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What is the mother of all issues in WvW ?


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Tons of threads here tend to suggest (euphemism is my second language) that WvW may have some flaws. Lots of them raise over and over, with more or less good reasons, and interesting answers are often suggested. Then, maybe **one** of those issues is the mother of them all. Which one ?


Feel free to develop your idea in an answer.



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I love WvW and I don’t consider myself knowledgeable enough to really give a direct answer, but I feel as though condi is a big problem, too slow on meta changes, and rewards don’t seem that great when playing more supportive but idk, like I said I’m not an expert. Idk the answer but I believe some other players do and they should be heard because this game mode has a lot of potential.

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I find the problem is mostly irrepairable at this point. Light-handed addressing balance issues and a steady power creep because of PvE. But there's no sense of urgency. There's no safety in urgency. Mind you I only started back up to get the grieving trinkets since you can't get any from fractals.


Nobody wants a four hour raid to reap a handful of rewards. Dancing on our feet and finally going for the zerg v. zerg after 16 minutes of waiting is stupid. (Seriously, step into any large tier fight and they'll just run forward and backward for like 8-10 minutes before finally engaging). And at this point it's totally irreversible. The damage is already done. When you only have like 3 zerg fights in an hour (because of all the damned dancing) is it really a surprise that everyone decides the game mode is shit? The game mode has been progressively made with balance patches to eat your time as if we're all supposed to have nothing better to do.

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I voted other....... because the biggest issue is the Players. Doesn't matter what they to do mechanically to the game design.... we'll just cheese it for whatever unfair advantage we can manage. Primary conflict is motivation.... too many groups are overemphasizing only one objective, leading to a constant argument of whats more important. I'm guessing T1 servers don't deal with the man power shortage, because of the overstack... but I'm wiling a bet they still deal with stupid levels of guild politics.

A shortfall in the game mode is there being nothing to mesh the disparate elements for organic coop (the way open world does pretty well). This isn't a necessity, as groups can already organize for a common goal- but that bit dictation on the part of design gives players some direction.


Recall those big discussions prior to HOT about "what is the game missing?"..... most gravitated toward a hand full of vague statements.... "more challenge", "better rewards", "more choice", "more variation", "more focus"., "raids", etc.


What did WvW want? New maps, better objectives, harder to take structures, something to hinder blob fights, more map mechanics, plus all the various "nerf this, nerf that" demands. Desert Borderland gave us most of that..... but "didn't address the problem". Even the legacy borderlands had a lot of mechanics to work with, but we largely choose to ignore them in favor of the few we like. Players don't feel motivated to be cooperative, so we refuse to be that way. We could play the game as intended, but we don't..... we just don't see a reason to do so.


So while it is an over simplification of things....... Do the players really know what they want?

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Going with Other, as the options 1&2 are big on going issues from release. On top of this is rewards no matter what they do/add people will find a way to game the system and or only play on "winning" servers to get the rewards which kills every other server in the process (why do you think t1/2 are so over stacked vs others). There is also the matter of server lag which they can only do so much about but makes it a pain to play and have fun when lag makes it near impossible to get off skills/position correctly.

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> @Sovereign.1093 said:

> =) no particular goal


This. Tho I voted population balance cause its often major issue, so are skills not being balanced for this game mode resulting in some classes dominating the zerg fights and some others having so much stealth and escape mechanics that you cannot do anything with them.


But this no real goal is a big long-term dealbreaker. You do every day the same thing. Its very hard to keep motivated and too much of something is not fun. There is also nothing at stake, resulting in people not giving a **** about anything. The individual or even group performance also often feels like nothing, aka you can win every evening every fight and you will still go down if the enemy did their ppt in the night.


It needs some spice, like the over the week generated points pooling to some other resource and the final day would be some big siege or battle where winners will get real rewards and benefits for their guilds and servers. Something with substance, something that matters.

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Busy night on my server the other night, till WVW crashed.. all the time.

Yawn pirate ship.

EBG is the most fun, till skill lag hits and you can't cast. Then running around fighting no one in BLs is more fun... than going to the dentist.



I'm almost to the point I don't care about servers, can I just log in, have 3 EBG's and fight with my guild against every other guild in the game and have a blast?


How does 40 v 40 v 40 instances sound. Better than this current game mode. wvw instances. The way to go?

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The mother of all issues in WvW, in my opinion is the non-existent support it gets.


- There is no change in skill behavior between WvW and PvE mode.

- Balance in WvW is more or less completely ignored by the devs.

- ANet allows and encourages population imbalancement for easy gem sales thru links.

- Condition damage is just not fun or engaging to play against, also it's Condi META.

- WvW game mode receives very little updates or events.

- WvW has no balance team, the only balance team that exist is this game. Is the PvE balance team.......... :lol:


All and all the mother of all issues in WvW, is the fact that the devs don't care or support it anymore.

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I voted Other, because my issue is that **the developers are never enthusiastic about WvW**.

There hasn't been word of any update since O'Brien [spouted his excuse](

"spouted his excuse") for the expac being utterly devoid of WvW content, "This year we also took a different approach with PvP and WvW releases. In PvE, we make fresh new content with the goal of surprising and delighting you with our work, but in competitive modes, the community owns the game modes and chooses what we work on, and we definitely shouldn’t be surprising you with where we take those game modes. Instead our goal this year was to develop more incrementally, test with the community on Live, and take feedback every step of the way."

- Which doesn't read like, "**We're not doing anything**", until you combine, "we definitely shouldn't be surprising you", with utter silence.


Whenever there is a video the developers always look reluctant to talk about WvW and mumble their way through it. I guess it's hard to go to work and give a toss at the same time, but it'd be nice to at least see them _try_ to look like they enjoy it.


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