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Infinite Unbound gathering tools.

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I was wondering if anyone could tell me the last time these were available? I am wondering how long till they will likely return.


I really really want permanent gathering tools (outside of Pick, got the Wacthwork) however it would be foolish I'm to buy anything but these.


Kinda lame they are not a permanent gem store fixture as they render the others less than ideal by a large margin.


Edit: Great I see they were on the shop for the Anniversary. Right before a ton of people myself included came back to the game........


Well hopefully they will come back soon, fingers crossed I hate buying gathering tools multiple times per day.

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You're probably going to be waiting a few months, unfortunately. I regret not grabbing them myself, but I couldn't justify paying that many gems just for tools for one toon. It was only after the sale ended that I realized that if I bought the tools _and_ 3 shared inventory slots then I could share them between all my characters.

Hopefully we get another shot at them sooner rather than later.

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I can't quote on this forum for some reason lol.


Sorry to hear you missed your shot, hopefully it's not a few months. I didn't miss a shot, I never had a shot lol. I played this game, for a bit back at launch. And then like many people came back in mid September for PoF, the tools last appearance was in August, which leaves the very large amount of players, that returned for PoF in the cold.


I hope it won't be a few months for that very reason. They are missing a ton of pontential sales. Of course they may be trying to sell those players the other Perm tools, then sell them the UBM ones.


I am not shy about spending money on this game, but I will not be doing that lol. I am not going to waste 30 on tools that I will only use temporarily. I do that enough with costumes that I buy and never use hehehe.


Which, I know the scaricity system is working on me lol. However with these tools, that simply isn't okay. To lock a item with a major advantage behind a cash shop cycle is beyond wrong. Costumes are one thing but this is just shady business practices.

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> @"Cyber Locc.9836" said:

> I can't quote on this forum for some reason lol.


> Sorry to hear you missed your shot, hopefully it's not a few months. I didn't miss a shot, I never had a shot lol. I played this game, for a bit back at launch. And then like many people came back in mid September for PoF, the tools last appearance was in August, which leaves the very large amount of players, that returned for PoF in the cold.


> I hope it won't be a few months for that very reason. They are missing a ton of pontential sales. Of course they may be trying to sell those players the other Perm tools, then sell them the UBM ones.


> I am not shy about spending money on this game, but I will not be doing that lol. I am not going to waste 30 on tools that I will only use temporarily. I do that enough with costumes that I buy and never use hehehe.


> Which, I know the scaricity system is working on me lol. However with these tools, that simply isn't okay. To lock a item with a major advantage behind a cash shop cycle is beyond wrong. Costumes are one thing but this is just shady business practices.


Yah, I understand. People felt the same way about the Watchwork Pick as well which is why I believe they added it to the store permanently. Why they decided to treat the unbound tools differently I don't know.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @LightningWolfTigerBear.6725 said:

> > ...I believe they added it to the store permanently.


> Nothing in the shop is permanently available. Everything eventually cycles out (as well as back in later).




The Wacth Work Mining Pick is permanent, as are lots of other things, bag slots, bank slots, bank expanders, upgrade extractors makeover kits, name change contracts ECT.



> @Menadena.7482 said:

> It is even stranger with the unbound tools because every day that goes by someone has all the unbound magic they need. There is the extra strike but most of the time that is not a factor.


You can never ever ever, have all the Unbound Magic you need. You can make some serious gold with Unbound Magic :p.


I don't know if it is different for WvW or If the Wacth Work pick got buffed, but I got like 2 Sprocks per Synthezier last night, 1 gave me 1, 1 gave me none, 2 gave me 3, 1 gave me 4, 6 gave me 2.


19 sprockets in the short time I was WvWing (busy day yesterday) was pretty much on one map, and didn't go out of my way for synths at all lol. With the current price of sprockets that's a gain of 75 silver.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @TheGrimm.5624 said:

> > @Ardid.7203 said:

> > Why are these tools so good?


> Because they allow you to gather unbound magic at the same time as whatever else you are harvesting. And that leads to ascended jewlery, backpacks and other useful materials.


