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Reworking the Spite Trait line would Buff both Power Core necro and Power Reaper..


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Spite right now is filled to the brim with allot.... and i mean... ALLOT of Rearly bad traits....


I gonna start right away by saying that Vulnerability is border line almost useless for necro in Group content.... lets face it bosses most of the time will be sitting on vuln cap or realy close to vuln cap.... We have too MANY traits with Vuln instead of something else...


then lets not talk about ALL 50%-30% HP Reg traits also....


3 traits with Vuln from that 1 that you can't skip

4 Traits that only work Under 50% of enemy HP from that 2 that you can't Skip.... Necros that run This trait line basically running without 2 minor Traits most of the times because they outright not active.... and lets not talk about the 1st trait line that only works while shroud is up lol..... that's 3 traits that is not active most of the time and you CANT skip/change it..

and then all the other traits in Spite is balanced to be close to equal to these bad traits making them all pretty Bad in the long run


lets face it the ONLY reason to take this trait line is because the LAST 3 Master traits... and even that has one that needs a health tress hold to work LOL


i have no ideas yet tough but if i could suggest... i would say Rework the entire trait line..

or at least remake these useless traits especially those that are not even active/work most of the time....


**Change them into something that Buffs Power dmg and the Power game play as a whole.... the Spite trait line SCREAMS to be a Power trait line and we could Fix both Power Reaper and Core Necro in 1 go when it comes to Power dmg....**


We have a Condi trait line so why not an actual working Power trait line also ?

Two Birds with 1 stone...

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Here's an idea for the 3 mid tier traits, that definitely need a buff.

Change Chill of Death so it activates when you hit a foe with 3 or more boons. That way it can actually be used as active boon removal rather than the very random and often pointless way it does it at the moment.

Change Rending Shroud so instead of dealing Vuln, it inflicts a non stacking debuff on foes that deals -150 toughness for the 9s duration, every 3 seconds whilst in shroud.

Lastly, change Unholy Fervor so the bonus damage is granted to all attacks instead of just axe.


With the changes we now have 3 defined traits. 1 reliable boon removal, 1 party dps increase and 1 personal

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Well the Core problem is You have to have Soul Reaping, Right? 50% more crit in Shroud, 5% more dmg when Life force is above 50%, LF gain from Skills increased. If Power is anything other than Staff 1, then you need the profession mechanic, and that is most benefited by Soul Reaping. The 3rd Trait Line you select:

* Spite for Power

* Curses for Condi

* Blood Magic for Sustain / Healing

* Death Magic for Sustain / Tanking


So assuming you wouldn't want Bm / DM, your choices are Spite / Curses. And Curses gives far more condi benefit than Spite does power benefit. I think that is why the original post was focused on Spite.


Spite and Soul Reaping is how you Fix both core Necro and Reaper. Unyeilding blast already provides Vulnerability, so Spite's Vulnerability is redundant in a PVE context.


Spiteful renewal although named wrongly is Consume Conditions, and it should be moved to Curses to have synergy with Master of Corruption.


Blood Bond in Blood Magic is a Signate Trait and it should be in Spite as a replacement.


I believe that the spreading out of Signate Traits and Corruption Traits and Terror Traits across 2-3 different Lines is a major issue with Necromancer. It makes you have to sacrifice 1/3 of your traits for a utility specialization or niche build to get an Elite Specialization. In a way consolidation of these would possibly make Core Necro much stronger as they could gain 3 different core specializations with 3 different trait lines.

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the 50% health ones are too situational . takes too much away since half the fight you fighting with nothing. i have not got a problem with traits doing more at 50% health it would be fine but they need some other effects like close to death should just give a small boost and then boost it to 20% at 50% health , Siphoned Power could then give a % chance of might on critcal hit above 50% and a guaranteed might per hit under 50% , same with death's embrace. i also agree with the massive amount of vul traits (bitter chill is pretty cool though) there needs to be more variate

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> @Slayer.7318 said:

> the 50% health ones are too situational . takes too much away since half the fight you fighting with nothing. i have not got a problem with traits doing more at 50% health it would be fine but they need some other effects like close to death should just give a small boost and then boost it to 20% at 50% health , Siphoned Power could then give a % chance of might on critcal hit above 50% and a guaranteed might per hit under 50% , same with death's embrace. i also agree with the massive amount of vul traits (bitter chill is pretty cool though) there needs to be more variate


I agree. Non-proc Traits tied to foe's hp shoud have good effects while under a certain % **but** also do something other than that.

We should take [superiority Complex](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superiority_Complex) as example.



