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The Future of WvW...


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@Guizao.4167, ive talked about that as well, felt that players just want to be Pro stackers with 20/30+ on each side spamming all the aoe gimmick agaisnt each other...


Many dont know how good and skilfull gvg was, and here they want to be carried with their stacking gimmick, they dont want proper gameplay with objectives...


When they call dthemselves pro gvg's and all they run is 30+ blob with tons of aoe's stacking alot of the most OP's classes xD .... it tells ALOT about the game.


@Dawdler.8521Dawdler.8521, i dont think many players will like those games, still some mmo's will sufer a remake on 2018 as well, may can still surprise if well remade.

The reall WvW mmo that is comming not in a near future migh be ashes of creation, wich is pure WvW on its pve (funny how people ocmplain how everything feels clunky and some class dont even have decent shaders while game is still on alpha xD).


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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"primatos.5413" said:

> > hope crowfall will do it better bcz rather playing another kitten NEW game than this kitten OLD one .. ^^

> No doubt it will!


> Crowfall and Camelot Unchained, been killing the dead WvW since 2016... wait 2015. Or was it 2014? I cant remember when people first started saying they would kill WvW.



WvW is killing itself.

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> @"ThunderPanda.1872" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"primatos.5413" said:

> > > hope crowfall will do it better bcz rather playing another kitten NEW game than this kitten OLD one .. ^^

> > No doubt it will!

> >

> > Crowfall and Camelot Unchained, been killing the dead WvW since 2016... wait 2015. Or was it 2014? I cant remember when people first started saying they would kill WvW.

> >


> WvW is **fixing** itself.


There.... much better now.

Gw2 players want to be carried with aoe spam w/o need to know in depth the game... the game was made for badies some are requesting to much skill to be aplyed on this game.


it is a game designed just to 1 type f players....


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Any part of Guild Wars 2's content will become stale/boring if that particular piece of content (WvW) is all you do. Try doing other things than playing one of the many aspects that make this game great. Besides, all I tend to see on the WvW forums are people complaining that they don't get, "Phat LOOTZ" in WvW, and how the rewards aren't great enough, and how WvW is the only thing GW2 is. Seems a lot like a bunch of self-entitled people just wanting more and more from a game aspect like WvW, that was intended to be a larger outlet than sPvP to join together with your fellow server mates, and work towards being, "Top Dog", at the end of the week. Now all people want is shiny mountains of loot for doing something so simple as following around some dorito on the map, and spamming 1 on your keyboard.

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> @"Odokuro.5049" said:

> Any part of Guild Wars 2's content will become stale/boring if that particular piece of content (WvW) is all you do.(...)**Now all people want is shiny mountains of loot for doing something so simple as following around some dorito on the map, and spamming 1 on your keyboard.**


**Any part of the game is boring due several reasons, that is WHAT made me play on WvW...**



Well that is what ANet have turned this game into quite some long time ago... Still i do believe that is exactly what Anet wanted WvW made for, besides game was done with just one player type in mind...


Bad class, skills design(theres a huge pve vs pvp conflict in classes design), wich ends by classes havin no depth or almost none, they also ended with to much AOE, cleaves...spammable that is needed to make pve players feel strong playing the class.

Awfull Skills balance, one of the worst companies i have seen, all in the name of pve just for player feel and look cool....

Bad visual clutter management when designing the skills, the visual clutter reached is climax with PoF spam.

Add rewards for no reason rather than increase the gameplay depth, and then add rewards if needed.

Gameplay isnt much about player sided skill, since it cant be since it is a game designed for casual and bad players at mmo's, it is way more like what gimmick are u runing, and how broken the spec/build have become due reasons already stated, that is what metas are in GW2... not really the real defenition of meta...or what a meta build should be.

Anet killed Guilds, they are just chat rooms in gw2....


There is alot... but really alot awfull things going on this game on the last 4 years... and Anet keeps enforcing them rather than observe and notive that is not a good path to follow....



Edit... when the game has lots of stuff added and most feel like a mistake and fixed with something even worse... or something bad that was added just to kitten the player and make those who want to be carried leech.....and be happy..


**GW2 has the worst ideal to built a game on.**




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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"primatos.5413" said:

> > hope crowfall will do it better bcz rather playing another kitten NEW game than this kitten OLD one .. ^^

> No doubt it will!


> Crowfall and Camelot Unchained, been killing the dead WvW since 2016... wait 2015. Or was it 2014? I cant remember when people first started saying they would kill WvW.



