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Sword dagger weaver feels weak


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> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> by this point, we all know: mirage, deadeye, soulbeast, holo.


> Ele is not longer wanted in the game and anet does its best to get people away from it. They have their pet classes, especially everything mesmer and everything thief. If you play something else, you must be punished.


When will people stop using "pet class" as an argument? It's like the most dumb reason you can come up with.


Do you think that thief mains were happy between HoT and PoF while ele was permanently on top of pve benchmarks and thief wasnt even close to that? Or rangers who didnt have a dps build until mid-HoT?


Everyone is aware of their main class' weaknesses so they'll be vocal about it and compare it to best performing build on class X and demand buffs. You can see that on engi forums, warr forums etc. but we all here know they are better than ele in pvp. That doesnt make engi and warrior Anet's pets.


Powercreep happens on every class, but on different game modes. Anet is just slow with balancing. That doesnt make a certain class/espec their "pet".

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why should thieves top of the dps benchmark in the first place? As an easy attack-out-of-stealth-vanish-into-stealth class with no fear of retribution, they should not be allowed to do any damage at all. Unless they throw away stealth.


Similar with mesmers. That a mesmer can jump you out from nowhere for 24+ damage and just disapper is utterly broken. We don't even need to worry about warrior's brain damaged full counter mechanic or soulbeasts rapid shot, with that idiocy around.

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that's the dumbest argument. why should ANY class be top of DPS?


why should guardian have top DPS and top defense in aegis, regen, protection, healing?

why should ranger have top DPS and pet for tanking and damage, and 1500 range attacks and best group healing?

why should warrior have top DPS when they already have the best HP and armor?



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> @"MyPuppy.8970" said:

> "What they lack in physical toughness, they make up in versatility and the ability to inflict massive damage in a single attack. "


> What they said. Lack in physical toughness and versatility is still true though.


I get that but a lot of that ideal is that there is a physical attk and magic attk system and that not realty the way gw2 works. Unless they mean condi dmg as magic attk. Its just add weaver has more vit and realty over all more tankly then core ele and tempest.


I would love to see the dmg build this person put up for pve work for pvp but i cant see it working. I think that the problem. Less about dmg more about being able to do dmg have it mean something and still be able to live.

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