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Opinion on ranked restrictions


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> @Xuazinegueri.3592 said:

> Guys, i really dont understand. If they dont change this, people will cry days and nights because of "match manipulation".


I know this is an outlandish concept and I'm kinda crazy for bringing this up, but what if, bear with me for a moment, what if Anet actually banned people for breaking their rules? Instead of punishing everyone.


And you think this'll fix wintrading? LMAO this will do NOTHING to prevent that. Imagine 4 people hitting que at the same time, then confirm they all got a pop. Chances are, at high rating they'll get into the same game. How they are distributed, 2-2, 3-1, 4-0 is completely irrelevant, they'll be able to manipulate the match (or in case of 4-0 they'll just have a huge adventage anyways).

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I think the PvP team is underutilizing time as a resource, especially now that balance patches and ranked seasons seem to no longer interfere with one another.


Namely, allow for different types of ranked at different times. When one season ends another begins. For example, a solo-ranked season plays out and then a team-ranked season begins (that allows 1 to 5 players to queue and be matched as best as possible).


There is already downtime between seasons that can be better utilized, and unranked is always available when a player needs a break or happens to dislike a particular ranked season.

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> @NotASmurf.1725 said:

> > @Xuazinegueri.3592 said:

> > Guys, i really dont understand. If they dont change this, people will cry days and nights because of "match manipulation".


> I know this is an outlandish concept and I'm kinda crazy for bringing this up, but what if, bear with me for a moment, what if Anet actually banned people for breaking their rules? Instead of punishing everyone.


> And you think this'll fix wintrading? LMAO this will do NOTHING to prevent that. Imagine 4 people hitting que at the same time, then confirm they all got a pop. Chances are, at high rating they'll get into the same game. How they are distributed, 2-2, 3-1, 4-0 is completely irrelevant, they'll be able to manipulate the match (or in case of 4-0 they'll just have a huge adventage anyways).


^^^ What he said

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Just remove Duo Queue completely, watch all the Yolo Queue players that blame everything but themselves shift blame to something new for why they can’t progress/improve. Rinse repeat.


Why punish other players for doing well enough o progress into mid Plat and above but favor low tier players with being able to queue with their friends?

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> @"R E F L H E X.8413" said:

> I support the removal of duo que alltogether


Can you actually give a coherent reasoning other than blaming your own incompetence at duos? No offense but that's what most people with this opinion do.


Fot the record I only soloQd the last few season (anet can check for all i care) and still oppose this awful duo change.

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Couple of things really:


As a primarily soloQ player in the 1650-1750 range the past seasons, this change will be a godsend. Too many players carried by better duoQ partners. Seeing less of that, will be great.


With regards to what the pvp team is doing, they’ve mentioned that they’re working on a large project that is still several months out. Several high profile streamers have also referred to this in passing comment. I’m fairly certain this is why we haven’t seen any new maps or ‘development’ so-to-speak.


For playing with friends, there is still unranked and Automated Tournaments. RankedQ’s reward focus is clearly individualistic. Thus, it should be based on an individual’s skill at the highest level.


The change won’t completely kill off win trading - no system can do that - but it does severely hamper it to the point that in many cases it’s not worth doing due to potentially very little gain.


Finally, you should see this as a challenge. This seasons rankings will likely be as close to accurate skill level based as they possibly can be.



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PvP in my opinion has been in steep decline since they implemented duo que it hasn't helped the health of the pvp scene i remember i used to hustle to log on so i could team with friends and they kept me logging on to play and i them....but now its just solo the "community of pvpers" i once had is all but gone i have 2-3 people i duo with and thats it....


i haven't played in over a month bc there is just no drive 2 do so....(and i played for 4 years straight)


to me when they killed team que they killed the community (and i agree smaller suo Q or solo Q would provide a more competitive environment for the SOLO players) but the end goal in my mind for anet would be to turn a solo player into a community player idk maybe im dumb...


as far as the whole "oh you have tourny for teamplay" that's bogus since that mode has no matchmaking to speak of...... most games are usually extremely lopsided either you crush your opponents or get steamrolled then after you would have to wait what 8 hours before you could play again.


IMO you either make tournaments every hour on the hour in swiss format (which was already confirmed a thing by anet) so to give more games regardless if you win or lose... and that way as soon as one is over you can do another with your team if they have time... of course rewards would need to be balanced but then you would have a actual team format available to you at all times... or you could just make a ranked team que (or add pip reward system to unranked)



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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @AngelsShadow.7360 said:


> With regards to what the pvp team is doing, they’ve mentioned that they’re working on a large project that is still several months out. Several high profile streamers have also referred to this in passing comment. I’m fairly certain this is why we haven’t seen any new maps or ‘development’ so-to-speak.


