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Serious D/C issues

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I've been having problems with D/C since last night 10/31 @ midnight. At first I got kicked out completely and had Login issues where I couldn't get on at all, now my newest error code is 7:11:3:191:101, which is lose connection to server. The errors I got last night were 5:11:3:159:101, and 58:11:5:535 if this helps anyone. The longest I can play right now if I don't D/C immediately is about 5 minutes, usually less and there is definitely some major lag as well. Some location information for me is North East, USA.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> We're tracking this issue for sure. Could you share your general location?



hi gaile gray i think it is something to do with last night reset. since the game closed for me just before rest in silverwaste during the boss event just before the main event. that is about the time that update of the day are done. about 2 hours later the game froze crash for me while i was way pointing from dry top to cursed shore i add to do hard reset. in event viewer it say that gw2.exe created a virtual low memory condition using 4xxxxxxxxx bytes . today the black lion market was stating error 504 and maybe 15 minutes later got disconnected in wvw.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> I've been in the game for more than one hour with only one disconnect, but others are messaging me that it's happening quite a bit for them. Some are calling out specifically Dragon Stand, but I don't think the map location is particularly relevant.



It is happening all over the game even my friends online are signing off and back on every 10 mins and its getting worse not better

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I have not had as many DC's as most of these comments, though I have had a few mainly in Lions Arch or the Labyrinth but the main problem has been that game has become almost unplayable now with low fps and high ping, sometimes I have to resort to shutting down the game once the game is frozen in place or it may kick me out to character selection.


My ping hasnt been an issue since I started to play again about 2 weeks ago or so and my settings are on auto-detect and are all on high so I dont know what the problem is. It seemed to start happening about 3 to 4 days ago. Ive heard from some people that they are having the same problem and are wondering if its connected to the last patch we had and/or it was Nvidias latest driver upgrade.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Very very sorry that this is continuing. It's not within our ability to address this completely, but the team is taking what mitigating steps they can to reduce the issues. We'll continue to work on this!


What do you mean it's not within your ability to address this completely? You're the developers; you host this on your servers don't you? Or do you rent them from a third party?

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