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Should Anet make super adventure box an all year round event.


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> @TexZero.7910 said:


> I don't know where you pulled the misinformation of fractals being a festival from but that's just wrong. They were never designed as such.

Misspoke regarding the overtly and clearly defined narrative that a festival only refers to annually repeating content. Not any of the other 'festivals' that appeared as a one time event in season 1.




It's listed on anet's own site as a "Special Event" the same title given SAB a few months later. SAB *returned* as a recurring "festival" **years** later, but that is hardly an actual reason it could not become permanent. I mean really, it's one step above "I don't like it" as valid reasons it can't physically be made permanent (ironic it is only slightly less common reason given in this thread). My point was clearly lost due to rampant negativity, so feel free to ignore everything I meant and focus on arbitrarily labeling a retro dungeon as a holiday event and therefore beyond the laws of physics to be made permanent.


I'll just see about getting raids and legendaries restricted to annual events via a petition or something. Going by this thread (and every other one for the last five years) since I don't personally like them, other people shouldn't have access to them either.

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> @"Monkey Fritz.9052" said:

> > @TexZero.7910 said:


> > I don't know where you pulled the misinformation of fractals being a festival from but that's just wrong. They were never designed as such.

> Misspoke regarding the overtly and clearly defined narrative that a festival only refers to annually repeating content. Not any of the other 'festivals' that appeared as a one time event in season 1.


> https://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/releases/november-2012/


> It's listed on anet's own site as a "Special Event" the same title given SAB a few months later. SAB *returned* as a recurring "festival" **years** later, but that is hardly an actual reason it could not become permanent. I mean really, it's one step above "I don't like it" as valid reasons it can't physically be made permanent (ironic it is only slightly less common reason given in this thread). My point was clearly lost due to rampant negativity, so feel free to ignore everything I meant and focus on arbitrarily labeling a retro dungeon as a holiday event and therefore beyond the laws of physics to be made permanent.


> I'll just see about getting raids and legendaries restricted to annual events via a petition or something. Going by this thread (and every other one for the last five years) since I don't personally like them, other people shouldn't have access to them either.


Oh i see we've been reduced to hyperbole because reasons.


The entire point of keeping a festival to a specific time period is not because we want to lock people out. It's because it keeps said festival fun, interesting and unique.

In other words like this handy skitt from Jimmy Neutron proved



It sucks when every day is your most hype day.

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Yes. I love running groups through trib and speedrunning the zones. Not many things in gw2 come close to that.


Can we ditch the circular logic and arguments that would seem silly when applied to other content?


Not liking SAB doesn't mean it shouldn't be in the game. I don't oppose the majority of GW2 content because I don't like it but the number of No answers in the poll would indicate just that applied to SAB. Let people have fun in their own way in their own content. I notice that the poll is constructed in a way that encourages yes/no answers which explains most of that behaviour but it's still not nice :anguished:

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For all the peopple crying "Its seasonal content", there is nothing stopping Anet from restricting progress on the achievements to the "SAB season". This means you can't earn the tokens for the collections until April, can't progress the achievements etc.... Some people genuinely like running SAB, and there is no reason to keep it from them. Others, like myself, don't always have the time to practice Trib mode enough to succeed at it for the short time that SAB is in game (seriously, my professors have to know when festivals are coming, I swear I get twice as many due dates when GW2 has a festival up...), and having it up year round would take that stress away, and let us actually enjoy the achievements when its time for them to come back.


If you'll get bored of it if it is here all the time, then just don't play year round. Its pretty damn simple honestly.

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> @OriOri.8724 said:

> For all the peopple crying "Its seasonal content", there is nothing stopping Anet from restricting progress on the achievements to the "SAB season". This means you can't earn the tokens for the collections until April, can't progress the achievements etc.... Some people genuinely like running SAB, and there is no reason to keep it from them. Others, like myself, don't always have the time to practice Trib mode enough to succeed at it for the short time that SAB is in game (seriously, my professors have to know when festivals are coming, I swear I get twice as many due dates when GW2 has a festival up...), and having it up year round would take that stress away, and let us actually enjoy the achievements when its time for them to come back.


> If you'll get bored of it if it is here all the time, then just don't play year round. Its pretty kitten simple honestly.


Seriously people.



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Yes, because I've yet to come up with a reason why not. I don't even play it when it's out, but I don't see any good reason to keep it from those who enjoy it.


I'll touch on what Illconceived Was Na said up-thread, about people getting burnt out in that two week period SAB is out: I'd counter suggest burnout _for some players_ is not entirely due to SAB itself, but is more likely because SAB is only out for a short time, thus requiring players to often rush to get things "done", or to acquire that shiny whatever. I'd gently argue leaving it permanently would reduce at least some of that burnout, as there would be no real need to rush through to beat time In this scenario, it becomes more of a quirky dungeon, something that's considered by many to be fun and possible at any time for any schedule.

All of our festival type content can suffer from burnout - and even other parts of the game, with collections for things such as legendaries can be considered by some to be susceptible too* - and perhaps it's something to consider for future content. Either which way that burnout happens (and do any of us forum people truly know that answer?), it's not a desirable result for Anet, and something they should seek to avoid.


