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Devs on WvW fight guilds


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> @Namer.9750 said:

> There are plenty of ANet devs that play WvW, and yes, do run with fight oriented guilds. The ones I personally know (and know of) aren't WvW Devs, but they're with ANet anyway.


> Most likely, the WvW devs in particular avoid joining specifically WvW focused guilds, or if they do, stay fully incognito. Two reasons: One is, well, you only have to read this thread to figure out how they'd be treated if they showed themselves openly. **Yes, I'm calling out those of you who would keep trashing on them as if it's 2015. I mean, those of you who say they never see devs? _You're_ the reason for that Please get on with the times.**


> The other is that they have to stay clear of being biased. Don't even try to deny that if you knew a dev personally, you'd try to persuade them to make whatever playstyle you personally prefer, at the cost of playstyles others prefer.


Well said. I'm surprised and impressed that any of them read (and even post) on the forums, given the steady drone of entitled whinging any time they make a change to the game or make their presence known. I'd imagine it's worse in game, especially if they're playing it just to unwind and have fun on their off hours.

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