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Poll - Which is your favorite Path of Fire elite specialization.

Cave Rock.4869

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I voted deadeye. I played swtor for 5 years before this game and played sniper and operative a lot. Deadeye is kinda like a mix between those two (not exactly, but kinda). I'm no stranger to kneeling mechanics and love waiting for my prey to move into my crosshairs.


I think it's a nice addition to the class specialization options. It fits in my opinion as thief is a moment of opportunity type class. You can port and and insta gib someone using melds weapons or you can hang out on the back line and mark your target for death with range. Different play style, but still kind of the same.


I don't believe it will be better than daredevil. In fact, I think daredevil will wipe the floor with it in most aspects, but I don't care. It opens up sniping to me and it was super fun when they made it available for testing. Way more fun than d/p daredevil.


I am so stoked for deadeye that I decided to craft The Predator.

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> @Lily.1935 said:

> Scourge. I'm tired of fighting with shroud as a mechanic and being the most selfish class in the game. So bring on the sand shaman!


Welcome to the poll and discussion Lily, Thanks for voting and commenting. I read on the forums that there might be some consideration as to allowing the use of the utility or elite skills in conjunction with the Shroud mechanic. That surely would be interesting to see, but whether it became overpowered is in my book a question that would only be answered with careful testing. I like the sand shaman comment because from what i remember of when i played the original Guild Wars, the Scourge in my opinion looks and feels like the old Ritualist.


Anyways Lily, your support and insightful comments are much appreciated. Cheers from Cave Rock.4869 and Bluevoltron42.

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> @"Cave Rock.4869" said:

> > @Wolfey.3407 said:

> > I voted soulbeast,

> > I do like the ability to go dagger main hand. I really enjoyed some of the new pets, especially in PvP. The concept of melding with your pet is rather cool; however, the effect for it is a little over the top and needs to be reworked a little.

> > There is still quite a bit that needs to be ironed out...

> >

> > Honorable mention to Scourge! <3


> Can I ask what your favorite Soulbeast pet is and the reason why? Also btw do use wolf pets? :)


Sorry for the late reply, didn't get the notification :/

My favorite soulbeast pet has to be the Juvenile Jacaranda.


Minus the GW1 love, I find it's healing skill " Photosynthesize " very powerful and handy as a secondary "oh kitten" situations.

For WvW & PvP i really love call lightning. It deals a nice amount of damage and applies a nice amount of vulnerability stacks.

It's almost strong enough alone, to finish a downed opponent, which allows me to focus on other players while the lightning takes

care of the downed player. It also has the ability to immobilize players which is very handy in WvW or PvP with a couple of classes.

Yes, there is condi cleanse, but are you really going to waste it that fast?


I use to use wolves a lot, i'm guessing you're asking because of my account name. However, their use has sort of fallen out of favor

with HoT and the use of Electric Wyvern(Raids/ PvP), Bristleback(PvX), Smoke Scale(PvX), and Black Moa (raids).


What about you?

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> @typographie.1742 said:

> > @Zin.6170 said:

> > Surprised to see so few weaver votes. Class will be complicated, but really fun.


> Yeah, funny to see how the initial hype turned around. I'm interested in it specifically *for* the complexity. I hope it's challenging and rewarding to play. I want to impress my friends. :tongue:


Typographie, I watched the poll at the start extremely closely and it was very interesting, because the Weaver elite specialisations was a slow starter. I think the reason was that people were confused by the complexity, but once they figured out how much the Weaver had to offer they persisted. Then people realised how flexible and adaptive the elite would be, and we're like yeah I dig it! I can really make a build out of this and a name for myself.


Typographie, I am sure you will impress/wow your allies and the enemies! The challenge is now set for you to master the Weaver. Good luck and I hope you enjoy the learning process.

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> @Oglaf.1074 said:

> I wish I could be psyched for Spellbreaker but I just can't.


> Dinky little daggers for my Norn warrior? Seems to be an entirely WvW/PvP-focused spec? Nah, it just doesn't get me hot under the collar in any way or form....


I can see what you mean they just don't suit a big tough Norn. Hmm at least you can make use of the utilities and elite possibly. Plus I hear that the heal is pretty powerful and on a low cooldown.


Good luck working out a build without daggers you tough looking old Norn Warrior or Spellbreaker? :)

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> @Smiggles.6823 said:

> Hoarding HP atm in prep for Weaver dropping and playing a meleementalist. Pve/power focussed Air/Water or Air/Arcane weaver.


> Can't wait!


From what we know at the moment there will be a new Path of Fire type proof of heroics which will come in WvW chests. So my belief currently is that the past points can't be used, but we will have to wait and see the patch notes guess.


Sorry, Smiggles to be the bearer of bad news.

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> @Taohaza.4205 said:

> Yolosmith ╮ (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) ╭ Even thought my main is mesmer and will be the first character I take to PoF. Weaver is a close second.