Let's be honest, while those games both have a WvW-realm style dynamic, they also have a whole boatload of bloat alongside them that's causing them to take forever to develop. I wouldn't be surprised if somewhere in a dark corner there's an indie doing a stripped down Realm-based game that'll steal the glory from the pair of them and rightly so.

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Yeah, the glory (and hype) for CU, died about 3 years ago. Crowfall is not far behind in the "could have been" category. My wife and I refunded our CU money last month.

Sadly, there just really isn't anything "good" coming. Even just from an MMO perspective, the top pending games just don't look good. Ashes of Creation looks terrible and Pantheon, while seemingly kind of cool, I think is going to fall short.

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> @"HantuDuppy.8562" said:

> I believe WvW is a failed experiment, and think development time would be better spent elsewhere; like Living World, raids and fractals.


Not enterilly experimental, they wanted to merge, FA with AB on larger scale, but on gw1 worked cause skill design and classes were not made to carry players.

But yes, it is a failure... but that is due ANet dont want to add mechanics and want to make a game all about power creep and gimmick...


EOTM was actually their experimental thing, and that is a failure no matter they add, even Anet never experimented nothing there... lol

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> @"HantuDuppy.8562" said:

> I believe WvW is a failed experiment, and think development time would be better spent elsewhere; like Living World, raids and fractals.


I wouldn't call the fact that there's been a loyal population for over five years despite the myriad flaws and obvious red-headed stepchild status, "failed".

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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> At this rate, if it keeps up, the future of wvw will be 1 commander per map roaming with a _zerg _of 6 players. That's the future of wvw.


If your lucky you get 1 commander per map.. more like 3 commanders divided among all maps.. and sometimes all on the same map.


But as others said, WvW was a good test for GW2, but with more dedicated RvR games coming out, I don't think the WvW in GW2 really has much in the way of a future.

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> @"Nuka Cola.8520" said:

> At this rate, if it keeps up, the future of wvw will be 1 commander per map roaming with a _zerg _of 6 players. That's the future of wvw.


That is what some servers already are.... i used to log, go to eb or some bl... 3 or 6 players and a tag,

It is a ktrain or get ktrained gameplay... :\


Then 1 day in the weak, we manage to get similiar population of the other server... they vanish since they cant ktrain and we get to ktrain and gets boring as well as getting 2 serves ktraining your stuff ....

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the reason ppl hate the desert map was because it remove content from the game the alpine map. the issue wasn't the map in itself, rather it was that alpine map is needed to keep the game in fast pace. having 3 desert map and no improvement to ebg literally turn the game into a stagnant camping game because it was not worth the commander's time to switch map and track all the way to the keep as compare to the hit and run distance afforded by alpine. the solution we gave anet which is to mix the two isn't a perfect solution but it does resolve the missing strategy cause by having all large map.


but it is always going to be a slow death because the server are becoming increasing imbalance and trying to balance them by looking at the past trend proof problematic because the majority population which usually doesn't play wvw can decide to play for some reason and totally unbalance the server, there is no real solution around it. you could argue that if a player doesn't play wvw for 3 month, he should be removed from the server and force to pick a new undermanned server to join to do wvw again, but all these are very big fundamental changes that can break other things... especially the community that is oppose to removing existing server even if it would massively improve the game balance because it is canabalistic and they invested much on the server community to just abandon it...


as for link server, i think of it being generally good. except that i feel that the server should have more say in how it is link. i know that won't be easy as it mean introducting a bunch of politic into the game itself. but i think the reason ppl are against is is simply because they feel they lack any control over it.

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Here is what I see in the future for wvw:


1. People will continue to stack servers as best they can to Ktrain (while claiming they want good "fights"...change that to "loot" to be accurate)

2. People will continue to use third party tools/macros

3. Anet will rely on us to submit videos because they can't detect the hacks

4. Then, they will ignore the submitted videos, because the third party user will claim they have bad ping

5. People will keep complaining about stacked servers ruining the game

6. People will eventually realize, WvW really is just blob PvE with structures and siege and take whatever action they deem prudent.

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> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> Here is what I see in the future for wvw:


> 1. People will continue to stack servers as best they can to Ktrain (while claiming they want good "fights"...change that to "loot" to be accurate)

> 2. People will continue to use third party tools/macros

> 3. Anet will rely on us to submit videos because they can't detect the hacks

> 4. Then, they will ignore the submitted videos, because the third party user will claim they have bad ping

> 5. People will keep complaining about stacked servers ruining the game

> 6. People will eventually realize, WvW really is just blob PvE with structures and siege and take whatever action they deem prudent.


