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Should Anet make 1v1 pvp ranked game mode?


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> @Halikus.1406 said:

> **WARNING: Wall of text incoming lol**


> The problem with spvp for me isn't because it is 5v5, it's because we have to control and cap/decap certain areas and battle aroud it to protect. Like I said in my inital post here this game mode clearly gives the advantage to certain classes/specs that can tank, have mobility to rotate, specifc roles that obviously not every class can fill. This game mode limitates build diversity for classes/specs too much since they have their "role" and they can't climb much farther without "adjusting" their build for that purpose.


The problem with build diversity is powercreep. Thiefs with shortbow 5 + perma switfness are the best decap in the game, necro with massive boonstrip/corrupt are the best for killing supports, scrappers and druids are the best to hold points against 2 or more people because of the excess of sustain and defensive tools. The game-mode is fine, but it would be way better if anet reduced how "role-dominant" some specific builds are imo.


> I can certainly understand the point of the people who like the game mode and those who are cautious because of the failiure with stronghold. But in my opinion it could be a lot easier to balance things around small and controled fights instead of team fights. In a team fight they dont have to worry only about the class performance but about the role they want to give to it too, the synergy between skills of different classes so they dont interfere or end up doing the same as the others, the combos interaction, the pace they want to give to the fight, slower or fast paced bursty, the indiscriminate spread of aoes (which is pretty much our issue now in big fights and blob fighting), and the list goes on.


Again, i think it's just powercreep. Not just damage powercreep, but sustain too. I think anet needs to balance damage, boons and self-sustain on supports and high sustained classes. Protect the support so the support can protect you, y'know? Also, WvW is just a shit show. that game mode wont change until anet stop rewarding players for walking around in huge groups.


> Balancing around the classes particularities and keeping its role in general, or redesign them if needed, could provide a better "balance" in my opinion. Because if each class has it's own tools agaist others, while keeping it's weaknesses at the same time like for example necro vs thief, they could in theory have a better control of things. Like, why are certain classes sooooo dependable of team support to fulfill it's "role"?


I rather have some classes being support dependent to achieve 100% of their power than just making them weaker but self sufficient. You can't expect an archer with longbow to do the same job as a full plated warrior and vice-versa. That's just me tho.


> Why not keep their roles and their weaknesses but give them tools to sustain themselves while not diverging to make them too overpowered, for example giving a specific spec/class high burst capability at the begining of the fight but low during it with average to low sustain while others the opposite of that or something else, this kind of thing. Because the way I see it today we have certain classes with those capabilities while others dont have the capacity to sustain themselves in that fight, which is an obvious advantage for that class but not only over the one the has been beaten but over all the other classes that don't have that capacity too. The point here being, why balance certain classes/specs around 1v1 AND team fight capabilities while others are only balanced around team fight or single fights, being this game one that revolves around builds you either balance them in the same way or give them the option to choose which one they want to focus. Necros are a good example of that, they are a team fighter but not remotely balanced around single fights, even though necros got a certain advantage agaist certain classes thanks to the boon/condi system, they dont really have the option to choose in this case, it's the players that try really hard to make it happen.


It's a team game. Making every class good at 1v1 will be boring. There will be no reason to have supports if you make the game balanced around 1v1. I enjoy having counters and easier match ups, its part of the game, it makes you change stuff around in the build and play safer or more offensive depending on the team comps.


> Why is almost every skill in the game a multi target skill even though there are specific skills for that purpose? Why not have classes with their particular "boons" and "conditions" but instead you made this sort of "unified system"? Because we clearly have an issue with indiscriminate and overused spread of boons and conditions atm, you can't and you won't balance them like this when you have an excess of things to deal with because instead of shortening the issue you create more to "fix" it when it's clearly doing the opposite.


If we reduce the number of AoE damage we would have "infinite teamfights", unless we nerfed supports to the ground. It's just powercreep. Also, limiting classes to certain boons would make the game unfair for certain classes. Imagine if only guardian could have protection and resistance? What if only warrior had might and only thief could have fury? That would hurt build diversity even more. The real problem is that we have "perma everything", we need to reduce the duration/quantity of boons, not the variety. I agree with conditions tho, i don't think any class should be able to put so many condis like theycan right now, but if we nerf the max condi output to 2~4 different condis per class we would also need to nerf the passive and active condi cleanse, because it's pretty overtuned too.


> I hope I could make myself clear because I'm not good at expressing myself in english. But to sum up 5v5/team fights got way too many variables to balance around and involving the player to seize control of something you're limiting their roles and their freedom way too much. I like how anet tried to create something unique in Guild Wars 2, they certainly did it in some points, but I believe they should make their purpose clearer. As an experienced gamer I'm still confused to what their intention is, because in each balance patch they change the classes so much that I sometimes can't seem to understand their objective it's like they are always unsatisfied with the state of the game, to me it seems like they are trying to merge a mmorpg with a moba type of game. I sure know that balance patches are important, even more with each expansion and it's new features for the classes, but the amount of "change" in GW2 balance patches are really something.


Yeah, 5v5 have too many variables but 1v1 would have no variables at all, it would be rock/papper/scissor, just like a lot of other 1v1 PvP games out there. As someone that played games with 1v1 arenas for 15+ years, i say no to 1v1 queues in GW2. It's a waste of effort/resource. It gets boring quickly, will have poor balance since anet can barely balance 5v5 and it will be abandoned very quickly by the **~₮ⱤɄɆ ₱V₱ ₱Ⱡ₳ɎɆⱤ₴~**™ because of l2p issues.