Mirage got some updates apparently you might want to check them out. Plus the Holosmith took a reduction to damage in PvP which was reportedly bugged. The update notes for all the nine new elite specializations are on these forums.


Btw thanks Taohaza for participating and sharing your opinion on what you see as your favorite Path of Fire elite specializations.

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> @ProtoGunner.4953 said:

> Seems the Horrorsmith and Scourge takes the lion's share. Anyway, I am also excited for Mirage, despite all the negativity.


ProtoGunner, how are you going? Thanks for voting, interesting name for the Holosmith (Horrorsmith was that intended or auto-correct?). Look yeah the Holosmith has been in a really good position since the poll started. I think it is because of the flashy animations and also the traits are very interesting to build with in the editors. Plus the profession seems fairly straight forward. When people get playing it they may be surprise with some of the drawbacks of the heat mechanic from the photon forge. Killing you self by overheating may be really frustrating and get to some people. A power damage bruiser with excellent escape moves has really captured peoples attention definitely in SPvP. I am just not sure how viable it will be in other game modes like WvW.


Me personally i like the Holosmith and i think it would be a fun and interesting class to get into the nitty gritty of learning how to play it properly. I bet there are many tricks to pick up before one really can call themselves a master Holosmith. Plus who wouldn't have fun wielding a light-saber.

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> @Zeghart.9841 said:

> I LOVE magehunter-style characters since I'm generally not too fond of caster classes, so Spellbreaker is right up my alley.


> Shame that it doesn't seem to cut it for PvE, but I'm sure I'll have a blast with it in WvW.


> Holo is probably my second favorite, can't wait to dust off my ol' Engie


Hey Zeghart, I am glad you found your favorite new Path of Fire elite in the Spellbreaker. I know you'll have fun hunting down folks with boons for sure. Getting those casters will be a blast. I think the Spellbreaker is in a really good position with the new Meta so it is a good pick in my opinion. Best of Luck Zeghart.

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> @Rennie.6750 said:

> I voted deadeye because it would be nice to have a few viable range specs but it doesn't look like it's going to happen anyway so nothing. I'm not even excited about firebrand for my guardian, it seems to be a complete mess with no general direction or purpose.


Hey Rennie, you sound a bit disheartened by the prospects presented to you with the nine new elite specializations. Some folks in the thread have felt the same and i guess it is only natural to be unsure without further testing or an extended period of time to play with the elite. But i am sure you will find a spec or build that fits your play-style. There has been a few updates to the new elite and some balancing to come for the core profession trait lines. So take heed in the idea that something amongs the upcoming launch note might be right up your all. Plus also don't be afraid to try out new professions if you really don't like what has been offered to your main, as a lot of other people will be doing the same thing.


I wish you all the best Rennie in your hunt for an elite that matches up to your expectations and that you end up enjoying it. Also don't forget you can always just play an older build if it works. Then PoF will be great for the story and mounts as well.


Cheers from Cave Rock.4869 and Bluevoltron42.

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> @PainbowBrite.3785 said:

> Should probably scrap this poll with all the QQ over scourge


Hey there again PainbowBrite QQ over Scourge i saw the update but i have heard no QQ over the Scourge. I mean it would be rough with less people effected by your shades, but i am sure Arenanet had a good reason to adjust something before Path of Fire went live. Robert Gee is very attentive and listening to the feedback on the forums. If you or others have concerns i am sure his is watching and taking notes. Just give constructive feedback guys and girls, no pitch forks please because the balance and skills team don't deserve it at all. What they do deserve is our support and thanks.


Cheers PainbowBrite, don't worry or panic i am sure things will work out just fine.

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> @Josmhan.4756 said:

> I am ready for soulbeast myself. I enjoyed it what little I got to play they weekend it was available.


Hey Josmhan, Yeah you would have needed way more time to test out all the combinations on the Soulbeast pets. There is a crazy amount of complexity with the Soulbeast to actually learn the elite and to eventually master it. I think one problem is the skills seem to be a bit gated with the Soulbeast. Hard to access when you need them but apart from that you have so much condition damage options and some boons to support you.


I tried making a build for the Soulbeast but my lack of experience with ranger was really showing because haven't learned all the things that the pets could do. If you main a ranger i am sure you will be stoked, i know my buddy is biting at the bit to sink his teeth into playing the Soulbeast. He is really looking forward to figuring out some awesome builds. I think one really positive bit with the Soulbeast is how many different options you get to max out certain stats based upon what your pet gives to you when you enter beast-mode. That looks really fun. To top it off one of the pets i think it is the Iboga gives you a pull move if i am not mistaken, which should be crazy fun in WvW pulling enemies off towers :)


Anyways i am rambling a bit. But i am sure Josmhan you will have a great time playing the Soulbeast. I bet you are bursting to play it in the next couple of hours.

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