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[Suggestion] Obtaining Weapons of the Sunless

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I have read about, seen, and talked to people who have been farming Teq daily for years just to get one horde to drop, and I believe that is way too rare. I have a more-than-reasonable suggestion regarding the acquisition of these weapons:


Allow us to store the spoons as currency towards Sunless weapons. Even if two-handed weapons cost 50 spoons and one-handed weapons cost 25 or 30, at least those of us who really want to collect them have a way of actually working towards it and making some sort of progress. Let the horde drop be a bonus that expedites the process rather than the main means of acquisition. I would think about two months per two-handed weapon and one month per one-handed weapon is reasonable yet still not so easy to obtain. Basically, if you commit to it for that long, you should be able to obtain it after a while.

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For as long as I've been playing MMORPGs, I've never seen anything positive come out of RNG having "the final say," especially if the odds are so against you. It only frustrates people and causes them to give up. At least with the spoons, I think you have a 50% chance or better to get one, so... You're going to get some. You're going to make progress. It's reasonable RNG, and that works in MMORPGs because, realistically, who honestly doesn't like a little grind in order to earn what they want? It's healthy because it doesn't give into instant gratification. Now in the current scenario regarding hordes, you're at the complete mercy of unforgiving RNG odds, and that's not game-healthy.


I wish all MMORPGs adopted this mindset, but that's a discussion for another day, another time.

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I'm perfectly fine with a handful of skins in the game being so rare that the full set is largely unobtainable by collectors. I like the idea that some stuff is really unusual, for reasons other than expense or (direct) grind.


That said, I'm not against ANet increasing the drop rate on these; I just don't think it's important enough for most people for them to spend time on it.

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What's nuts is.. my Revenant got a weapon box from Teq... TWICE. One being only a couple weeks ago. That said, you'd imagine I would get my collection named exotic for Renegade with how many unid'd items I've opened stacking as much magic find as possible, but sadly it's not the case. It's not that I'm not happy I had gotten two total from this boss because I was super excited to get this. It saved me a ton of gold with having to not craft a weapon when you can just put it in the toilet to swap it's stats later (giving you the Teq skin and the Viper's one in my case) and it was an awesome surprise.


I've always been against super heavy RNG centric things like that, I'm really not much of a fan, but sadly it's been that way since I can remember in gw2. I'd love to receive things a little more reliably, but I don't foresee that happening and I can totally agree/feel with folks in this thread thus far. I just wish the alternatives didn't require such a massive gold sink to create, but with how gear seems to last in this game for years vs only a few months like in other mmos before new better gear is released? Perhaps that is why the ridiculously low drop rates exist.

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Over the course of playing this game, I've gotten three precursor drops, and yet despite doing Tequatl numerous times, I've only ever received one Tequatl's Hoard. I'm not sure if I'm just incredibly unlucky in that regard (or lucky, depending on which side of the coin you're looking at), but getting only one Tequatl's Hoard despite regularly participating in the event over the course of a few years seems quite lopsided to me.

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> @"Tenrai Senshi.2017" said:

> Over the course of playing this game, I've gotten three precursor drops, and yet despite doing Tequatl numerous times, I've only ever received one Tequatl's Hoard. I'm not sure if I'm just incredibly unlucky in that regard (or lucky, depending on which side of the coin you're looking at), but getting only one Tequatl's Hoard despite regularly participating in the event over the course of a few years seems quite lopsided to me.


Seems it goes both ways, you've been lucky to get a couple precursors... and I have played since gw2 launched and haven't seen one ever, but got 2 boxes from Teq. RNG to the max x.x;

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> @Fengzhou.9853 said:

> > @"Tenrai Senshi.2017" said:

> > Over the course of playing this game, I've gotten three precursor drops, and yet despite doing Tequatl numerous times, I've only ever received one Tequatl's Hoard. I'm not sure if I'm just incredibly unlucky in that regard (or lucky, depending on which side of the coin you're looking at), but getting only one Tequatl's Hoard despite regularly participating in the event over the course of a few years seems quite lopsided to me.


