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What titles do you display on your characters?


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Good ones only


Those kind of titltes, which actually kind of reflect the journey of my character's story over the years, like especially Hero of Lions Arch, or lately Primeaval Descendant or how that one is called in English again, which got added lately with PoF, as this one pretty much has that kind of vibe to me, that my current character is kind of a heroic person as a descendant of my hero character from GW1, like being some kind of living breathing legacy on two legs lol, as a primeaval descendant of my Main Character from 250 years ago, givign me the feeling, that when my character wears this title, that the person I descended from was kind of "legendary", that even 250+ years people respect my character for beign a descendant of practicalyl my main character of 250 years ago..


Thats why i like currently that one title the most, because is depthfully meaningful and not just only a fluff/fun title

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Depends on them. I do bosses on my Chronomancer, so she's The Sunbringer. My Reaper does my story, so she's Elonian Envoy. The rest depends on their personality. Not that I can quite remember what I gave them. I know my Herald is Honorary Skritt because she loves them. I thiiiink my asura Warrior is The Demolisher. She's pretty feisty.

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GWAMM for those who remember there was a time when that title was much longer than it is today. Couldn't spam ale had to wait it out LDoA took longer, now they have it were it can be done in a fraction of the original amount of time. Haven't seen anything in GW2 take as much time as earning GWAMM before Anet watered it down.

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I tend to select the one that fits the character best (or, during festive events, something that fits the current holiday spirit, like _Emissary of the Mad King_).


I have _Champion of the Gods_ (from filling the GW1 Hall of Monuments), _Fatebreaker_, _Eternal Gladiator_, _Grand Artisan_, _Fashion Collector_, _Spirited Drinker_, _Champion Paragon_, _Storyteller of Orr_, _Light in the Darkness_, and what not. My list of titles to choose from is long, but these are the ones I remember from the top of my head.

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