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Political Correctness in Tyria


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Humans and Charr are trying very hard to put their millennia long war behind them. It's very hard to talk peace with someone when you have their friend's or relative's skin crudely stretched across your body.


As a side note, I'm trying to imagine a human hide armor for the Charr. Charr are a lot bigger, so a human face stretched across a charr head would be pretty disturbing. Or it'd have to be stitched from two human faces, which won't look any less horrifying.

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> @Shroud.4683 said:

> So in GW1, warriors had Ascalonian Armor made out charr hides. Why don't we have that anymore? Is it still acceptable? Why is it acceptable to wear human skulls in armor and outfits, but not wear outfits made from bits of asura and Sylvari?


Skulls can be taken and used after someone has died by natural causes, whereas hides quickly rot away so you really can only get it from live Charrs killed for that particular purpose.


So a more apt comparison would be wearing decapitated human heads, not skulls.

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You know, I just realized that the title of this thread isn't even accurate. Political Correctness would be to stop calling sylvari "salad" or asura to stop calling humans "bookah" (which they have and I miss). Political Correctness doesn't really apply when you are mutilating bodies and turning it into a dress.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @Rognik.2579 said:

> > Well, it's entirely possible part of the peace treaty is that humans are to stop using charr hides in crafting their armor. After all, who wants to ally with someone who uses parts of their peoples' corpses?


> Necros do this already with their minions though...


I wonder about that. Are necro minions actual corpses, or simply beings who were never alive to begin with? My memories might be muddled, but I think I remember Traehearne saying something about his minions back in PS, about how his minions can't be corrupted by zhaitan because they were never alive to begin with. This sort of statement leans away from the idea of conventional necromancy.

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> @Westenev.5289 said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > @Rognik.2579 said:

> > > Well, it's entirely possible part of the peace treaty is that humans are to stop using charr hides in crafting their armor. After all, who wants to ally with someone who uses parts of their peoples' corpses?

> >

> > Necros do this already with their minions though...


> I wonder about that. Are necro minions actual corpses, or simply beings who were never alive to begin with? My memories might be muddled, but I think I remember Traehearne saying something about his minions back in PS, about how his minions can't be corrupted by zhaitan because they were never alive to begin with. This sort of statement leans away from the idea of conventional necromancy.


There's also necromancers in the world that state they were once dead. Like the whole Draithor the Drill event. If you fail to rescue the Black Lion Merchants, you can watch as Draithor one by one execute/kill them. The necromancer there would then ask you to go get the remains for her. After you do so, she turns them into minions to get revenge back at Draithor.

She would then comment by saying, "Such useful vessels. Their accomplishments in death have far exceeded those in life."


EDIT: Should also state that at least going by this instance, at least some minions (these at least) were once human.

While they look like typical minions that we use, still need to point out that Bone Fiends look like dead Devourers, Bone Minions look like they were once Skritts or at least Kitts (baby Skritts I think are called Kitts?), Blood Fiends look like Wind Riders, Flesh Wurms are skinned Wurms flat out, Flesh Golems always looks like the "abomination" version for Necromancers. They got the body/build of a dredge... but with added pieces within it.


And then the Awakened themselves are Necromancers, especially in their attacks/gestures/movements and what they control are the Awakened Mummies which were once humans as well.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @Westenev.5289 said:

> > > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > > @Rognik.2579 said:

> > > > Well, it's entirely possible part of the peace treaty is that humans are to stop using charr hides in crafting their armor. After all, who wants to ally with someone who uses parts of their peoples' corpses?

> > >

> > > Necros do this already with their minions though...

> >

> > I wonder about that. Are necro minions actual corpses, or simply beings who were never alive to begin with? My memories might be muddled, but I think I remember Traehearne saying something about his minions back in PS, about how his minions can't be corrupted by zhaitan because they were never alive to begin with. This sort of statement leans away from the idea of conventional necromancy.


> There's also necromancers in the world that state they were once dead. Like the whole Draithor the Drill event. If you fail to rescue the Black Lion Merchants, you can watch as Draithor one by one execute/kill them. The necromancer there would then ask you to go get the remains for her. After you do so, she turns them into minions to get revenge back at Draithor.

> She would then comment by saying, "Such useful vessels. Their accomplishments in death have far exceeded those in life."


> EDIT: Should also state that at least going by this instance, at least some minions (these at least) were once human.

> While they look like typical minions that we use, still need to point out that Bone Fiends look like dead Devourers, Bone Minions look like they were once Skritts or at least Kitts (baby Skritts I think are called Kitts?), Blood Fiends look like Wind Riders, Flesh Wurms are skinned Wurms flat out, Flesh Golems always looks like the "abomination" version for Necromancers. They got the body/build of a dredge... but with added pieces within it.


> And then the Awakened themselves are Necromancers, especially in their attacks/gestures/movements and what they control are the Awakened Mummies which were once humans as well.


Bone minions are not the skritt. The skull is straight up a human skull not a skritt one.


Necromancer minions appear to stitched together from miscellaneous corpses, Frankenstein style. For example Blood Fiends appear to be made up of some sort of large canine ribcage, but with tentacles.


Now it is true that all of the necromancer minions use the same animations as other species within the game. However I am quite confident that this is more of a case of classic animation reuse on Anet's part than any intentional lore goody. Arenanet does have a history for reusing animations for multiple unrelated things, especially in the vanilla game.

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Call me nekophob if you want, but as a GW1 player I will never forgive the charr as a race the sacking and despoiling of Ascalon, as much as I will never forgive Joko for the de facto destruction of the sunspears. I had sometimes quite a hard time working against the separatists and Caudecus for that reason.

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Lets see.. Humans will wear armor with Human Skulls, I am sure Charr would be more then happy to wear armor with Charr Skulls on it.. especially those taken from the flame legion.


And lets not forget that Charr and Humans are still fighting *ebonhawke" for example, and there are humans and charr what will attack each other and want to keep up the hostilities.


With that said, I could see cross race skulls if they made sense, like Sylvari (Nightmare court specifically) wearing Asura Skulls, as a sign of their dislike on how they were treated initially.


The only race that would be out of place wearing the skulls of another race, would, as irony would have it.. Norn.

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> @extremexhero.9178 said:

> I play Sylvari and we wear our brethren all the time. :)


That's not accurate. But the reality is no less bizarre.


Sylvari inherited some plant magic from Mordremoth. One ability is controlling their leaves/bark/etc.They can style them like humans do with hair: grow them out, trim them, cut them off, shape them etc.


Some Sylvari wear clothing but the vast majority are naked.


Also you can't exactly make an outfit from Sylvari because the plants would rot.



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> @extremexhero.9178 said:

> I play Sylvari and we wear our brethren all the time. :)


Not really. I get that most fabrics like cotton for example, are pant material, but to call that "our brethren" would akin to a Human calling leather their brethren. They are not the same. The cultural Armor, IIRC, is supposed to be our bodies, growing out, like, the fur on a Charr for example. However, given how resilient our bodies are as a Sylvari, for normal everyday life, clothing would be more a luxury or worn for modesty sake, then a necessity, as it often would be far weaker then our own forms, even leather would not compare to the durability of the plant based fiber of a Sylvari Body.


> @TheConquerer.8639 said:

> Are they real skulls, or just carefully carved ornaments used for decoration?


This is a good question, it would make more sense for them to costume skulls, made of metal rather then real bone, especially if they were part of armor, as bone would shatter to little bits given the fights we get into.

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