Typical Gw2 player atitute, im so pro, im soloing with 10 budies vs 1 and u need to l2p.. :}


Your point 6 is what Anet wanted and i feel they always stated that since the game presentation, the thing ins the awfull/wrong game direction vison made that way worse that turned Gw2 into complete mess, the rewards system, game mechanics are dumb and bad even to observe, visual clutter, balance and class design... yest this is what Anet wanted to achieve for the real game population target.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > Here is what I see in the future for wvw:

> >

> > 1. People will continue to stack servers as best they can to Ktrain (while claiming they want good "fights"...change that to "loot" to be accurate)

> > 2. People will continue to use third party tools/macros

> > 3. Anet will rely on us to submit videos because they can't detect the hacks

> > 4. Then, they will ignore the submitted videos, because the third party user will claim they have bad ping

> > 5. People will keep complaining about stacked servers ruining the game

> > 6. People will eventually realize, WvW really is just blob PvE with structures and siege and take whatever action they deem prudent.


> Typical Gw2 player atitute, im so pro, im soloing with 10 budies vs 1 and u need to l2p.. :}


> Your point 6 is what Anet wanted and i feel they always stated that since the game presentation, the thing ins the awfull/wrong game direction vison made that way worse that turned Gw2 into complete mess, the rewards system, game mechanics are dumb and bad even to observe, visual clutter, balance and class design... yest this is what Anet wanted to achieve for the real game population target.


I think games like Crowfall will pull all the players that want a solid RvR game, leaving WvW to be a Alternate PvE game mode. Which might not be a bad thing.

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- stop linking

- delete dbl

- towerskins

- better rewards for winning servers

- better rewards for smallscalegroups

- better rewards for defending

- make keeps etc a little bit less tanky

- new tactics etc

- special guildrewards for holding things for a amount of time

- balance condi (last update was a good direction)

- balance direct dmg

- balance this skillspamming

- new siege(?)

- siege skins

- make it a little bit less rewarding for blobs to cap keeps (maybe by the time it takes to cap it - if you need longer you get more karma etc)

- ingame voicechat (?)

- create categories for servers like "pve" "wvw"

- kick players from servers who are longer then X offline


dont take everything to serious, just ideas

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Interesting it seems very good that the community wants to join to see the future of what is for me the best of GW2, I come from other games and I can tell the pve are many better without offending anet, I have read most of your post, im veteran I have been playing this game for a long time, I was a long time in pvp and pve, until 3 years ago I started to play Wvw competitvo and I have something to say, stop complaining that you can not kill a zerg with 15- 20 organized, clearly if it is by skill and strategy, that only move left, right, back, forward, is not ability to face 50, anet is not to blame that you do not want to use your characters or think differently if you just want spam skills, do not blame anet because you want it to be easier WvW, please anet some time ago anet puted surveys but the community always rejected their characteristics, do you remember the cannon portable?, fu**, that time everyone voted to improve the match, you do not want to play, what ypu want is to make a few clikcs and kill a player, if you want that so better to play pve against a IA who stays still, unlink the servers hahaha if you are not good is not the fault of the links if not of you that matter, if you are low tier but you know how to fight as champions, the tier is not important, I know better groups of 20 than zergs of 50, wvw is not to play alone if you are playing alone and you want to win advininen you have to play as a team stop complaining for the links.

we want features but not destroy WvW.

Put yourself in the place of anet they do something and you start criticizing their maps ,their characteristics, I as a developer would only improve the software itself and new things I do not add them because the client never knows what he wants. I started complaining because I'm tired of talking about links better ask to increase the number of map gamers, would a server for map and that features need money, instead of saying the links remove because it is difficult to fight against high-population servers, i preffer feautures than complain,sorry for the lapse hate, im calm now,

-I want better rewards for groups smallest

-More palyers for map

-Optimization graphics like "graphics potato" or something like that i have good hardware but i know people with potatoes and they have a lot lag when zerg incoming

-use feautures from edge of the mist like a sentry more harder, habilities more harder in tier 3 forts,towers without affecting the level of life and cc depending on the players nearby

-another map new :D, i like Desert but that map need more people on the map.

thankyou for read and sorry if I offended someone have a good day

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