> Seems it goes both ways, you've been lucky to get a couple precursors... and I have played since gw2 launched and haven't seen one ever, but got 2 boxes from Teq. RNG to the max x.x;


But it just goes to show how wonky the RNG is though. I personally don't mind if RNG is involved as an option for acquiring loot, but not when it's the ONLY option (especially when it's that bad). We should at least have alternatives so that those who aren't lucky can still acquire what they'd like through other more reliable means.

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> @"Tenrai Senshi.2017" said:

> > @Fengzhou.9853 said:

> > > @"Tenrai Senshi.2017" said:

> > > Over the course of playing this game, I've gotten three precursor drops, and yet despite doing Tequatl numerous times, I've only ever received one Tequatl's Hoard. I'm not sure if I'm just incredibly unlucky in that regard (or lucky, depending on which side of the coin you're looking at), but getting only one Tequatl's Hoard despite regularly participating in the event over the course of a few years seems quite lopsided to me.

> >

> > Seems it goes both ways, you've been lucky to get a couple precursors... and I have played since gw2 launched and haven't seen one ever, but got 2 boxes from Teq. RNG to the max x.x;


> But it just goes to show how wonky the RNG is though. I personally don't mind if RNG is involved as an option for acquiring loot, but not when it's the ONLY option (especially when it's that bad). We should at least have alternatives so that those who aren't lucky can still acquire what they'd like through other more reliable means.


I totally agree. I dislike things that feel 'hopeless'.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> Since they are ascended, can't you simply change any weapons into that one?


> Through mf attributes change.


No, at least not from an aesthetic point of view. Changing the stats on ascended gear does not change the appearance, and weapons of the sunless have a unique visual appearance compared to other ascended weapons that cannot be acquired through any other means outside of the event rewards.


If it were just a case of stats, I think people wouldn't bother with Tequatl, and would simply craft ascended weapons or get them through other means. It would certainly be more efficient than praying to the RNG gods for a Tequatl's Hoard.

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I would go with something slightly different. Instead a token and a vendor, I'd go with a mystic forge ascended reforge recipe that replaces the inscription, the antology of heroes and the 5 globs of ectoplasm with 3 different materials:


1. A Grizzlemouth's (Rabid) ascended weapon of the type you want.

* If you want to use any other ascended weapon, you have to reforge it into a Grizzlemouth weapon first.

2. A stack of 250 runes of the Sunless.

* These have too little value. They could use more sinks.

4. 250 piles of soiled essence.

* Like the sunless runes, these have very little value and could use more sinks.

5. An amount of a new unique account bound drop that is a new guaranteed item from the gold dragon chest.

* This item would replace the gold drop from the gold Dragon Chest ([&AgHcugAA]) at tequatl, but it would be sellable at vendors for 1g.

* The amounts would not require months of daily Tequalt per weapon. More like days.


This way people who want to get the ascended set with the 'dedication' method because RNG hates them can slowly do it, but not so slow it takes years to get the entire set. Instead, they have to get themselves an ascended weapon, and then transform it with the tokens from Tequatl. So instead something like 50 tokens to get a 2h weapon, it could be something like 7 for 2h weapons, 5 for main hand weapons and 3 for offhand.



Something similar could be done with triple trouble armor pieces.


1. Shoulder, helmet or gloves with Occam (Carrion) stats.

2. 250 major runes of the wurm.

3. 250 mordrem lodestones.

4. An amount of a new token from the golden chest that has a 2g value, replacing the 2g from The Wurm's Golden Chest.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> I'm perfectly fine with a handful of skins in the game being so rare that the full set is largely unobtainable by collectors. I like the idea that some stuff is really unusual, for reasons other than expense or (direct) grind.


> That said, I'm not against ANet increasing the drop rate on these; I just don't think it's important enough for most people for them to spend time on it.


