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Chat Translation APP


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Away from the masses of useless tools like DPS meters, you might be able to integrate something groundbreaking: How about a DEEPL APP for the GW2Chat?

Quite apart from the fact that GW2 would set itself apart from all other MMOs, it could perhaps also solve a problem that I personally have: the strengthening of international servers in their coexistence.


For this you might have to add a GW2 typical vocabulary. Such as certain common abbreviations and statements. Done;) No, probably not sooo easy.


completely forgotten: what is DEEPL? Well, this one: https://www.deepl.com/translator


I originally wrote this:

Abseits für die breite Masse unnützer Werkzeuge wie DPS meter könntet ihr doch vielleicht etwas bahnbrechendes integrieren: Wie wäre es mit einer DEEPL APP für den GW2Chat?

Ganz abgesehen davon, dass sich damit GW2 von allen anderen MMOs weit absetzen würde, könnte es vielleicht auch ein mir persönlich anliegendes Problem lösen: Die Stärkung von internationalen Servern in ihrem Zusammenleben.

Dazu müsste man vlleicht noch einen GW2 typischen Wortschatz hinzufügen. Wie z.B. bestimmte geläufige Abkürzungen und Aussagen. Fertig ;) Nein, Vermutlich nicht sooo einfach.


ganz vergessen: was ist DEEPL? Nun, das hier: https://www.deepl.com/translator



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In World vs. World I don't think you would need that, as you are usually linked with others from the same language.


And even if not, English should be quite the spread language and I think everyone of us had it in school (being German myself). The grammar you learned there should be sufficient to have the minimum talk the DEEPL I think would create.

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ANet doesn't always do such a great job of integrating 3rd party tools into the game seamlessly. (e.g. the original TP, which used [Awesomium](http://awesomium.com/), resulting in all sorts of client-side hiccups and worse).


I think the way to "sell" ANet on the idea would be to present evidence of games that use DEEPL (or some similar translator app/API) to generate sales in new markets. For example, we frequently see posts in the forums requesting the game be made available in other languages (recently: requests about Russian, Ukranian, Portuguese, & iirc, one of the Scandinavian languages). It's too costly for ANet to hire staff to make that happen (immense one-time costs and substantive ongoing expenses) — there just aren't likely to be enough new customers to make that a good financial investment.


However, if there's a good enough translator, that would be a one-time programming cost along with a lesser level of ongoing maintenance, and, in theory, it would apply to lots of languages.


@"Silver.2076" do you know of any games that use this (or its equivalent) now? Can one make reasonable claims about new sales or opportunities?

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