Just a quick note to properly set expectations: We're not working on some giant PvP overhaul, so I don't want people to expect that. Most of the changes I mentioned that are a few months out are tournament features.


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Hey, consider yourself lucky. If it was me, I would have been way worse.


If it was me, ranked would be fully solo, and teams would be relegated to tournaments. Nothing in between.


In ranked and tournaments I would even make a system that requires people to register several character builds, at least 9 builds across at least 3 professions , and make them queue with those fixed builds instead with a single character, and then at the start of ranked and tournament matches they'd go through a drafting process letting both teams taking turns picking characters and banning enemy characters based on their builds. And once picked at the start of the match players would be stuck with that profession build until the end.

This would often counter builds that have been working too well, as people would quickly catch up and bad them at the start of matches.


They were incredibly lenient by still allowing duo before legendary. Any advantage is still too much advantage, no matter how small.

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How about progression

Unranked > ranked (solo q only) > ranked (team > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @AngelsShadow.7360 said:


> > With regards to what the pvp team is doing, they’ve mentioned that they’re working on a large project that is still several months out. Several high profile streamers have also referred to this in passing comment. I’m fairly certain this is why we haven’t seen any new maps or ‘development’ so-to-speak.

> >

> Just a quick note to properly set expectations: We're not working on some giant PvP overhaul, so I don't want people to expect that. Most of the changes I mentioned that are a few months out are tournament features.



Thanks for keeping us in the loop, much appreciated.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @AngelsShadow.7360 said:


> > With regards to what the pvp team is doing, they’ve mentioned that they’re working on a large project that is still several months out. Several high profile streamers have also referred to this in passing comment. I’m fairly certain this is why we haven’t seen any new maps or ‘development’ so-to-speak.

> >

> Just a quick note to properly set expectations: We're not working on some giant PvP overhaul, so I don't want people to expect that. Most of the changes I mentioned that are a few months out are tournament features.



Which means the team won't bring back teamQ and make two seperate Qs for solo and team players! Just a simple question, WHY?

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> @Eagelseye.6312 said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > @AngelsShadow.7360 said:

> >

> > > With regards to what the pvp team is doing, they’ve mentioned that they’re working on a large project that is still several months out. Several high profile streamers have also referred to this in passing comment. I’m fairly certain this is why we haven’t seen any new maps or ‘development’ so-to-speak.

> > >

> > Just a quick note to properly set expectations: We're not working on some giant PvP overhaul, so I don't want people to expect that. Most of the changes I mentioned that are a few months out are tournament features.

> >


> Which means the team won't bring back teamQ and make two seperate Qs for solo and team players! Just a simple question, WHY?


Maybe the plan is to go towards complete soloQ and bring more to the ATs as the alternative for team play.

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> @Eagelseye.6312 said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > @AngelsShadow.7360 said:

> >

> > > With regards to what the pvp team is doing, they’ve mentioned that they’re working on a large project that is still several months out. Several high profile streamers have also referred to this in passing comment. I’m fairly certain this is why we haven’t seen any new maps or ‘development’ so-to-speak.

> > >

> > Just a quick note to properly set expectations: We're not working on some giant PvP overhaul, so I don't want people to expect that. Most of the changes I mentioned that are a few months out are tournament features.

> >


> Which means the team won't bring back teamQ and make two seperate Qs for solo and team players! Just a simple question, WHY?


Because it didn't work when we had it and most people do not want this anymore.


Stop asking.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @troops.8276 said:

> > @Eagelseye.6312 said:

> > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > > @AngelsShadow.7360 said:

> > >

> > > > With regards to what the pvp team is doing, they’ve mentioned that they’re working on a large project that is still several months out. Several high profile streamers have also referred to this in passing comment. I’m fairly certain this is why we haven’t seen any new maps or ‘development’ so-to-speak.

> > > >

> > > Just a quick note to properly set expectations: We're not working on some giant PvP overhaul, so I don't want people to expect that. Most of the changes I mentioned that are a few months out are tournament features.

> > >

> >

> > Which means the team won't bring back teamQ and make two seperate Qs for solo and team players! Just a simple question, WHY?


