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Poll - Which is your favorite Path of Fire elite specialization.

Cave Rock.4869

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Vote now and choose wisely perhaps by selecting the elite specialization that matches your main character. If your having trouble deciding and need some information or advice why not stop by and watch/listen to my presentation/discussion on the nine new elite specializations coming with the second expansion for Guild Wars 2 when Path of Fire launches on the 22nd of September 2017. The list/options of elite specializations were placed in Alphabetical order. It is no reflection of my personal preferences or subjective bias. I wish to remain as impartial as possible but helpful. An undecided listing/option was added for either people who could not chose, refused or intends to stay with core or Heart of Thorns elite specializations.


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My vote went to the Firebrand because that will be my main when I get back playing Guild Wars 2. I have liked everything about playing Guardian since the Launch. But in a close second place would be the Weaver based on just how amazingly fun it looks to play and the sheer amount of work put into it by the development team at Arenanet over the years. I can't even pick a third because I like so many of them it is hard to choose between them all but the next in line and certainly contenders were the Holosmith, Spellbreaker and Deadeye. Surprisingly I was not a fan of the Deadeye at the start now I am warming to it. On the fringe for me is the Scourge at the moment. I am not to keen on the Soulbeast, Renegade or Mirage. But that is just my personal opinion I am sharing with you all.


Everyone is allowed there opinion and I really would encourage to keep this poll as positive as possible. Plus friendly and welcoming for new people picking up Guild Wars 2 for the first time or just supporting older members of the community through a time of shifting metas. As it can be a positive experience for some people who are happy with the new elites or challenging, concerning, worrying and finally frustrating if these changes don't meet a players expectations. Especially veterans of the game who have mained a certain profession for a long time.

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> @Eros.6801 said:

> idk, tho there are many negative thoughts around soulbeast but i really love the idea of using dagger it make me feel more like an adventure with your best friend beside you ( Pet ) and use each other power to fight the enemy, well i guess im just reading too many manga :p


Thanks heaps for sharing 'Eros', I like the name also as I studied the ancient Greek language and also Mythology. It is a fitting name at the moment because many of us desire to play the game in the want way but also love it to. Eros was the god of love and lust/longing I guess in a way desire. No more lessons from me, but thank you once again Eros for sharing.

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> @Abelisk.4527 said:

> Mirage--illusionary ambush is my favorite rng/gamble utility in GW2 now, the concept of playing around like a true illusionist is so thrilling. Although I don't like basically every other utility (except Jaunt and False Oasis), I love the axe and some of the ambushes.


Now you see me now you don't. That really is also how I originally invisioned the Mesmer. It can now be done exceptionally well we hope.

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Can't say i'm surprised at scourge abysmally low popularity. Scourge seems like a spec that's great to play but revolting to look at.


I voted for renegade (despite being necro main). Kalla skills may suck, F skills be questionable, but the weapon was badly needed (finally ranged dps), and the traitline is diamonds - so many new builds available with free crit chance, ferocity, condi damage or condi damage reduction!

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> @ZeftheWicked.3076 said:

> Can't say i'm surprised at scourge abysmally low popularity. Scourge seems like a spec that's great to play but revolting to look at.


> I voted for renegade (despite being necro main). Kalla skills may kitten, F skills be questionable, but the weapon was badly needed (finally ranged dps), and the traitline is diamonds - so many new builds available with free crit chance, ferocity and condi damage!


True if there is one thing Renegade has it has to be offense with buffs like Kalla and being capable of great hybrid damage. Although I assume they will need plenty of support to survive. I would like to think of the Renegade as a team offense player. The opposite of previous team support roles. The Renegade is kinda of unique it that sense because I find in my opinion that they are like the first to kind of fill this role largely. I know the Deadeye fills that role also in some regard if traited that way. But that role seems more in grained within the Renegades make up.

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It is really great that people are voting. I do wonder why there have been no Weaver votes yet. As that is my second favourite. I am surprised no one has voted for it yet. As it looks so fun to build for and play. The double attune alone is a stand out for me. Avatar like in look and style of play. Tempest was great but Weaver look absolutely awesome!

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> @"Cave Rock.4869" said:

> It is really great that people are voting. I do wonder why there have been no Weaver votes yet. As that is my second favourite. I am surprised no one has voted for it yet. As it looks so fun to build for and play. The double attune alone is a stand out for me. Avatar like in look and style of play. Tempest was great but Weaver look absolutely awesome!


The questions is how good is weaver at stay alive while killing things fast enough and so far looking at the results from the stress test...I see no positive results.

When it comes to pvp/wvw well the weaver can be summarised as " tempest with a sword, same dps, arguably more personal sustain but no support".


**The sword leaps are 450 range when guardian is 600 and instant**

The only gap closer ele get in 5 years aside from a 40 lightning flash and a quite visible RTL...is a teleport with animation...c'mon


The results of the pool come with no surprise for me


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> @"Cave Rock.4869" said:

> > @ZeftheWicked.3076 said:

> > Can't say i'm surprised at scourge abysmally low popularity. Scourge seems like a spec that's great to play but revolting to look at.

> >

> > I voted for renegade (despite being necro main). Kalla skills may kitten, F skills be questionable, but the weapon was badly needed (finally ranged dps), and the traitline is diamonds - so many new builds available with free crit chance, ferocity and condi damage!


> True if there is one thing Renegade has it has to be offense with buffs like Kalla and being capable of great hybrid damage. Although I assume they will need plenty of support to survive. I would like to think of the Renegade as a team offense player. The opposite of previous team support roles. The Renegade is kinda of unique it that sense because I find in my opinion that they are like the first to kind of fill this role largely. I know the Deadeye fills that role also in some regard if traited that way. But that role seems more in grained within the Renegades make up.


Actually i'm looking at the other end of it - Renegade being a great spec for defense oriented players. It has so much good offensive stuff crammed in there, that now you can grab retribution line, defensive stat sets (soldier/sentinel/wanderer etc) and have a build that's both reasonably durable and outputs good damage in PvE. Before you either popped like a baloon wearing berserker's, or you took ages to kill a normal mob if you went with defensive stats, not to mention if you had to fight at range with hammer. That's almost too close to just standing there doing /wave emote in terms of damage...


And yes, i'm saying that as a beginner rev, not experienced one. Experienced high skil revs probs don't need anything defensive, but i think they'll come to terms with all that crit chance, ferocity and extra condi damage....somehow ;)


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> @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> I am surprised that Deadeye is in the lead! I thought it would be a niche build that only a few of us cared for. Looking forward to playing as one :)


Perhaps it will not be so niche, I know I had fun making builds for the Deadeye that synergised so well with the core Theif traits. I was actually surprised myself because all I could do upon hearing about it was cry foul that it would be overpowered at range and up close. I guess we will see how it goes.

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I voted for Holosmith with Soulbeast being a distant 2nd with Theaf and Spellbraker not even being concidered.

Firebrand would have to do a lot to make me give up my Dragon hunters longbow.

Weaver in it's curent state was just too complicated for me to wrap my head around.

All the other classes were just meh. /shrug


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