In all fairness, that's very easy for you to say because you could care less about obtaining a Sunless weapon. If it's that one last piece you need for your character's appearance to all come together, I believe you would feel much differently if you are one to put time into your character's appearance.

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> @TwilightSoul.9048 said:

> I like having incredibly rare drops in the game. Especially since they aren't a requirement for anything important other then beeing special. (They'd cease to be special if they weren't rare...)


So, what makes them any more special than the next weapon set to be so unobtainable? The stats aren't all that great, and the majority of the player base prefer other weapon skins. One man's trash is another man's treasure. If you are going to make that argument, make it for something that everybody is after instead of just a niche few.

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> @Talemire.1964 said:

> > @TwilightSoul.9048 said:

> > I like having incredibly rare drops in the game. Especially since they aren't a requirement for anything important other then beeing special. (They'd cease to be special if they weren't rare...)


> So, what makes them any more special than the next weapon set to be so unobtainable? The stats aren't all that great, and the majority of the player base prefer other weapon skins. One man's trash is another man's treasure. If you are going to make that argument, make it for something that everybody is after instead of just a niche few.


How does that have anything to do with who likes it and who doesn't? I would love to get my hands on the TT Shoulders, do you see me complaining about how hard they are to come by? I know it's frustrating that you can't have everything you want whenever you want but the game gets increasingly less interesting when you get everything you want whenever you want. You've probably seen a few spoiled kids in your life, do they look like they're having fun? They get everything they want and after a few days they want something new because everything they already have is already boring...

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> @TwilightSoul.9048 said:

> > @Talemire.1964 said:

> > > @TwilightSoul.9048 said:

> > > I like having incredibly rare drops in the game. Especially since they aren't a requirement for anything important other then beeing special. (They'd cease to be special if they weren't rare...)

> >

> > So, what makes them any more special than the next weapon set to be so unobtainable? The stats aren't all that great, and the majority of the player base prefer other weapon skins. One man's trash is another man's treasure. If you are going to make that argument, make it for something that everybody is after instead of just a niche few.


> How does that have anything to do with who likes it and who doesn't? I would love to get my hands on the TT Shoulders, do you see me complaining about how hard they are to come by? I know it's frustrating that you can't have everything you want whenever you want but the game gets increasingly less interesting when you get everything you want whenever you want. You've probably seen a few spoiled kids in your life, do they look like they're having fun? They get everything they want and after a few days they want something new because everything they already have is already boring...


This retaliatory response is clear evidence that you didn't read my original post. My argument still stands.


Edit: You know, I'll humor you anyway - It has nothing at all to do with who likes it and who doesn't. The point I am ultimately trying to make is that, given all stats are equal (because if they weren't my argument here would crumble in an instant - ex. Legendaries - They are legendary and extremely hard to obtain for good reason), it could take a person anywhere from one day to "x" years to outfit their character the way they like solely because of unreasonable RNG and not because of the measure of their commitment to obtaining it. No progress is made.


Now for your other remarks - Is it frustrating? Yes. Are we acting like spoiled brats who want whatever we want, whenever we want? Absolutely not. That's an insult to anyone who has farmed Teq daily since launch and have nothing to show for it. I would suggest that you choose your words and arguments more wisely. I, personally, am not offended as I am not a member of that group of "day oners," but have some respect for those who are. Nothing I am proposing suggests the implementation of a "right here, right now" model. Also, not everyone who finally achieves their complete character appearance or any other personal in-game goals all of a sudden finds the game dull and boring. Not everybody has the mentality of a child in a toy store. There are plenty of things to do in this game worth sticking around for and experiencing.

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> @Talemire.1964 said:

> > @TwilightSoul.9048 said:

> > > @Talemire.1964 said:

> > > > @TwilightSoul.9048 said:

> > > > I like having incredibly rare drops in the game. Especially since they aren't a requirement for anything important other then beeing special. (They'd cease to be special if they weren't rare...)

> > >

> > > So, what makes them any more special than the next weapon set to be so unobtainable? The stats aren't all that great, and the majority of the player base prefer other weapon skins. One man's trash is another man's treasure. If you are going to make that argument, make it for something that everybody is after instead of just a niche few.