> Maybe the plan is to go towards complete soloQ and bring more to the ATs as the alternative for team play.


We don't have any _current_ plans to make ranked solo queue only, though we have debated it internally multiple times.


We feel a separate queue for just 5 person teams would likely go really poorly. The queue times would be exceptionally long and when you did finally get into a match, it would probably be of poor quality. There just wouldn't be enough teams for proper matchmaking to work.


Automated Tournaments are our solution for team play. We're adding a 4th tournament next week to make it more likely to find a tournament during your normal play time. Additionally, while I can't guarantee this, swiss style tournaments are on our backlog. This would enable people to get several games in each tournament, even if you lose.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @troops.8276 said:

> > > @Eagelseye.6312 said:

> > > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > > > @AngelsShadow.7360 said:

> > > >

> > > > > With regards to what the pvp team is doing, they’ve mentioned that they’re working on a large project that is still several months out. Several high profile streamers have also referred to this in passing comment. I’m fairly certain this is why we haven’t seen any new maps or ‘development’ so-to-speak.

> > > > >

> > > > Just a quick note to properly set expectations: We're not working on some giant PvP overhaul, so I don't want people to expect that. Most of the changes I mentioned that are a few months out are tournament features.

> > > >

> > >

> > > Which means the team won't bring back teamQ and make two seperate Qs for solo and team players! Just a simple question, WHY?

> >

> > Maybe the plan is to go towards complete soloQ and bring more to the ATs as the alternative for team play.


> We don't have any _current_ plans to make ranked solo queue only, though we have debated it internally multiple times.


> We feel a separate queue for just 5 person teams would likely go really poorly. The queue times would be exceptionally long and when you did finally get into a match, it would probably be of poor quality. There just wouldn't be enough teams for proper matchmaking to work.


> Automated Tournaments are our solution for team play. We're adding a 4th tournament next week to make it more likely to find a tournament during your normal play time. Additionally, while I can't guarantee this, swiss style tournaments are on our backlog. This would enable people to get several games in each tournament, even if you lose.


What I dislike the most about this change is how you seemingly only considered NA while making this decision. I've seen in this thread that 1600 rating is NA top 250 and that's why you extended it all the way there. 1600 on EU is still considered to be a low rating by some, anyone worth their salt should be able to make it to at least 1700, and then they may still be out of the top 250 range when the season ends, so this is going to affect a lot more people on this region than intended based on NA feedback.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @troops.8276 said:

> > > @Eagelseye.6312 said:

> > > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > > > @AngelsShadow.7360 said:

> > > >

> > > > > With regards to what the pvp team is doing, they’ve mentioned that they’re working on a large project that is still several months out. Several high profile streamers have also referred to this in passing comment. I’m fairly certain this is why we haven’t seen any new maps or ‘development’ so-to-speak.

> > > > >

> > > > Just a quick note to properly set expectations: We're not working on some giant PvP overhaul, so I don't want people to expect that. Most of the changes I mentioned that are a few months out are tournament features.

> > > >

> > >

> > > Which means the team won't bring back teamQ and make two seperate Qs for solo and team players! Just a simple question, WHY?

> >

> > Maybe the plan is to go towards complete soloQ and bring more to the ATs as the alternative for team play.


> We don't have any _current_ plans to make ranked solo queue only, though we have debated it internally multiple times.


> We feel a separate queue for just 5 person teams would likely go really poorly. The queue times would be exceptionally long and when you did finally get into a match, it would probably be of poor quality. There just wouldn't be enough teams for proper matchmaking to work.


> Automated Tournaments are our solution for team play. We're adding a 4th tournament next week to make it more likely to find a tournament during your normal play time. Additionally, while I can't guarantee this, swiss style tournaments are on our backlog. This would enable people to get several games in each tournament, even if you lose.


If you restrict players above 1600 you could at least make everyone solo-queue i mean thats allready most of the pvp-players i know.

Alsowhy not a queue 1-5 player as long as there is a pure solo-queue i can pick what i like. Also giving people a reason to form teams except it is fun to play with your friends. For some that seems not to be enough. Maybe add increased reward track progress for every team member or bonus pips.

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> @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

> > @ShadowDragoonFTW.3418 said:

> > To be fair Omar... if they really are eliminating the ability to queue as a team, that would make PvP... well, it would kill a lot of the organizing and strategic elements. If you can only solo-queue (which is what it sounds like OP says is going on, first i'm hearing of it myself), then you get stuck with a team of completely random people (probably still rank-based, but nobody you know), and you have to HOPE that the people you're playing with are going to take the match as seriously as you. Which you can't guarantee if you don't know Teammate A from a hole in the ground.