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agree with most of ur posts.. BUT the spite line isnt even the most worthelss one.. i actualy always using this line on my main char that is a power necro.. mostly in wvw but also in daily/open world content. i find blood trait and death magic far more usless... the only reason u take blood trait is the group heal " aura" the rest ia absolute garbage. deathmagic is always uselss unless u make an open world minion master build just for the funz and styles.


That beeing said also in spite there is a good amount of useless traits. it would make total sense to make it a power necro/reaper/scourge with it. thenblood can be a beter healing group buff trait line... death magic not sure... i hate the minions with a passions. they pull aggro in pve and put me in comabt in wvw .. they are so shit

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Spite is the least of my concern to be honest as a necro main it has its uses and they have done small changes to it over time but I would be very scared if they changed this trait line too much

I do agree with this change some one above suggested

* Change Chill of Death so it activates when you hit a foe with 3 or more boons. That way it can actually be used as active boon removal rather than the very random and often pointless way it does it at the moment.


The idea here is that it turns it into something that can be used consistently on other players even when they are above 50% hp.

Ill keep posting my ideas on here as ive done in other places


* What it should be doing.

1. Undermining foes with conditions and raw nasty power from boon ripping /stealing

2. Constantly converting boons to conditions regardless of being power focused or condition focused

3. Life stealing... yes life stealing and im talking on % of damage not these little tiny fixed numbers that hardly scale with stats.



but here are my suggestions more or less


1. Spite:

* Personally i think this triat line is mostly fine with the exception of 3 traits , chill of death, Rending shroud, and that other bobo focus trait that no one will use in any game mode.

2. Curses:

* Once again mostly fine it does what it needs to do the only thing i would change here is bring terror back make fear a hard stun effect when traited with terror so that simply having resistance wont be good enough to shut down a necros only form of get off me (at core). Its bs that so many professions have redonkulous amount of clear or immunity to things like fear. (Fear and taunt shouldn't be conditions period they should be effects only hard breakstuns and and stability should combat them.)

3. Blood magic:

* This trait line is jacked up to heck. Remove all forms of altruistic traits with the exception of casting blood well on healing an ally in the down state. All other forms of altruism need to go. No more party vampiric aura no more heal on reaper skill 4.

* Remove healing to minions in the minor trait make it a like 2-5% of outgoing necro damage returned as healing,

* Change the major vampiric trait so that the necro heals for larger amounts based on outgoing critical damage only maybe 10% (curses already has a heal for condi builds so they should not be able to benefit from this unless they go full glass rampager or something)

* Change any other alturstic traits to selfish sustain or bonus damage traits.

4. DeathMagic:

* Remove any alturstic traits I think there is one that sits in the grand master that has high risk low reward.

* Make this line mainly about self tankyness/death denial and secondarily about improving minions dps/sustain.

* Make the bonuses to minions worth taking if you trait for it at a loss for something selfish then the minons should not be going down to 1 burst from a random player

5. Soul reaping (finally)

* Honestly not much to say here. Remove the 50% duration increase on fear to curses where it belongs and maybe turn this into a trait that breaks the necro out of stun for free like every other profession has.

* Oh wait... yeah devs if we give up a whole trait line into making shroud our BOOSTED weapon OF CHOICE please make it worth it. Right now its not very rewarding you press your profession mechanic and the boost of power form stacking a whole trait line into your profession mechanic is not there. PLEASE WORK ON GETTING THIS TO BE IN THE RIGHT SPOT.




* Some signets need to be updated. Signet of spites passive conflicts with its active, Vamp signets passive heal cooldown is too high cut it to a half second or less even. Make its active heal the necro for 33% of out going dps against the marked target there is no reason to have an altruistic mechanic on this signet.

Plague signet is ok but its missing its passive positive for the necromancer. What positive stat or effect do we get for pulling possibly deadly conditions. I wouldn't ask for much here but its the only signet that has absolutely 0 passive positive impact to the necromancer itself. Once again stop trying to make a nasty profession over altruistic.



* Scourge recently introduced a trait that could have made core necro oh so good "FEED FROM CORRUPTION!!!!" THIS TRIAT should be and should have been a core trait in curses or maybe even spite. The whole mechanic of this trait would have given core, reaper, and scourge a way to get those boons we are so rightfully denied in our trait lines. You want scourge to be support but you give it a trait that could let it power itself up by boon ripping or corrupting and its damage is still subpar to other supports while providing considerably less support than other support professions. Why this mechanic /trait was not apart of core necor I dont understand it fits the theme of core necro better than it does scourge.


Reaper does not need too many changes to be honest fixing core will solve most of reapers problems if done right reaper as the elite spec by itself is in a good spot.

Scourge i cant say because arena net does not or has not fully decided on how they want to handle scourge as of yet.


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