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The Future of WvW...


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> @"ThunderPanda.1872" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > > people do not like links or dbl. ppl are just fans so they tolerate the game.

> > >

> >

> > people dont like DBL for 2 reasons:

> >

> > The 1st is because they cant hide on the close tower or keep, it has more place to happen open fights, and that makes it harder to ktrain so they want a alpine to get ktrain w/o much effort, the 2nd reason is because the game lacks mechanics for WvW, Anet fixed that by adding rewards, rather than new mechanics, and DBL design and size shows how this game is lacking them, DBL is to good for what gw2 is, a game that does not offer much but pretends to offer alot.


> DBL is the ktrain map. Too far to defend on time (so people just don't defend), too tall that makes traversal annoying, too gimmicky that makes it annoying.


Deserted BL was a pve leftover map meant for next to silverwastes or somewhere, hence all the elevation changes that were obviously for a gliding map. Then they amended it for wvw, threw in a different pve 'event' in the middle, then let a couple guilds test it a week or two before release, ignored the feedback and imposed it on us. But couldn't make the effort to enable gliding on it from release.


It's clearly not meant to be a wvw map. No objective has any effect on any other, and they missed the opportunity to make it a more balanced map for all three sides.


It's better now we can glide in it and they took away the stupid barriers, but it's still pretty much a failed map.

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There is no future for WvW. Anet have given up on this mode long ago. Doesn't take a new player long to realise this. Crowfall will be coming with a 100% WvW mode, no PvE mode, no spvp split and a full support and balance. In the meantime, Anet is gonna make the next addon, after that they change the genre from MMORPG to MMOFPS.

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I feel that ANet should remove several servers just to get numbers built up for WvW.

I feel like EBG, should be "THE", WvW map, make it a bigger map to encompass more players, ect.

Also I feel fresh server transferers, shouldn't be able to join WvW until new link-ups or a period of a few months+.


Or make three factions, your guild chooses a faction, WVW is made into a mega-server, the factions will be controlled by locking ones that are over-filled ect. to maintain a three way balance.



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> @"Odokuro.5049" said:

> I feel that ANet should remove several servers just to get numbers built up for WvW.

> I feel like EBG, should be "THE", WvW map, make it a bigger map to encompass more players, ect.

> Also I feel fresh server transferers, shouldn't be able to join WvW until new link-ups or a period of a few months+.


> Or make three factions, your guild chooses a faction, WVW is made into a mega-server, the factions will be controlled by locking ones that are over-filled ect. to maintain a three way balance.




Big map becomes karma train maps - eotm/dbl.

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> @"ThunderPanda.1872" said:

> > @"Odokuro.5049" said:

> > I feel that ANet should remove several servers just to get numbers built up for WvW.

> > I feel like EBG, should be "THE", WvW map, make it a bigger map to encompass more players, ect.

> > Also I feel fresh server transferers, shouldn't be able to join WvW until new link-ups or a period of a few months+.

> >

> > Or make three factions, your guild chooses a faction, WVW is made into a mega-server, the factions will be controlled by locking ones that are over-filled ect. to maintain a three way balance.

> >

> >


> Big map becomes karma train maps - eotm/dbl.


Not really, it is the extremelly bad design Anet have showed the last 5 years and the lack of mechanics that does that.


Being on EOTM or DBL, Alpine map and EBG are also Ktrains, map size has nothing to do with that.

This is just a game for amoabas...feel something else than amoebas.


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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"ThunderPanda.1872" said:

> > > @"Odokuro.5049" said:

> > > I feel that ANet should remove several servers just to get numbers built up for WvW.

> > > I feel like EBG, should be "THE", WvW map, make it a bigger map to encompass more players, ect.

> > > Also I feel fresh server transferers, shouldn't be able to join WvW until new link-ups or a period of a few months+.

> > >

> > > Or make three factions, your guild chooses a faction, WVW is made into a mega-server, the factions will be controlled by locking ones that are over-filled ect. to maintain a three way balance.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Big map becomes karma train maps - eotm/dbl.


