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Sword dagger weaver feels weak


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have you watched the video "1 shotting weaver" in wvw section, it is extremely powerful with sword dagger, i have hybrid gear can easily hit 12k fire grab and 15k churning earth... in pve. The video maker use full zerger gear i suppose, can 1 shot other players in couple sec.


I recall the build was fire 1, 1, 1 / air 3, 3, 1/ weaver 3, 2, 1

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> @Crossaber.8934 said:

> have you watched the video "1 shotting weaver" in wvw section, it is extremely powerful with sword dagger, i have hybrid gear can easily hit 12k fire grab and 15k churning earth... in pve. The video maker use full zerger gear i suppose, can 1 shot other players in couple sec.


> I recall the build was fire 1, 1, 1 / air 3, 3, 1/ weaver 3, 2, 1


Yes, but it lacks any defense to be able to do that constantly.

Mes, engi, ranger and thief can invis, wars and guards can invul and block for days...

You get an ele, try to one shot someone with that, they proc a invul/block and you are toasted... best you have is AS that blocks only 4 attacks...

You probably will get killed by a opponent you just downed...


The only thing that build is good for in WvW/PvP is get some cherry-picked footage on reddit to win some karma.

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I'm in zerk (str runes) and s/d works fine for trash mobs. I'm tired of clunkyass staff, scepter isn't good for aoe damage and dagger gets locked out of key abilities in weaver mode.


Fire / arcane / weaver -- Arcane brilliance, fire signet, primordial stance, arcane wave. Easy permafury and 20+ stacks of might.


Riptide + arcane brilliance when pressured, may add more blast finishers for more heals.


Primordial stance makes it easy to clear all sorts of trash mobs with the vuln + burning or burning + bleed.


I really don't see how people say sword does no damage. It's somewhat clunky but the damage is there.

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> @Kashrlyyk.5364 said:

> > @Crossaber.8934 said:

> > ... i have hybrid gear can easily hit 12k fire grab and 15k churning earth... in pve. The video maker use full zerger gear i suppose, can 1 shot other players in couple sec.

> >....


> Against what enemies??


Champ giant in Orr, just do that right after i have watched that video.

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> @Junkpile.7439 said:

> Well i don't know how to play, but it still feels weak compared other specs. All harder mobs destroy me in second and damage seems to be bad too. Over 3k power, over 240% crit dmg and over 60% crit chance and still dmg is low.


Sword is weak as an offensive weapon. It shines on defensive setups thanks to Riptide and Earthen Vortex and decent hard and soft cc.

Just swap out Sword for Dagger in PvE if we dont get any major DMG Buffs on Sword tomorrow. Lighning Whip and Drake Breath alone will surpass everything you can do on Sword (dmg-wise)

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Water/arcane/weaver sword/dagger (can just drop water, I just prefer that tree for more sustain)

mostly Viper gear

100% burning/bleed condition duration


Less dmg than the meta dagger/focus variant, but the dps is more than solid. A lot more survivability than dagger. It just wreck any solo content they throw at u.

Also way funner than Dagger and its derping camping fire attune gameplay.


I don't like full power sword. Maybe that's your problem.

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> @Junkpile.7439 said:

> Problem is that i take too much dmg. I don't have blocks, tons of evade or good healing. Water 2 earth 2 should be good defense combo, but it really doesn't heal kitten when one hit takes 50% of hp. :)


what are u fighting exactly? anyway Sword is better than dagger when it comes to survivability, focus also is better than dagger at it, but u shouldn't really need it in PvE for that reason. So there's only getting better at it.




if you are using a power build:


1 - start using some **valkirie/marauder** alongside your berserk gear and use the sword trait for more HP, get yourself an higher hp pool for an easier time recovering from big hits or missplays. reach that 15k/17k hp pool, or more if you feel like you need it.

2 - consider using the water tree for more sustain

3 - what heal are u using? The Signet should be good with a sword build, I just stick to the Glyph nowadays tho.

4 - you can just go full defensive utilities Lightning Flash / Arcane shield / twist of Fate. If you are using Arcane tree, double Arcane shield + reduced CD on it.

5 - Energy sigil on weapon for more dodge


btw like I said viper, sinister, grieving whatever u have, should just feel overall better at sword weaver than pure power builds.

when you don't have to struggle to deal dmg , surving also become easier.



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> @killahmayne.9518 said:

> that's because it is weak. honestly to balance it I can see them toning down some of the healing and sustain on the sword and addding more dmg.


That would be a really bad move.


- First, the healing and sustain is nothing in PvE, where the dmg is really needed on sword to make it a viable hybrid spec.

- Second, the sustain in sword (in pvp/wvw) is nothing compared to other specs like spellbreaker, druid or scrapper. Those specs get much more healing, stealth, evade and/or blocks and are not locked out of their dmg for that. Weaver needs to go into water (no dmg skils) to get an evade and some heal/cleanse, and it needs to be fully traited for that to work efficiently. 3 traitlines to achieve one active skill combo to keep you alive, where other classes have it all on their main kits or passives.


I'm all for a transfer from direct effects to coefficients, but flat nerfs, as some people seem to be suggesting, is just completely out of reality with the current capabilities of other classes/specs.

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> @killahmayne.9518 said:

> that's because it is weak. honestly to balance it I can see them toning down some of the healing and sustain on the sword and addding more dmg.


No, because it's not even remotely close to be an issue in anything that isnt "high level" pvp and "top performing" raid dps.

there's a lot to improve in how the player is actually playing if someone is having issue outside those zones.

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I am not a ele main at all.. I have each class leveled to 80... usually I make builds and run Ascalon cat. solo and typically if I can make it to the end I am comfortable enough with the build.... I can do this on literally every class but elementalist. xD I know I am doing something wrong.. I just know it the learning curve for this class seems steeper than most other classes... But still I feel like I don't output enough damage... I cant even kill the monks in this dungeon alone... or I HAVE to use my elite and sometimes that barley does it x.x.. I am open to suggestions

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  • 1 year later...

Learn sw/d rotation and have it running when killing mobs (no need for elite skill, usually run arcane wave, glyph of storms and primordial stance), if you need any defense you can go for fire/earth for skill 3, you can also easily chain cc mobs with air/earth mostly and then swapping to fire/air for the knock back followed by skill 2 of fire or skill 4 of air as a gap closer. On ele, when alone, never be afraid of getting downed that much as long as you have the damage because primordial stance and downed lava font will mostly help you rally and if it's a death anyway, it's better to go all in to live, try to run and you're dead with these 2 skills wasted. If you ever faced any issues with tankiness, you can add some marauder or celestial stats on minor stat gear, you can also swap air for arcane, you can also pick 1/1/2 in fire trait line to generate might. Pick flame legion runes, they are easier to maintain their 6th bonus than scholar and better for small hitbox targets. That's it for the power build.


You can go sc/f condi build which has a lot of defensive abilities while still doing great damage and easier to rally when downed, you can look up SC for tips, it feels a lot better with the higher complexity and running through all attunements most of the time yet one of the hardest builds in the game.


If you can't go air/fire power build or earth/fire condi, you may consider going arcane/fire power to get the feel of the class with some boon support and lower attunements cd, you can also pick twist of fate for arcane wave/conjure weapon.



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> @"neodemus.8937" said:

> discovered snowcrows.com

> with:

> https://snowcrows.com/raids/builds/elementalist/weaver/sword/


> no more whining guys

> it works :-)


Call me when this build works in wvw or spvp. Till then pve still a joke of a game type in gw2 where its a numbers game where many effects are not even of use. Spvp and wvw is where your going to get the full use of all effects in gw2.

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