> >

> > How does that have anything to do with who likes it and who doesn't? I would love to get my hands on the TT Shoulders, do you see me complaining about how hard they are to come by? I know it's frustrating that you can't have everything you want whenever you want but the game gets increasingly less interesting when you get everything you want whenever you want. You've probably seen a few spoiled kids in your life, do they look like they're having fun? They get everything they want and after a few days they want something new because everything they already have is already boring...


> This retaliatory response is clear evidence that you didn't read my original post. My argument still stands.


> Edit: You know, I'll humor you anyway - It has nothing at all to do with who likes it and who doesn't. The point I am ultimately trying to make is that, given all stats are equal (because if they weren't my argument here would crumble in an instant - ex. Legendaries - They are legendary and extremely hard to obtain for good reason), it could take a person anywhere from one day to "x" years to outfit their character the way they like only because of unreasonable RNG and not because they were committed to obtaining it. No progress is made.


> Now for your other remarks - Is it frustrating, yes. Are we acting like spoiled brats who want whatever we want, whenever we want? Absolutely not. That's an insult to anyone who has farmed Teq daily since launch and have gotten nothing. I would suggest that you choose your words and arguments more wisely. I, personally, am not offended as I am not a member of that group of "day oners," but have some respect. Nothing I am proposing suggests a "right here, right now" attitude or mindset. Also, not everyone who finally achieves their complete character appearance or any other personal in-game goals all of a sudden finds the game dull and boring. Not everybody has the mentality of a child in a toy store. There are plenty of things to do in this game worth sticking around for and experiencing.


Yeah, I oviously don't understand the point you're trying to make, how do the stats matter? The Aura Infusions grant no particular stats but are still valuable because they look special - special looks deserve to be rare in my opinion. This isn't about weather I understand your point or not. I just have a different opinion from yours. My Character's looks are far from completed because of skins locked behind rng but that's exactly what keeps me playing this game. I do understand your frustration but I disagree about you suggested solution. I would however not mind them being tradable, maybe in form of an almost equally rare exotic drop with the same skin. That way we as players can sort out the "value" of that rare item ourselves.

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Bought them all from TP except the torch exotic, after farming PoF and doing bounty's for 2 weeks.. drop rates are ridiculously low.

Im probably the worst player at making money, so i don't see the problem..yes they are expensive true.

Now these asc weapons are wasting away in my bank, i didn't need them in the first place :-)

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> @Talemire.1964 said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > I'm perfectly fine with a handful of skins in the game being so rare that the full set is largely unobtainable by collectors. I like the idea that some stuff is really unusual, for reasons other than expense or (direct) grind.

> >

> > That said, I'm not against ANet increasing the drop rate on these; I just don't think it's important enough for most people for them to spend time on it.


> In all fairness, that's very easy for you to say because you could care less about obtaining a Sunless weapon. If it's that one last piece you need for your character's appearance to all come together, I believe you would feel much differently if you are one to put time into your character's appearance.


In all fairness, it's easy for anyone to say either way. Implicit in your statement is the idea that there's something more important about getting a particular skin for a particular character that ANet should change the reward system in the game. Implicit in my statement is the idea that there's something important about some skins being so rare that they can't be bought or grinded. Neither idea is better; they are just different ways of viewing the game.


Further, despite your assumption, Sunless skins are important to me. There are several I wanted for a specific look. However, since I cannot get them reliably, I looked for other skins (in one case) and started from scratch on the view (in another).


So yes, I have an opinion about what I prefer, just as you do. I've even said that I'm not against ANet changing things to fit your idea of the reward system. All the same, I don't think all that many people are deeply affected by it either way, and so I question whether this is the best use of ANet's time, given how many other things we want from them in the way of skins and rewards. (For example, the named PoF exotics required for the specialization collections: their rarity & RNG source affects people's AP, as well as looks, at a premium price.)



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