All that said, I truly have no pony in this one. I wish everyone well!


*Clarification: I'm not saying collections are bad and they should all be removed. I have no ponies there either.

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> @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

> > @OriOri.8724 said:

> > For all the peopple crying "Its seasonal content", there is nothing stopping Anet from restricting progress on the achievements to the "SAB season". This means you can't earn the tokens for the collections until April, can't progress the achievements etc.... Some people genuinely like running SAB, and there is no reason to keep it from them. Others, like myself, don't always have the time to practice Trib mode enough to succeed at it for the short time that SAB is in game (seriously, my professors have to know when festivals are coming, I swear I get twice as many due dates when GW2 has a festival up...), and having it up year round would take that stress away, and let us actually enjoy the achievements when its time for them to come back.

> >

> > If you'll get bored of it if it is here all the time, then just don't play year round. Its pretty kitten simple honestly.


> Seriously people.




The huge benefit of it being here all year round is that if you get tired of it, you can stop playing that content and not have to worry abotu missing it.


I've already given you a solution to the "christmas being here year round" issue. Simply tie the achievements and tokens for the skins to the festival period. That's it. No one is forcing you to play it year round if it is here. No one. If that will make you hate it, then simply don't fucking do it.

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I voted for Maybe. Here's why.


On the old forums one of the devs said that due to SAB being initially only for one April Fool's Day, it wasn't coded in such a way that makes it easy to update when they release patches. If they can figure out how to fix that without it hurting other aspects, I would love to see it come back at least for a longer period of time.


At least now we know that it is coming back and when to expect it. Unlike previous times when it would pop back up.

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I chose yes, but I wished I had picked maybe. I feel like it should last longer, maybe for an entire month I also think there should be a way to make SAB's presence year-round without the festival, especially with how addicting bauble collecting gets. There's a Wintersday giving tree node and candy corn nodes for home instances. Why not make a node of some sort that produces baubles? I feel like it's the perfect middle ground. It doesn't entirely cheapen the value of SAB, but it gives people something to tide them over a little until the event comes around the next year.

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last 2 times SAB festival came around... i had to make a choice with my (then) very limited play time... to do the festival... or to do the OTHER content. the one time it was PvP season free ascended gear (i think) while the other, was something else that was also limited.


i tend to play content at my own pace. sometimes i'm the first one through it... others i start first, but finish last due to stopping to smell every rose along the way. If SAB was available all year long, i wouldn't feel pressured into NOT doing it because of the MORE ENTICING OTHER CHOICE.


also, for those who tend to burn themselves out for the cheevos, i think i can agree that the SAB cheevos could be limited to the festival. (well, most of them dealing with the weapon skins, anyway. i feel that the simple "complete level 1" style cheevos should be year round with the SAB)

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I voted yes for strictly selfish reasons. SAB doesn't feel like a festival to me. It's not like Wintersday or Halloween which are related to real world holidays and which have logical reasons for being seasonal; i.e. Halloween is when the fabric between Tyria and the Mad Realm is at its thinnest, and Wintersday is... in Winter.


SAB isn't like that. It's a holodeck which has no in-world reason NOT to operate all year round. And it's not especially appealing to me. I personally find it hard to get into. It's a clever and artistic mini-game, but I just haven't clicked with it yet. And having to try to find that synergy in a limited time period is like being put in a room with other kids and being told to 'makefriends'. I'd prefer it to be available all year round so I can take my time, practice, and get a feel for it naturally.. as you would with any content.


On the issue of 'specialness': having it open all year wouldn't make it any less special to me. I could go weeks or months without thinking of it, then one day when I have a sudden urge to play it, I could. That's how I would play if I could. That's how I play with all the existing maps. I can go for ages without visiting one, then I feel like revisiting one and when I do it's enjoyable because I wanted to be there at that time. That's my selfish vote for Yes.

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> @OriOri.8724 said:

> > @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

> > > @OriOri.8724 said:

> > > For all the peopple crying "Its seasonal content", there is nothing stopping Anet from restricting progress on the achievements to the "SAB season". This means you can't earn the tokens for the collections until April, can't progress the achievements etc.... Some people genuinely like running SAB, and there is no reason to keep it from them. Others, like myself, don't always have the time to practice Trib mode enough to succeed at it for the short time that SAB is in game (seriously, my professors have to know when festivals are coming, I swear I get twice as many due dates when GW2 has a festival up...), and having it up year round would take that stress away, and let us actually enjoy the achievements when its time for them to come back.

> > >

> > > If you'll get bored of it if it is here all the time, then just don't play year round. Its pretty kitten simple honestly.

> >

> > Seriously people.

> >



> The huge benefit of it being here all year round is that if you get tired of it, you can stop playing that content and not have to worry abotu missing it.


> I've already given you a solution to the "christmas being here year round" issue. Simply tie the achievements and tokens for the skins to the festival period. That's it. No one is forcing you to play it year round if it is here. No one. If that will make you hate it, then simply don't kitten do it.


I actually don't care either way. I was making a pop culture reference for fun.

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