5v5 conquest have issues, i definitively agree with that, but in my opinion the worst issue in this game is that a lot of people suffer from the Dunning Kruger effect and **they're always circlejerking on the forums/reddit instead of playing the game learning to adapt to the game.** You often see warrior players complaining about scourge, scourge players complaining about deadeyes and warriors, etc. **You can't improve if you don't realize you're bad. It doesn't matter how good you are, you can always get better.** No, i'm not the best player in the world, but you will rarely see me non-ironicaly complaining about stuff, because i'm always having fun and paying attention on what i could do better in the game.

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1v1 is a great mode in games built around it and that have a very high skill cap (e.g - fighting games, RTS, etc), in MMORPGs which are built around group play, already have big issues trying to design/balance for PvE & PvP and where combat has a relatively low skill cap, then 1v1 is absolute trash as a game mode.

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> @zinkz.7045 said:

> 1v1 is a great mode in games built around it and that have a very high skill cap (e.g - fighting games, RTS, etc), in MMORPGs which are built around group play, already have big issues trying to design/balance for PvE & PvP and where combat has a relatively low skill cap, then 1v1 is absolute trash as a game mode.


This. 1v1s in this game is more for learning how to play against other classes than anything else.

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> @lightningz.1465 said:

> The playerbase is already too low to make 1v1 game mode


Anet quite literally said, "we don't want to split the pvp community"... this was right before they added Stronghold, their would-be flagship PvP game mode. So don't buy in to these lame "low population" excuses because facts will always disprove it. A 2v2/3v3 queue game mode would not break the game in any way nor will it increase queue times. History (stronghold release) has proven this.


Sure in-game map rules will need to exist to make up the 2v2/3v3 game mode but WoW has successfully implemented this. Anet just doesn't want to put in the effort for this type of game mode and they're 100% scared about balances/imbalances. Regardless, it would be 500% more successful of a game mode than Stronghold.

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  • 1 year later...

Hell yes... every comment ive read against it are from a bunch of incompetent pussy ass bitches who are either afraid of work or are scared to give someone something else for other people to be supierior to them at.... honestly i’d enjoy a 1v1 mode and 1v1 tornoments... and i dont see why devs cant balance 1v1 different than other pvp... gives them something to do... which in turn gives us something to do. And it’d add something new to pvp that might revive this game mode.

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> @"Chaith.8256" said:

> The blame will just shift from your teammates to the unfair builds and strategies your enemy used. 1v1 dueling is already a more dead game mode than conquest, totally not possible in GW2 for reasons too numerous to count.


What Chaith said.


You can make some really stupid builds for 1v1 even if it takes 1 hour to kill your opponent to still win.

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Dedicated Game mode? No, the game just isn't built for it. It's not even built around 2v2's being moderately balanced game mode with FB Scourge consistently dominating everything during the special weekend.


But what they should do is implement a duel anywhere system exactly like World of Warcraft's dueling that just let's you fight anyone anywhere if they agree to it. Put in an option to auto-refuse duels for people not interested. It'll be fun but low stakes enough for people to not actually care about how well they do and the overall 1v1 balance.

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If the game isn't competitively balanced then why are so many people against 1v1. It's just some fun duelling against others where the only damage is to your own ego. Maybe that's why so many people are against it. People can't handle losing and having nobody else to blame but themselves.


Changing your build to the most overpowered skills and traits every patch is skill in GW2. If your class gets nerfed most people would be better off just rerolling to the most overpowered class that hasn't been nerfed that patch. Instead of practicing just try to get the classes that kill you nerfed that's the GW2 way.


Don't forget to buy the next expansion because they will nerf the old elite specs to force people to use the new ones. More power creep so instead of 1v1ing we can just 1shot each other.


The real reason we can't have 1v1 isn't because the game isn't balanced for it. It's because the game isn't balanced objectively and instead they listen to the majority of subjective biased people crying about what killed them.


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No, even with bans it just doesn't seem like it would work. There's too much potential to cheese it in this game. There's classes that can't or have a very difficult time fighting 1v1s like Necro, classes that have a far too /easy/ time 1v1ing like Mesmer, and classes that you could simply endlessly troll such a mode with like Weaver, Soulbeast, Druid, FB, Thief. I'd rather see the time spent developing a gamemode like that go into balancing or fixing fundamental issues with Gw2 PvP in general rather than splitting up the scarce PvP population further.

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Game would literally just be condi mirage dueling builds and soulbeast. What they need to do is bring back game modes like Fort Aspenwood and Jade Quarry from GW1, make them 9v9 so one of every class is present on each team, and get people away from conquest so AoE spam and bunker builds aren't the be all end all.

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> @"Saiyan.1704" said:

> > @lightningz.1465 said:

> > The playerbase is already too low to make 1v1 game mode


> Anet quite literally said, "we don't want to split the pvp community"... this was right before they added Stronghold, their would-be flagship PvP game mode. So don't buy in to these lame "low population" excuses because facts will always disprove it. A 2v2/3v3 queue game mode would not break the game in any way nor will it increase queue times. History (stronghold release) has proven this.


> Sure in-game map rules will need to exist to make up the 2v2/3v3 game mode but WoW has successfully implemented this. Anet just doesn't want to put in the effort for this type of game mode and they're 100% scared about balances/imbalances. Regardless, it would be 500% more successful of a game mode than Stronghold.


What this man said.

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