> Not really, it is the extremelly bad design Anet have showed the last 5 years and the lack of mechanics that does that.


> Being on EOTM or DBL, Alpine map and EBG are also Ktrains, map size has nothing to do with that.

> This is just a game for amoabas...feel something else than amoebas.



When maps become large, it is a lot harder to travel, to defend. Of course unless you ditch the BL principle and have a map with three sides, and multiple disposable objectives in the middle.


But in the end, even with larger map you can't prevent people from blobbing up.

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There is no future for WvW. It's been broken since launch. It can't/won't be fixed by Anet and it the players don't have the organization to try to fix it.

WvW needs to be scrapped and redesigned as version 2.0 that has a few more core values added to it.


Any PvP game mode should be balanced, both skill balanced and population balanced, WvW never has had balance.

Any game mode that is core to the main game should be maintained, WvW has never been maintained.


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> @"Aridon.8362" said:

> Funny you mention all of this, my guild actually spoke with a dev assigned to WvW about this mind you I intend on keeping the identity and job title secret, but basically he said people like the linked servers and the desert BL. Also to add to your dilemma people think they're good at their classes because they can 3v1 a person down or condi spam them to death. Go figure, this game kinda sucks anyway I debate a lot about quitting altogether considering the number of flags I keep receiving by anet on these forums for saying stuff that triggers all their social justice warriors, and how soft a lot of the players have become.


Ditto, and this is the problem about listening to the wrong people. We can't assume that everyone has an equal voice because we don't. For example, they can't and shouldn't be taking feedback from me regarding raiding because I barely raid and have no idea what I'm talking about. On the flip side, you can't take someone's opinion on WvW who barely plays it and no idea what they're talking about it. We continually see this all the time with people asking for nerfs when they don't seem to understand that some classes are just better suited against others, much like rock, paper, scissors.


The excessive flagging occurs more to your point about how soft people are becoming (both players and devs). Can't criticize anything, might hurt people's feelings, and yet, the quickest, cheapest, and most cost effective way to fix things to any meaningful degree is to publicly call people out.


To your point OP, unlinking servers would destroy a bunch of servers likely driving many people out of the game for good. This is about the worst thing they could do.

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> @"ThunderPanda.1872" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > @"ThunderPanda.1872" said:

> > > > @"Odokuro.5049" said:

> > > > I feel that ANet should remove several servers just to get numbers built up for WvW.

> > > > I feel like EBG, should be "THE", WvW map, make it a bigger map to encompass more players, ect.

> > > > Also I feel fresh server transferers, shouldn't be able to join WvW until new link-ups or a period of a few months+.

> > > >

> > > > Or make three factions, your guild chooses a faction, WVW is made into a mega-server, the factions will be controlled by locking ones that are over-filled ect. to maintain a three way balance.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > Big map becomes karma train maps - eotm/dbl.

> >

> > Not really, it is the extremelly bad design Anet have showed the last 5 years and the lack of mechanics that does that.

> >

> > Being on EOTM or DBL, Alpine map and EBG are also Ktrains, map size has nothing to do with that.

> > This is just a game for amoabas...feel something else than amoebas.

> >


> When maps become large, it is a lot harder to travel, to defend. Of course unless you ditch the BL principle and have a map with three sides, and multiple disposable objectives in the middle.


> But in the end, even with larger map you can't prevent people from blobbing up.


True, but blobbing up should not be that much reawarding has it is, blobbing and stacking is nothing wrong it is normal in this kind of games and gamemodes, the game design just made it the easy way for rewards (this game is all about rewards and titles only...), and if u have lots of players on each side sometimes, 3 way's game cant handle it, while Anet keeps adding more aoe and spammable stuff, not adding properlly content for that style of gameplay.

Tho theres several reasons DBL didnt ended good besides it's size, it is big cause game lacks mechanics and Anet added simple gimmicks like the shrine jump pads, rather than creaate content and gameplay improvements.


It is simple bad design overall.

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