Yep, that's it.

For mining I use my Watchwork Mining Pick, to gather sprockets. For Logging and harvesting I use the Infinite Unbound Magic Gathering Tools. I think that's the best choice for gathering tools?

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> @Myrdreth.6829 said:

> > @TheGrimm.5624 said:

> > > @Ardid.7203 said:

> > > Why are these tools so good?

> >

> > Because they allow you to gather unbound magic at the same time as whatever else you are harvesting. And that leads to ascended jewlery, backpacks and other useful materials.


> Yep, that's it.

> For mining I use my Watchwork Mining Pick, to gather sprockets. For Logging and harvesting I use the Infinite Unbound Magic Gathering Tools. I think that's the best choice for gathering tools?


Correct, the UB magic axe and sickle are the only tools that give you something extra. UB magic pick or watchwork pick are a matter of choice; personally I need tons of UB magic so I use the corresponding pick, but the sprockets are great too.

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> @Hevoskuuri.3891 said:

> > @Myrdreth.6829 said:

> > > @TheGrimm.5624 said:

> > > > @Ardid.7203 said:

> > > > Why are these tools so good?

> > >

> > > Because they allow you to gather unbound magic at the same time as whatever else you are harvesting. And that leads to ascended jewlery, backpacks and other useful materials.

> >

> > Yep, that's it.

> > For mining I use my Watchwork Mining Pick, to gather sprockets. For Logging and harvesting I use the Infinite Unbound Magic Gathering Tools. I think that's the best choice for gathering tools?


> Correct, the UB magic axe and sickle are the only tools that give you something extra. UB magic pick or watchwork pick are a matter of choice; personally I need tons of UB magic so I use the corresponding pick, but the sprockets are great too.


Thanks for answering :)

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @Myrdreth.6829 said:

> They are back :)


Good catch, and thanks for posting in case the OP missed the news.


Oh, and if anyone has suggestions about items they'd like to see added to or made available again through the Gem Store, feel free to post in [this thread.](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/348/suggestions-gemstore-items "this thread.")

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Ok so let me get this straight - if i use unbound magic tools to mine or cut or harvest any node (outside living story zones ) or wvw sentazisors - i get unbound magic in addition to my normal harvest loot ? If this is true i think ima buy those tools today later on. The reason is well.....i could use the unbound magic to but things i need in bloodfen.


But i hope the harvest chance is near 100%


Ty for replies.

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> @Anthony.7630 said:

> Ok so let me get this straight - if i use unbound magic tools to mine or cut or harvest any node (outside living story zones ) or wvw sentazisors - i get unbound magic in addition to my normal harvest loot ? If this is true i think ima buy those tools today later on. The reason is well.....i could use the unbound magic to but things i need in bloodfen.


> But i hope the harvest chance is near 100%


> Ty for replies.


The harvest chance is 100% for every single gathering: for a normal metal node you'll get 3 times a variable amount of unbound magic.

If you gather a lot, it's helpful :)

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > @Myrdreth.6829 said:

> > They are back :)


> Good catch, and thanks for posting in case the OP missed the news.


> Oh, and if anyone has suggestions about items they'd like to see added to or made available again through the Gem Store, feel free to post in [this thread.](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/348/suggestions-gemstore-items "this thread.")


You know, those 3 tools had a bug a while back where it put you into a mode where you had your weapons unsheathed, even if you had them sheathed before you started gathering. They fixed the plant one and the mining one, but the wood one still forces your weapons out.


In the event that the person who worked on fixing it the first time is within shouting distance. :)

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  • 3 months later...

> @"Winegum.2395" said:

> are the infinite unbound gathering tools still worth it with new LS4 maps coming out? Is there likely to be a new currency to replace the need for unbound magic?


We have no way to know if the timeline will remain the same, but the unbound tools came out with or around Episode 5 of LS3. If it does remain the same, we can probably expect to see an infinite set of volatile magic harvesting tools somewhere around October of this year.

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