should always return there :) that's what I believe it should be. Wintersday is always in DR so I would expect it return to DR every year! :) SAB I would love it to return at the same location too! tradition is tradition..

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> No, from all that I understand it's not at *all* possible to reinvoke/reinstate the former Lion's Arch. I know it seems logical, like "You have that chapter of your novel on your hard drive, just re-insert it into the book." But it's not nearly that simple, and in many cases, what may be seen as an "easy" suggestion is utterly impossible.


> No one would love a "Return to Old Lion's Arch" story more than me. I spent literally thousands of hours in the original LA in GW, and then the first iteration of LA in GW2. *Nothing* touches my heart or reverberates more in my soul than Lion's Arch -- hands down. The first time I came across the ruins in the bay, I was so moved I had to log out and compose myself, I was so saddened to see it.


> But I've asked about this before, and I was told that it was not possible to do it. I'll ask again, but I'm confident that the person with whom I spoke knew what he was talking about, and this is truly a case where, as Thomas Wolfe said, "You can't go home again." :'(


> > @Ashantara.8731 said:


> > Well, there is still the option to have Old Lion's Arch return for the next Halloween (only for the duration of the event) as a prank played by the Mad King. That was already designed for Halloween, so porting it back in wouldn't be that much of as hassle, no? Just adding the new NPCs, et voilà!




wait, so its not possible to put the LA-before-destruction back in the game for a few weeks of halloween, some of the personal storysteps take place in the old LA, offcourse that is only an instance. Is it really not possible to put that map back in the game for halloween2018?

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More seasonal events would have a disastrous effect on the game. People are too busy with halloween right now to bother with anything else. I've been waiting for halloween to end to be able to progress on some PoF collections stuff because well no one is doing some unusual stuff in PoF. I'm here for the game, not for silly festivals. If it was up to me, festivals would also last one week, not two.

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