> Oh no I feel you there, and I understand OP too. I'm just saying that after all the stuff that has already happened that SHOULD have killed PvP did not. So this too will pass.


> That's depressing.


> Yet here we are begrudgingly playing this PvP with the insane idea of home.


> It's our fault really.

> We should pull the plug, but are unable to let go.


I mean, PvP is literally dead to a point where matchmaking can take 5-6 minutes on EU. They got dropped from Esports because GW2 PvP is stale and boring.

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Wholeheartedly agree with this post. Duo was a huge component of PvP for me...not sure if I'm gonna keep going without it. Hell, at that point your position on the leaderboard is just a matter of luck. Get paired with shitty players in a game full of Golds when your Plat? Bye bye leaderboard, hello -20.


I really dislike Anet's direction here. I say this as a PvP veteran in the top 50 NA. Just because a few people in the top 10 cheated does not mean half the PvP community be shut down.

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I'm new so just speculating about devs intent and stuff.


For new/average players is progression? unranked to learn > ranked to test your skill and find ppl of your level and make teams > AT to compete at the highest level? If you're competitively minded.


If you just want to goof about with buddies then there is options, like unranked, or if you like competitive solo then stay in ranked.


Hopefully pleases enough people to keep a good throughput at at each level and thus help the MM produce quality matches. But all this depends on enough ppl participating. I wonder what effect duo in solo Q has on MM? I would imagine at the top end its more difficult but does this have a cascade effect on lower division mm quality or time in q. Is that the trade off? Poor mm but shorter q's for all. Will this help? What is the future? Do you know next weeks lottery numbers? And what is the meaning of life?



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Join a PvP guild to do AT with other skilled players?


On a side note, I just cant' understand the mentality of the PvP devs that say something is in the works but its a few months out. Meanwhile, S9 is here and they won't add a lot more tournies for the obvious demand. Why not? Who cares if they're doing something that's a few months out. It's a few months. How hard is it, really, to add more torunies to satisfy the player base. If that's gonna interfere with whatever these secret plans are, then just change it when they roll that out. This just baffles me.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @troops.8276 said:

> > > @Eagelseye.6312 said:

> > > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > > > @AngelsShadow.7360 said:

> > > >

> > > > > With regards to what the pvp team is doing, they’ve mentioned that they’re working on a large project that is still several months out. Several high profile streamers have also referred to this in passing comment. I’m fairly certain this is why we haven’t seen any new maps or ‘development’ so-to-speak.

> > > > >

> > > > Just a quick note to properly set expectations: We're not working on some giant PvP overhaul, so I don't want people to expect that. Most of the changes I mentioned that are a few months out are tournament features.

> > > >

> > >

> > > Which means the team won't bring back teamQ and make two seperate Qs for solo and team players! Just a simple question, WHY?

> >

> > Maybe the plan is to go towards complete soloQ and bring more to the ATs as the alternative for team play.


> We don't have any _current_ plans to make ranked solo queue only, though we have debated it internally multiple times.


> We feel a separate queue for just 5 person teams would likely go really poorly. The queue times would be exceptionally long and when you did finally get into a match, it would probably be of poor quality. There just wouldn't be enough teams for proper matchmaking to work.


> Automated Tournaments are our solution for team play. We're adding a 4th tournament next week to make it more likely to find a tournament during your normal play time. Additionally, while I can't guarantee this, swiss style tournaments are on our backlog. This would enable people to get several games in each tournament, even if you lose.


Why have Duos at all especially if the decision to restrict Duo at 1600 is because Duo Plat could snipe Legendary positions what about Duos up to 1600 sniping top 250 positions? Why allow anyone the advantage of queuing with a Duo essentially fixing 2/5s of their Team? Why punish hose players that are doing well in Pvp by forcing them not to play with their friends but rewarding players for doing badly?


If the idea is to have ATs as your team centric gamemode why have Duos in Solo Que?


This should be an all or nothing decision not a half attempt.


Also whatever happened to this?


>“Evan Lesh


> #After the end of Season 5 we will re-evaluate the experience and poll the community again to decide if the change should become permanent for all ranked seasons. Thanks for voting and we look forward to the changes coming to ranked play!”




So far no Poll has been conducted in the slightest, yet it was stated we would receive one.

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